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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Emergency Communication: Setting Up a Family Communication Plan

9/7/2023 (Permalink)

During times of emergency, effective communication is vital for the safety and well-being of your family. Whether it's a natural disaster, a medical emergency, or any other unexpected event, having a well-established family communication plan is essential. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up a family communication plan to ensure that everyone stays connected and informed during emergencies.

Create a Contact List

Start by creating a comprehensive contact list for all family members. Include their full names, phone numbers, and any relevant medical information or allergies. Additionally, include the contact information for emergency services and any out-of-town relatives or friends who can assist in case of regional disasters.

Choose a Primary and Secondary Meeting Place

Identify a primary meeting place where your family can gather in case of an emergency near your home, such as a designated room or a specific spot outside. This location should be easily accessible and safe. In addition, choose a secondary meeting place, preferably outside your immediate neighborhood, in case you cannot reach the primary meeting place.

Establish Communication Channels

Determine the communication channels you will use during emergencies. This can include phone calls, text messages, social media, or email. Take into account that during large-scale emergencies, network congestion might make it difficult to rely solely on phone calls.

Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each family member. For example, designate one person as the emergency contact who will be responsible for communicating with relatives and updating them on your family's status. Assign someone to be in charge of gathering emergency supplies, and another person to be in charge of pets or small children.

Practice and Rehearse

Regularly practice and rehearse your family communication plan to ensure that everyone is familiar with it. Conduct drills or simulations to test its effectiveness. This will help identify any weaknesses or areas that need improvement.

Keep up-to-date with emergency alerts and warnings through local news channels, radio, or official emergency management websites. Many communities offer notification systems that send alerts directly to your phone, so sign up for those services.

Secure Important Documents

Make copies of important documents, such as identification cards, passports, insurance policies, and medical records. Store them in a secure location, either in a fireproof and waterproof safe or on a cloud-based storage system. This ensures that you can quickly access these essential documents in case of an emergency.

Periodically review and update your family communication plan. Regularly update contact information, revise meeting places if needed, and adjust responsibilities as necessary. It's crucial to keep this plan relevant and up-to-date.

Having a well-thought-out family communication plan is a proactive way to ensure that everyone stays connected and informed during times of emergency. By creating a contact list, establishing meeting places, choosing communication channels, and regularly reviewing and updating the plan, you are taking important steps to protect and care for your family during challenging times. Remember, effective communication is key, so invest the time and effort to establish a comprehensive family communication plan—it may make all the difference when it matters most.

Common Issues Uncovered During Fire Sprinkler System Maintenance and How to Address Them

8/19/2023 (Permalink)

Fire sprinkler systems are a critical line of defense against fires, providing valuable protection for homes and properties. To ensure these systems function reliably when needed, regular maintenance is essential. During routine inspections, professional technicians often uncover common issues that, if left unaddressed, could compromise the system's effectiveness. In this blog, we will explore these common issues in more depth and provide helpful guidance on how home and property owners can address them to maintain the optimal performance of their fire sprinkler systems.

Corrosion and Rust Buildup

Corrosion and rust buildup are common issues in fire sprinkler systems, particularly in older properties or those exposed to harsh environmental conditions. Corroded pipes and sprinkler heads can hinder water flow and reduce the system's overall efficiency. The presence of rust can also contaminate the water supply, making it less effective in fighting fires.

Addressing the Issue:

To combat corrosion and rust buildup, property owners should prioritize using corrosion-resistant materials for replacement pipes and sprinkler heads. Regular pipe flushing is also essential to remove sediment and minimize the risk of rust accumulation. Engaging professional technicians who have experience in dealing with corrosion-related issues will ensure the proper assessment and repair of affected components.

Obstructed Sprinkler Heads

Over time, sprinkler heads can accumulate dust, dirt, or debris, leading to blockages that compromise their functionality during a fire emergency. Obstructed sprinkler heads may not distribute water evenly, leaving certain areas inadequately protected.

Addressing the Issue:

Property owners should schedule routine inspections and cleaning of sprinkler heads to ensure they remain clear of any obstructions. Technicians can use specialized tools and techniques to remove debris without causing damage. In environments prone to dust or debris accumulation, installing protective covers on sprinkler heads can help maintain their effectiveness.

Leaks or Damaged Pipe Joints

Leaking pipes or damaged joints can cause water wastage and reduce the water pressure within the fire sprinkler system. This decrease in water pressure compromises the system's ability to effectively suppress fires.

Addressing the Issue:

Inspections should include a thorough check of pipe joints for signs of leakage or damage. Prompt repair or replacement of any damaged sections is vital to prevent further deterioration. Utilizing pipe sealants or joint compounds can also be beneficial in preventing leaks from occurring.

Inadequate Water Pressure

Insufficient water pressure within the fire sprinkler system can hinder its ability to provide adequate coverage during a fire event. Low water pressure may result from various factors, including water supply issues or clogged pipes.

Addressing the Issue:

Regularly testing water pressure is critical to ensure it meets the manufacturer's specifications. Property owners should collaborate with certified professionals to evaluate the water supply and recommend suitable solutions to address any water pressure issues. Installing pressure-regulating devices can also help maintain consistent water pressure within the system.

Improperly Positioned Sprinkler Heads

Misaligned or improperly positioned sprinkler heads can lead to uneven water distribution, leaving certain areas vulnerable to fire damage.

Addressing the Issue:

Property owners should conduct visual inspections to verify that all sprinkler heads are properly positioned and oriented correctly. If any misalignments are detected, immediate corrective action should be taken. Technicians can reposition or realign sprinkler heads as needed, ensuring comprehensive coverage and maximum effectiveness.

Blocked Fire Sprinkler System Control Valves

The control valves are crucial components of fire sprinkler systems, responsible for activating the system in response to a fire. Blockages or malfunctions in these valves can prevent the system from functioning as intended during emergencies.

Addressing the Issue:

Regular inspections and testing of control valves are vital to identify potential blockages or malfunctions. Technicians can clean and lubricate control valves following the manufacturer's guidelines to prevent issues and ensure smooth operation. Property owners should also maintain clear access to control valve areas, ensuring that they are readily accessible for inspection and maintenance.

Taking care of a fire sprinkler system through regular maintenance is a responsibility that should not be overlooked. By understanding the common issues uncovered during maintenance inspections and knowing how to address them proactively, home and property owners can keep their fire sprinkler systems in top-notch condition. Engaging the services of certified professionals for inspections and repairs ensures that any detected issues are promptly and effectively addressed, providing peace of mind and enhanced fire protection for their properties and loved ones. Remember, the reliability of your fire sprinkler system is crucial, as it can be the difference between a contained fire incident and a devastating disaster.

Tips for Handling Commercial Water Damage in a Portsmouth Senior Living Facility

5/23/2023 (Permalink)

water puddling on floor behind sofa Structural damage is likely if the water intrusion extends to the walls and baseboards. Call SERVPRO for fast, effective remediation.

Hire SERVPRO for Commercial Water Damage Repair in Portsmouth

Moisture is among the most destructive forces in a building. Water intrusion can be particularly harmful in senior living facilities. Apart from the repair costs, waterlogged materials can present mold issues that must be safely managed. The facility’s operations can also halt. 

Structural damage is likely if the water intrusion extends to the walls and baseboards. You need experts to repair commercial water damage in your Portsmouth senior living facility. SERVPRO can respond shortly after your call. Upon arrival, our technicians can create a digital map for your property. 

Walking through the facility, we can mark the map to indicate the areas with damp building materials. This process offers a clear image of the affected areas. Using moisture meters for precise results, we can measure the moisture levels of all impacted surfaces like baseboards, subfloors, cabinets, furniture, ceilings, and walls. The other steps SERVPRO can take to restore your facility include the following:

  • Water extraction
  • Drying and dehumidification
  • Restoring contents
  • Repairing or replacing damaged materials.

SERVPRO’s team is trained and certified in water damage repair. Our team can use electric submersible pumps to extract water from the affected areas. We can use air-moving and dehumidification tools to dry the property. Our technicians can also inventory, pack and take damaged items like fabrics and furniture to our facilities to clean, deodorize and restore them until restoration work at your facility is complete.

We can repair or replace some building materials if they are severely damaged. When doing so, our SERVPRO team can set up containments for worker and occupant safety. The degree of containment can vary based on the regulations that apply to your facility and the safety of the residents. At a minimum, we can use a barrier to separate work areas to prevent debris and dust from entering non-work areas. We may also create negative air pressure within containment areas to prevent air from blowing out of the work area. 

As you create your emergency response plan after commercial water damage, keep SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham in mind. Call us at (603) 433-4300.

Efficient Water Removal in Portsmouth Prevents Severe Damage

4/25/2023 (Permalink)

storm image outdoors Don't let storm damage take over your property, Call SERVPRO.

SERVPRO Provides Portsmouth Homeowners Rapid Water Cleanup

A powerful storm can leave your Portsmouth home severely water-logged. With any storm comes the possibility of flood and mold damage. Water remediation services help clean up the water damage after a storm.

Calling a water removal company in Portsmouth to begin extraction is vital to protecting your home and belongings. It does not take long for wet drywall, flooring, carpets, and other materials to become irreparably damaged. A water remediation service provider that understands the essence of time when dealing with stormwater damage would best fit your home. SERVPRO crews have a 4-hour standard response time and broad experience with all water damage and can help quickly return your home to normalcy. We ensure a dry and sanitary environment for repairs to take place.

Resources facilitating rapid water cleanup:

  • Sufficient extraction power
  • Specialized extraction equipment – self-priming trash pumps
  • Powerful cleaning resources – rotating brushes
  • Reliable drying resources – LGR, desiccant dehumidifiers

Property Water Cleanup and Recovery

SERVPRO can rally the labor force and equipment rapidly, tackling any-sized storm damage. Our crews respond with well-organized and stocked vehicles with the right supplies, tools, and equipment for water restoration. No matter the amount of water in your home, we have equipment with adequate extraction capacity, such as large truck-mounted units which offer a powerful vacuum and are powered by the vehicle.  

More equipment for sufficient water removal include:

  • Pumps - examples include high-pressure pumps, self-priming trash pumps, and electric submersible pumps
  • Deep extraction tools which can be self-propelled or stationary
  • Portable extractors that operators move from room to room

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham have friendly and skilled technicians fully equipped to provide efficient water removal and repair the damage after a storm. Call us at (603) 433-4300. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

How Portsmouth Residents Restore their Homes after Fire Damage

3/30/2023 (Permalink)

Home on fire with smoke billowing out the windows If your Portsmouth home suffers fire damage, call our professionals for assistance with remediation services right away.

SERVPRO Has a Proven Formula for Efficient Portsmouth Fire Cleanup and Restoration

A fire in your home can be a traumatic experience. Everyday household items like draperies, mattresses, or fabrics can quickly ignite and leave behind debris and malodors. Sorting through belongings can be an upsetting experience. However, with a professional fire damage restoration service, it is often possible to save many possessions and return the structure of your home to a preloss condition.

Efficient fire damage restoration in Portsmouth depends upon the organizational experience of technicians. No two household fires are the same. However, it is possible to follow the same detailed procedure for taking home from a burnt-out ruin back to an inhabitable space. After less extreme fire damaging events, we can immediately inspect and begin mitigation steps to preserve, restore, and not replace burned furnishings, fixtures, and assemblies. Our tried and tested response ensures that technicians can deal with the numerous challenges presented by a property disaster like this. Our work begins when you pick up the phone to speak with one of our trained phone handlers. You can provide a notification of loss, and we can schedule a call out to your property. Our team can guarantee that we reach your home within four hours of receiving your call in emergencies. 

The Planning Stages of a Restoration Project

  • On arrival, our IICRC-certified technicians can review any information with you on-site and provide the necessary information on insurance, loss management, and any forms you need to fill out.
  • A consultation and pre-testing phase allows us to get a more accurate picture of the damages and our techniques to reverse them.
  • We can then present your insurance adjuster with a restoration plan and timeframe. Provided you are satisfied, we can begin as soon as you sign an authorization to begin services form.

The early phases of restoration are critical. It ensures that you are kept in the loop regarding work requirements, but it also allows us to organize the service most efficiently. Using the pre-test results, we can then coordinate the delivery of dumpsters for fire debris, removal vans for items that need to be packed out, storage locations for belongings, and equipment. Standard equipment in fire damage restoration relates to air quality. In moderate to severe fires, it may be necessary to bring air filtration devices (AFDs) to ensure that any particulate matter is safely filtered out from the property. Odor control devices such as foggers and misters may be crucial to remove your home's burnt smell. In some situations, advanced equipment like hydroxyl generators can be a valuable tool in returning your home to preloss conditions. 

Performing Effective Restoration in your Home

  • Production scheduling involves providing you and your insurance adjuster with accurate time frames for each restoration process. These may include drying the property, storing possessions, and cleaning rooms of soot or smoke residues.
  • Job management and monitoring are essential tasks that measure our predicted time frames against actual progress. Monitoring progress helps us to ensure we meet our predicted timeframes.
  • All restoration services end with a detailed walkthrough of the property with the homeowner. We can refer to our job file, production scheduling, and job management records with you and answer any questions you may have. 

A house fire is a challenging situation for any homeowner. We are here to ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible. Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham for fire damage restoration at (603) 433-4300.

Avoiding Water Damage at Home for Residents of Portsmouth

3/30/2023 (Permalink)

Owner and two dogs sitting in front of a SERVPRO sign Water damage in your Portsmouth home? Don’t let the moisture take over; call SERVPRO right away.

Preventing Secondary Portsmouth Water Damages with Mitigation Experts from SERVPRO

Many homeowners experience the debilitating effects of water intrusion during their ownership. Water issues can occur from many sources. Preventative measures, while effective, are often incapable of covering all the bases for water-related damages. SERVPRO is here to help put your home back together after an emergency.

Moisture migration can cause water damage in your Portsmouth home to spread from one area to another. As a general rule, wet moves to dry. In practice, liquid spillages often seep into wall cavities, reside beneath fittings or penetrate the subfloor. Professional water restoration services are helpful to homeowners because they combine knowledge of water theory with the practical skills and equipment needed to mitigate water damage. In its simplest form, mitigation is the prevention of further harm to a property experiencing a water intrusion event. Blocking furniture to lift above the water level, extracting liquid, controlling humidity, and drying cavities are examples of the emergency mitigation services we provide. 

Effective Mitigation Can Help Prevent:

  • Liquid water or humidity from stagnating and causing microbial growth problems, including bacteria, mold, and virus growth.
  • Unnecessary replacement of wet materials, belongings, or home structures adversely affected by water intrusion. 
  • Permanent damages to fixtures, building assembly, electrics, and belongings commonly associated with water emergencies.

The structure of your home may feel or appear like a cohesive whole. However, modern properties are constructed from numerous layers. They begin with foundations. These foundations are fitted with the framework, usually solid lumber, that organizes the space within your property into rooms, garages, and staircases. The final layer is gypsum board, drywall, or plaster, painted and decorated. Water impact can vary in severity but is usually measured by how far the moisture has migrated from the source and how deep it has penetrated the building assembly. Measuring equipment to determine the answers to these questions is commonly used once excess water is drained from the property.  

SERVPRO restoration technicians determine the extent of water migration in your home through moisture meters. Moisture meters come in two categories: penetrating surfaces or measuring surface temperatures. Penetrating moisture meters can be used on carpets, softwoods, or furnishings and have an inherent advantage in accurately determining the moisture content of those materials- usually displayed in a percentage. Non-penetrating moisture sensors are typically deployed on denser surfaces such as concrete and some types of hardwood. These sensors measure the temperature of the surface, which can often indicate how much moisture is residing in or behind the object. Sensors are more prone to false readings and may be used several times across the same spot to produce an accurate report.

Finding moisture is crucial in preventing future water-related issues from affecting your home. Many microbial growth issues like mold result from improper restoration following a water intrusion issue. SERVPRO uses advanced structural drying (ASD) technicians to ensure a home dries correctly and secondary damages are minimal. 

Advanced Drying Equipment for Water Intrusion

  • Injectidry systems allow technicians to dry the cavities in your home without demolishing walls for access. 
  • Rapid air-movers fitted with flex-hoses can often be adapted to circulate dry air beneath fittings and floorboards, ensuring the entire property is dry.
  • Thorough dehumidification of the home can reduce chances of water vapor damage which can cause excessive harm to your property. 

Following a water emergency, contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham for water damage restoration at (603) 433-4300.

Preventing Recurring Mold Damage for Portsmouth Residents

3/30/2023 (Permalink)

Mold damage on a white ceiling No matter the scope of the mold damage in Portsmouth, our team will be able to remediate the area "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Mold Remediation Technicians Can Help Neutralize Microbial Growth

Mold usually occurs in homes that have moisture problems or damp spots. As your property ages, it becomes more susceptible to these issues, becoming more apparent during heavy rainfall, seasonal temperature changes, or plumbing malfunction. Microbial growth does not always go away by itself. Sometimes, professional remediation is required to return your home to its normal condition. 

It is helpful to remember that mold damage in your Portsmouth home is not inevitable. Professionally trained and licensed technicians in the area can help to ensure microbial growth does not become a permanent issue. At SERVPRO, we like to reassure homeowners that microorganisms are not scary. Modern antibiotics like penicillin are derived from molds, and spores naturally occur in almost all indoor spaces. At the same time, we understand that unchecked microbial growth can be a problem for homeowners as it produces odor, damages decor, and can be unhygienic. The transition from being an unnoticeable part of the home to an issue requiring remediation occurs when spores settle in moist or humid regions of your property. Micro-organisms thrive in moisture, which allows them to grow and reproduce. We are here to correct the moisture problems in your home, remediate growth and remove infested materials.

How Unchecked Fungi Can Damage your Property

  • Microbes release microscopic particles into the air space of your home, which can create malodor. Indoor air quality is often a focal point of effective remediation. 
  • Digestive enzymes that allow microorganisms to process organic matter into energy for growth can take a toll on decor. Common signs include weakening drywall or discoloration.
  • Mold reproduces and grows in short cycles that take around 72 hours. Due to these short growth cycles, micro-organisms can rapidly spread from one area to another.

Lab-testing different types of microbes is a time-consuming task. We believe that the visible symptoms of mold are enough to justify remediation, but we are happy to work with both indoor environmental specialists and industrial hygienists during any project. However, our crew chiefs and remediation technicians can handle most household issues without external assistance. We rely on scientifically proven protocols to remediate microbial growth, endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certifications (IICRC). Below are the core protocols supported by these two restoration bodies.

Core Principles for Effective Household Remediation

  • Containment uses physical and atmospheric barriers to prevent airborne mold spores from traveling from one part of the home to another. The containment protocol is usually achieved with thick polyethylene sheeting and negative air pressure machines.
  • Demolishing and disposing of porous, infested materials. Some of these materials may include parts of the building assembly such as drywall and insulation, which SERVPRO can replace once areas are fully-remediated.
  • Production controls dovetail with containment protocol. These include personal protective equipment (PPE) and decontamination rooms to prevent spores traveling via technician's clothing or equipment. We may also use EPA-registered antimicrobial spraying to stop mold from passing through the stages of growth during remediation.

Ensuring that fungal colonization is not a recurring issue in your home requires trained remediation technicians. Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham for mold damage remediation at (603) 433-4300.

Kitchen Appliance Fire Restoration in Portsmouth

3/29/2023 (Permalink)

Chair On Fire For fast and efficient service call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300.

SERVPRO Strategies for Protein Soot Cleanup

Kitchen fires cause nearly 50 percent of the yearly damage related to blazes reported in US residences. Unattended cooking, spills and boilovers, and combustible materials too close to the heat are common causes. Excessively high temperatures encourage liquids to boil away, producing charred and dehydrated ingredients. Greases and oils heated above their “smoke points” break down, becoming rancid. The dehydrated food bits vaporize with the rancid oils into a fine protein-based mist that spreads rapidly throughout the home on superheated air currents. 

The airborne soot attaches to surfaces as it spreads, so it is no surprise that kitchen appliances take a real beating after cooking mishaps in Portsmouth. Fire restoration interventions for protein-soot removal rely on technicians like our SERVPRO crew members, well-trained in the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) best practices for releasing highly adhesive and unpleasant-smelling residues. 

SERVPRO Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) focus efforts on the appliances near the kitchen ignition site. Typically the “suite” includes a refrigerator, oven and stove, and dishwasher, with trash compactors, microwaves, and freezers often rounding out the inventory. Appliance surfaces are usually non-porous and factory spray-painted with high-gloss or satin finishes. Some feature a stainless steel veneer. The restoration process includes the following:

  • Technicians pre-test how well different cleaners remove the coating in inconspicuous areas. Usually, the protein and oil-rich residues respond best to an oil-based solvent.
  • Workers evaluate the surface’s durability during cleaning, gradually increasing heat and agitation aggressiveness to dislodge stubbornly stuck residues. 
  • The team adds grit to the cleaner, employs rough-sided tools, or uses both enhancements to break the bond between soots and the surface. The skilled hands of our technicians ensure that if more vigorous scrubbing is needed, we do it cautiously and patiently to avoid permanent damage to the integrity of the appliance surface. 

The specialized training and experience of SERVPRO of The Seacoast fire restoration technicians support thorough appliance cleaning even when protein-based soot is present. Call (603) 433-4300 to set up a fire cleanup and recovery assessment to determine effective interventions.

Signs You Have Water Damage Developing in Your Portsmouth Home

2/22/2023 (Permalink)

White Pipe with Leak Our techs are ready 24/7, 365 days a year.

We Handle All Stages & Causes of Water Damage

Keeping your home in Portsmouth clean isn't just for looks. Keeping on top of the things that can cause decay and serious destruction of the interior living space is crucial for your residence. When your home has water damage, it can steadily increase in the affected area and its intensity. Other related damage can also take root, leaving you with serious issues that become ever-costly.

Many times, homeowners are in the dark about water damage in their Portsmouth property. At SERVPRO, we handle this issue many times a year. We have the skills your home needs to ensure that such damage is minimized and restoration efforts are successful. Our efforts can help keep your home beautiful and stave off problems like mold infestations and unwanted odors.

Here are some tips on what damage from water might appear within your residence:

  • Odors that increase whenever the humidity rises
  • Increased water bills
  • Changes in the texture of structural elements

Odors from the changes caused by water become stronger if the humidity in the air increases. These more intense scents occur because the particles causing the odor are carried on the water vapor droplets. 

A drastic increase in monthly usage costs might only occur if a great amount of water finds its way through a hidden area of a broken pipe. If this is the case, we can locate the problem area and fix it for you. Then we can track the water's path and determine how much damage occurred. 

Extended exposure to water causes materials to change dramatically. Drywall crumbles into small chunky powdery pieces, with the paper peeling or bubbling. It can also become discolored. Wood accents can warp, curl, or split along the grain. Particle boards can fall apart into pieces if the glue disintegrates.

If you begin noticing these signs, call us, SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300. We can assist you with an effective response that leaves your home protected.

Mold Inspection Services for Portsmouth Residents

1/24/2023 (Permalink)

Mold Near Outlet Plug Don't let mold take control of your property. Call SERVPRO today!

SERVPRO Has Local Technicians for Mold Remediation

Not all household problems are immediately noticeable. While fires and water intrusion events cause chaos, more slow-burning issues can cause harm to a house. Chief among these issues is microbial growth, commonly known as mold. Microbes are living organisms that include bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Fungi are part of the mold family and can be a massive problem if undetected.

  • Mold Remediation
  • Mold assessment
  • Mold removal

You may decide to get a mold inspection in your Portsmouth home if you notice musty odors or visible deterioration or suspect a water leak in your home. Since these microbes do not require light to grow, they can crop up anywhere. Basement spaces, attics, and closets are all common areas to find an infestation. Unfortunately, most homeowners only discover these issues after mold has grown into full-size colonies. 

Looking for microbial infestations requires knowing how buildings are constructed and how to look for moisture, dampness, or condensation. A building assembly refers to layers, including the wooden frame built directly onto the foundations, stud walls, and surface paints. Usually, if an infestation appears on the surface of walls or ceilings, the infestation is much deeper in the building assembly. 

SERVPRO technicians can detect certain molds by using moisture-measuring equipment. This helps build a picture of where water might be by telling us which materials are wet. Usually, wet materials equal mold growth, and technicians must disassemble parts of the building assembly to ascertain how deep a microbial infestation goes. Thankfully, materials used in a building assembly are relatively cheap to replace, and our technicians can install them to a professional standard. 

  • Subfloors are the space between carpets and the framework. Technicians can visually inspect these areas by removing carpets and pads.
  • Wall cavities can often be inspected using moisture sensors or thermal imaging cameras.
  • Attics and crawlspaces can be directly accessed, with technicians potentially replacing insulation or installing vapor barriers. 

If there is a microbial infestation in your home, it is vital to contact SERVPRO of the Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300.

Get Results - Pro Water Damage Repair in Portsmouth

12/27/2022 (Permalink)

Water On The Floor Let your local SERVPRO professionals resolve your water damage problems.

Portsmouth Water Damage Cleanup and Repair with SERVPRO

Water incidents happen, but it is how you address them that counts. Once you turn off the water from a burst pipe or begin the cleanup after a significant spill or flooding, know that reconstruction may be a factor. Rather than hiring someone without experience or putting the weight of such a project on your shoulders, SERVPRO is available in the Portsmouth area to handle water removal services, drying, and repair. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

There is more to water damage repair in Portsmouth than removing standing water and putting on a fresh coat of paint. Hiring skilled water restoration technicians (WRT) from SERVPRO ensures all moisture gets dried and you have your interior back to the pre-event condition because we make everything “Like it never even happened.”

Controlled Demolition To The Rescue

Many water-related incidents call for some level of repair and reconstruction. Replacement is often required if you have saturated drywall or damage to your carpeting, wood floors, or subflooring. SERVPRO uses trusted area contractors to ensure all facets of your project get handled for quality results. 

How Does the Water Restoration Process Work?

  • Inspection/Assessment – Once we arrive at your home or business, we assess all damage and identify all hazards. We stop the source of the damage and develop an action plan.
  • Water Removal and Drying – All standing water gets up using pumps, extractors, and other powerful tools. At the same time, drying equipment gets set up to lower relative humidity and speed up drying time. 
  • Repair and Reconstruction – Unsalvageable materials get removed and disposed of while area contractors work on replacing them and rebuilding any damaged areas of your home. Our proven processes help you to restore versus replace, thus saving you money in the long run.

Never Wait to Call for Restoration Assistance.

Nothing beats the water damage repair services we offer at SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham. Call us at (603) 433-4300 for 24/7 emergency service and trusted results. 

Facilitating Water Restoration in Portsmouth Properties

11/22/2022 (Permalink)

Water on wood Flooring Disaster may strike at any time. Call SERVPRO for the storm damage restoration services needed for your property.

Portsmouth Homes Overcome Water Damage with SERVPRO 

During a storm, a property is subjected to several forces that damage it through physical exertion or accumulation of moisture in the interior areas. Although all repair tasks are challenging, water restoration is particularly tasking since it involves several procedures to counter the smells, stains, and physical deterioration, among other issues. 

Crucial Restoration Procedures after Water Intrusion:

  • Cleaning
  • Drying
  • Teardown
  • Decontamination 

Water intrusion usually leaves properties soiled with debris, such as silt driven from outside the structure, or even biohazards like sewage if the storm causes a backup. Therefore, a significant part of Portsmouth water restoration is cleaning up sections of the property to remove waste. Our SERVPRO crews use various resources to facilitate cleaning - rotating brushes help clean hard floors, while extraction equipment is suitable for carpeted areas. We use regular detergents and disinfects like quaternary compounds and botanicals to deal with microorganisms that thrive in moist environments. 

Opening Up Enclosed Property Sections

Water damage is rarely confined to open and readily accessible areas. Moisture can wick through materials to reach subfloors, breach the ceiling, and run through wall cavities. Reaching these concealed areas is crucial to curtailing long-term deterioration. Our SERVPRO technicians use skillful approaches for convenient teardowns, thus opening the affected areas without causing too much damage. Having the right equipment also helps facilitate the process.

Helpful Resources for Controlled Demolition:

  • Drills to create vent or weep holes
  • Contractor bags for debris collection
  • Carpet razor knives 
  • Pry bars

Removing materials facilitates different restoration procedures. For instance, our SERVPRO technicians can drill small holes to release the water trapped inside walls or ceiling cavities. We can also make wider holes to facilitate warm, dry air ventilation into the enclosures to expedite drying. In other cases, removing large chunks of materials is essential. For carpeted floors, removing the carpet and pad before cleaning and drying the subfloor presents the best chance to limit contamination and odors. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham have the best resources to facilitate water restoration. You can reach us at (603) 433-4300. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Fire Damage Restoration of Portsmouth Properties Happens Fast with SERVPRO

9/26/2022 (Permalink)

Smoke Coming Under Door We aim to restore your property as quickly as possible, “Like It Never Even Happened.”

How Do SERVPRO Techs Handle Structural Cleaning During Fire Damage Restoration of Portsmouth homes?  

Cleaning the structure is a big part of the fire damage restoration of your Portsmouth home. The goal of the SERVPRO technicians is to return the items to their pre-damaged condition during the restorative cleaning process.  

SERVPRO technicians conduct preliminary tests to determine the appropriate cleaning method during your Portsmouth property fire damage restoration. The method of choice should effectively remove the smoke and soot residues without damaging the structure or material itself. SERVPRO techs consider the following factors before they zero in on a method:

  • The type of smoke and soot residue- dry or wet
  • The extent of the damage
  • The type of surface- porous or non-porous
  • Chemical composition of the residue

What Types of Residues Are Left After Smoke Damage to Your Portsmouth Home? 

SERVPRO technicians encounter the following types of smoke and soot residues during house fire cleanup in Portsmouth:

  • Dry smoke residue
  • Wet smoke residue 
  • Protein residue

While dry residues are easier to clean, wet residues require unique cleaning products. Damp smoke residues can cause additional damage to your property if left to interact with the surfaces for a long time.  

How Do SERVPRO Techs Tackle Wet Smoke Residues? 

Eliminating wet smoke residues requires water-based or solvent-based cleaning products that can weaken the bonds between the residue and the surface material. SERVPRO techs also consider the pH and hydrophobic properties of the residues to design an effective cleaning method that is gentle on the surface being cleaned.  

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300; our fire damage restoration techs are available 24/7.  

Need Help with Water Damage in Portsmouth? Call SERVPRO

8/20/2022 (Permalink)

dehu heavy equipment servpro poster SERVPRO arrives with heavy-duty extraction and drying equipment to mitigate the water damage in your Portsmouth home.

Role of air movers in SERVPRO’s water damage repair strategy in Portsmouth

Air movers play a pivotal role in SERVPRO’s restoration strategy after water damage to your Portsmouth home. The air movers that SERVPRO techs use produce high-velocity airflow to enhance the rate of evaporation.

SERVPRO techs use air movers to achieve two goals during water damage restoration to your Portsmouth home.

  • Replace the saturated boundary layer: As water evaporates from a surface, the air adjacent to it becomes cold and saturated, hindering further evaporation. SERVPRO techs use air movers to replace this boundary layer with a warmer, less saturated layer.
  • Recirculate dry air from dehumidifiers: Air movers also play a significant role in circulating drier, dehumidified air throughout the structure speeding up the evaporation.

How do SERVPRO techs select which air movers to use during water restoration in Portsmouth?

SERVPRO techs use several types of air movers during water clean-up from your Portsmouth homes. Typically, the air movers are rated by the air volume they can move in cubic feet per meter (CFM). However, the CFM value of an air mover does not indicate the airflow velocity that an air mover can generate.

The air velocity moving across the wet surface plays an important role in drying porous material containing large amounts of moisture. Hence, SERVPRO techs use feet per minute (FPM) or feet per second (FPS) as units to rate air movers. Most of the equipment used has a high CFM value without compromising the FPM value.

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 if you need assistance with water damage restoration of your residential property.

Mold Damage Can Rapidly Grow in Your Exeter Home's Attic

8/20/2022 (Permalink)

pull down stairs to attic with mold Mold remediation by SERVPRO makes your Exeter home appear "Like it never even happened." No attic mold!!

SERVPRO Thoroughly Remediates Mold Damage

Microbial growth in any home needs special care when it spreads. The winter months do not slow microbial activity a significant amount.

By hiring professional mold damage experts, Exeter residents can eliminate one source of the damage and remediate an attic overcome by microbes. Although your family may rarely enter the attic, air ducts can carry spores away from the attic and into the living spaces of your home.

Remediation by SERVPRO's IICRC-certified technicians can help reduce the microbial population to reasonable numbers. Part of this involves washing and treating damaged materials and cleaning mold-inundated belongings stored in the attic. Because many attics do not include drywall materials, removing materials does not happen at the same level commonly found in living areas of a home.

Attics can easily harbor hidden mold, so we use devices that can detect higher levels of moisture. These areas easily allow microbial populations at very rapid rates. After locating all mold growth, cleaning the surfaces of microbial activity and treating the area, helps prevent further damage. Typically, an antimicrobial application helps in this preventative action.

Finding the source of water that permitted such growth to occur in the first place lets us stop any additional water from coming into your attic. These sources can include slow drips from ice damming, overhead water lines from new appliance installation or remodeling of your home, leaks around the chimney, or other sources. Each origin never precludes the presence of any others, so we always check thoroughly to ensure we find all possible sources.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham always keep the equipment and tools ready to combat mold damage and provide excellent mold remediation services to our local community. Call us at (603) 433-4300. Our services are available 24/7 year-round.

Keep Your Schedule With Water Damage Restoration Services For Your Exeter Venue

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial Dining Area Our experienced technicians have gotten uniquely trained to handle all manner of water damages that could affect your property.

Water Damage Restoration Services

Venues and event centers are prevalent throughout Exeter and its surrounding areas, primarily because people always want a dedicated location to host large parties, events, and celebrations. As an owner of a business like this, your primary focus is keeping the facilities in top form for the next rental group that happens to get scheduled. An unexpected water emergency could significantly derail your profits and your reputation if you are not handling it promptly and professionally.

The trouble with running an event venue is that you cannot always account for the activities or the responsibility level of those who rent your space. This risk is typical of every owner of a business like this. Still, one fundamental mistake could leave your Exeter venue with substantial water damage. If you have hopes of preventing last-minute cancelations of your scheduled parties and events, you need to react to the problem quickly and with the professional assistance of SERVPRO.

Our experienced technicians have gotten uniquely trained to handle all manner of water damages that could affect your property, from the latest equipment to make the process more efficient to the current strategies that work best in the restoration world. Our restoration process begins with an inspection of the affected area to better familiarize the team and you, the business owner, with what has to happen to remedy the damages.

In many cases, drying is the most crucial component to restoring water damages, and our SERVPRO professionals can accomplish this step in a few different ways. Typically, the drying occurs with the combined use of air movers and dehumidification equipment, though specialized tools like our drying mats for flooring or injectidry system for inside walls could also get implemented in this process.

Running a venue in the area is only successful when you can continue to meet the needs of the client base you have without compromise. This fact requires you to seek professional restoration, like what our experienced technicians at SERVPRO of The Seacoast provide, for any water damages you face. If you are looking at the effects of a recent water emergency on your property, give us a call today at (603) 433-4300.

The Need for Deodorization in Your Hampton Home Following Fire Damages

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in room Fire damage can leave behind smells that are not pleasant. Contact SERVPRO to deodorize your property after a fire.

SERVPRO Technicians Understand That Remediating Fire Damage Includes Combating Odors Left Behind

While no one likes to think about unfortunate events like fires occurring in their Hampton homes, it is critical to know what to do when a disaster strikes. While many might consider the damage from smaller fires to be something they can repair on their own, there are many reasons why choosing a professional restoration outfit is always a better decision.

Fire damage to your Hampton home might present itself in several ways, but none of them will be easy to live with and work around. This reality makes a fire in your home something that is difficult to move on from and move forward with, which leaves you struggling to restore the damages that you discover, and possibly unaware of the full extent of the devastation that the recent fire left behind.

The initial inspection that takes place by our SERVPRO professionals can help our team (and you, the homeowner) better understand the full scope of your home's damage. This process also helps our technicians to design a specific plan to combat these effects from the fire and to work towards making your life at home comfortable again as quickly as possible.

Symptoms such as noxious odors often get addressed first because they pose some of the most considerable threats to living in a home after a recent fire. These lingering foul smells can get combated with the use of thermal foggers. The dense chemical compound in our foggers engages the scent lingering in the affected areas of your home on a molecular level, effectively neutralizing them on contact. After this process, the area is left without a scent at all and can get tailored to the homeowner's liking.

Deodorization might be a small piece of the restoration process for you to know and appreciate. Still, it is a typical thorn in the side of homeowners recovering from a recent fire in their house. For this and every aspect of restoring your home from the fire damages that it suffered, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast. You can reach our experienced restoration technicians anytime at (603) 433-4300.

Full-Service Recovery and Cleaning After Portsmouth Flood Damage

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

Neighborhood Street Flooded Don't let flood damage take over your property, Call SERVPRO at (603) 433-4300.

Are Contaminants a Factor in Flood Damage? 

Flooding is a highly stressful and traumatic situation for homes in the area, and this can get amplified when you consider the possibilities of contamination. Floodwater penetrating a structure can often introduce debris. We assess the possibilities of contaminants and begin work immediately to protect your house and its occupants from exposure if this type of loss exists. 

Is the Water Contaminated?

When our professionals first arrive to assess flood damage to Portsmouth homes, we must also determine the likelihood that contaminants could exist. Natural flooding, or rather the penetration of groundwater from outside the house into the living space, is nearly always considered to contain substances and matter that make it a threat to those exposed. Labeling floodwater as a blackwater, or category three loss event, means that our SERVPRO professionals believe that threatening substances exist, such as:

  • Chemicals
  • Sewage
  • Organic Matter

Removing Contaminated Contents

Exposed contents cannot always be cleaned, especially when they are porous. An item-by-item evaluation shows how technicians can restore certain belongings at our SERVPRO warehouse and where discarding could be the best option in other cases. 

Removing Contaminants

Removing the contaminants is often the product of removing the building materials or contents exposed. Carpeting, for example, must be pulled along with the padding underneath it. Wood trim and drywall must be cut out and discarded. 

When Surface Cleaning is Possible

Non-porous items are possible to protect rather than requiring the complete demolition of the property. Masonry and concrete are good examples of hard surfaces that can be cleaned and restored rather than removing the materials. Sanitizing products are suitable for this process, destroying any pathogenic threats of these installed materials. 

Trust our SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham teams to help with recovery and mold remediation. Give us a call today at (603) 433-4300. 

Avoid Delays When Dealing With Flood Damage in Portsmouth

7/3/2022 (Permalink)

a flooded bathroom with water everywhere and furniture floating around When flooding affects your home, team SERVPRO is the company to call. Our technicians are standing by for your water removal and remediation needs.

Putting Our Industry Experience to Work for Flooded Portsmouth Homes

Flooding can be a devastating natural disaster to impact Portsmouth homes. Even if this infiltration stays exclusively in areas like the basement, it can still have destructive effects on the entire property. Our professionals have extensive experience and training in flood and water loss recoveries, helping us to have the right response with the right tools whenever you need us.

People have trusted our SERVPRO name for years because of our commitment to helping our friends and neighbors through flood damage in their Portsmouth properties. Because we keep ready trailers stocked with water recovery tools for our water restoration call-outs, we also stay prepared for the possibility of flooding. We have premier extraction tools that can help to address both standing water in broad areas and confined spaces and inaccessible areas of the house.

Our industry experience helps us to better understand the needs of our customers and the needs of their properties during a flood loss situation. From the time that our professionals first arrive, we can begin a thorough examination of the property to determine the extent of the damage and what actions must get taken to return it to its original state. Because of our experience in these restoration projects, we can prioritize tasks to best protect installed materials and preserve affected contents more successfully.

We can set up our SERVPRO DryBook software for this project at this stage as well, allowing us to provide real-time progress reports about the recovery of your home. If your insurance company is involved in the flood recovery process, this documentation of milestones and progress can help to expedite approvals and keep all parties informed and content throughout the restoration process.

Our experience in the water restoration becomes invaluable to getting your home back to preloss condition quickly after flooding. We rely on our experience and industry-leading equipment to set us apart from our competitors and to overcome flood losses efficiently. Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast professionals can make your loss “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

Greenland Area Homes Benefit from SERVPRO's Fire Damage Protocols and Methods

7/3/2022 (Permalink)

a house on fire with firetrucks outside of it trying to put the fire out The best time to contact our team is right after the fire fighters leave. We are standing by 24/7 - 365 days a year - for your emergency call.

Effective Cleaning Practices for Fire-Damaged Greenland Homes

Cleaning is a vital element of every fire recovery project that our professionals undertake in Greenland and beyond. We have a responsibility to live up to our reputation along The Sea Coast by exceeding expectations with both our efficiency and thoroughness. Cleaning is not an area where you can cut corners and expect the satisfactory result that our brand guarantees after fire damage devastates your home. Understanding our practices in cleaning and restoring your home can help you to appreciate these phases when they happen within your property.

Restoring fire damage in Greenland homes requires multiple approaches often working simultaneously. From deodorization to air purification practices, you should know that recovering a fire damaged house requires trained personnel, our state-of-the-art equipment, and powerful cleaning and deodorizing agents developed especially for the use of our SERVPRO team in the field.

We use mitigating approaches for cleaning surfaces, especially those affected by residues and soot to make our final cleaning more successful. Precleaning can reduce the volume and thickness of residues and work to break soils loose from the material beneath. These practices often involve powerful vacuums and other tools that can allow wet or dry chemical sponging to follow successfully. Not allowing this precleaning phase to take place opens up the possibilities of smearing and staining of these surfaces, which even our experienced SERVPRO IICRC-certified professionals cannot always recover.

We tailor our cleaning process specifically to the situation, and the surface affected, and do not use generalized practices that might not work in all circumstances. Cleaning is the phase that makes our efforts “Like it never even happened.” for your home, and that is why we invest into the latest equipment, tools, and products designed to help in this regard. With our inventory stocked in ready trailers at our facility, we can reach anywhere along our coastal service area within hours of your emergency call.

 We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster, and we have the experience and readiness practices to prove it. No matter when fire damages affect your home, you can count on our SERVPRO of The Seacoast fire restoration professionals to help. We have a full division of cleaning technicians that can help in every facet of fire loss recovery. Give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

Commercial Water Restoration – Versatility Matters in Portsmouth

7/3/2022 (Permalink)

a flooded office with files floating and drawers floating around If you are facing a water damage scenario at your business location, bring in the certified technicians at SERVPRO to mitigate. Contact us 24/7.

SERVPRO’s Portsmouth Franchise Offers Commercial Water Restoration Scalability

Water damage to your Portsmouth business is not only stressful but also hazardous and expensive to handle and clean up on your own. The longer pooled water or hidden moisture sits, the more you have to deal with black mold growth, structural damage, and unsalvageable inventory or contents. SERVPRO handles all categories of water damage, and our disaster response team provides scalability to tackle everything from restoring a small retail space to a large manufacturing facility.

Did you know that SERVPRO can handle the worst types of damage with our commercial restoration services in Portsmouth? There are three types of water situations we encounter, which include:

  • Clean water (category 1) – This is clean water from rain or a burst pipe in your business. The low level of contamination makes it easier to clean and less harmful when coming into contact with it. 
  • Gray water (category 2) – This is slightly contaminated water that may come from machinery or other water-using appliances. Various contaminants could exist, but are not as hazardous as blackwater.
  • Blackwater (category 3) – This is the worst water damage scenario as it is highly contaminated. It may come from storm flooding or a damaged sewer pipe. You must have skilled professionals with the best equipment to handle it.

SERVPRO knows how to follow the water’s migration path as it seeks dry spaces. We understand water seeps into crevices and cracks throughout your business, so we use moisture detection tools and careful drying techniques to help us restore relative humidity. You can also count on us to use the proper protocols when cleaning and disinfecting all areas so you can trust all surfaces are clean for your staff and customers entering the building once we get done. 

When you need help with spills and commercial water restoration, contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham by calling (603) 433-4300. We will make it “Like it never even happened.”

Need Fire Damage Restoration After a Fire – Call SERVPRO

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

scorched, burnt kitchen assemblies Kitchen fires often require SERVPRO expertise for restoration and remodeling--We make our Portsmouth customers feel, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Provides Fire Damage Restoration and Cleanup in Portsmouth

Many homeowners in Portsmouth want to begin cleaning up after a fire immediately. There may be damage in a small area from the fire; however, smoke residues and odors cover walls, appliances, and furniture. Attempts at cleaning using the wrong cleaning agents and materials can cause additional damage to the surfaces, embedding soot particles in fabrics.

SERVPRO provides fire damage restoration services to residents of Portsmouth and surrounding areas. We remove smoke odors, clean all surfaces and remove soot and smoke residues from walls, appliances, and cupboards. Small kitchen fires often require controlled demolition in the immediate area of the fire, cleanup of fire suppression chemicals, and debris removal.

Fires in kitchen areas produce a variety of smoke residues. Some are greasy and cling to everything, while other residues produced by hot fires are light and fluffy. The soft, fluffy resides are easy to remove and can be vacuumed. Greasy residues must be removed using appropriate chemicals to dissolve the particles and absorbent cleaning materials to avoid causing the residues to adhere tightly to the surfaces they reside on. Applying the correct cleaning agents and methods removes soot and smoke residues.

Let SERVPRO help you with all of your smoke damage cleaning and fire damage restoration. Our technicians are experienced professionals. We can be onsite within four hours of your initial call for assistance, work closely with your insurance company and have a policy of cleaning and restoration rather than replacement. Many of our customers appreciate this approach, especially when family heirlooms and mementos are involved.

SERVPRO provides the following services related to fire incidents:

  • House fire clean up
  • Fire and smoke damage cleanup
  • Fire damage restoration

Call the fire damage restoration specialists from SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham and nearby areas for assistance. We can help 24/7. Call (603) 433-4300.

Factors Affecting Restoration of Your Hampton Home After Flood Damage

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

groundwater flooding buildings SERVPRO extracts floodwaters in Hampton homes--then restores through controlled demolition and drying.

Team SERVPRO Has Drying Out Your Home After a Storm Down to a Science

Flood damage due to heavy rains, storms, or any other natural cause can have a devastating impact on your Hampton home. The floodwater can enter your home and damage the aesthetics, even the structural integrity.

 SERVPRO professionals can help you flood-damaged Hampton home in no time. However, the success rate and the time required for the restoration depend on several factors. Our IICRC certified technicians use a multifaceted approach to eliminate the water and the residual moisture and prevent significant damage to your home. Here are a few factors that affect the restorability of your home after a flood damage incidence.

 The amount of floodwater involved 

 One of the first factors dictating the restorability is the amount of water involved. Understandably, the more water involved, the more time it will take to remove it. It is crucial to remove the stagnant water from the property, but it is equally important to eliminate the excess residual moisture. SERVPRO professionals use state-of-the-art equipment to eliminate this moisture and prevent secondary damage after a flood.

The standing water is removed using equipment called extractors. They are available in multiple sizes, from truck-mounted to hand-held. The extractors pump out the liquid water in no time, but they can not eliminate the residual moisture from the air; the dehumidifiers do that job.

The dehumidifiers are equipment that can remove excess water vapor from the air. SERVPRO technicians use this equipment to dry the air and prevent secondary damage such as mold growth.

The humidity and temperature 

 The humidity and the temperature play a crucial role in the drying process. A combination of high temperature and low humidity works the best for efficient drying. The ideal temperature to promote faster drying and hence faster restoration is around 70 to 80 degrees. The ideal humidity, on the other hand, is below 50%. 

 If both the temperature and humidity conditions are met, drying occurs faster, and restoration takes less time.

 Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 today to schedule an appointment with one of our restoration experts.

Water Removal and Drying in Your Portsmouth Home

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

orange moisture SERVPRO has the expertise and equipment and specialized sensors to mitigate water damage in Portsmouth

SERVPRO Utilizes Sensors to Restore Standard Moisture Levels and Mitigate Water Damage

A leaking refrigerator/freezer in your Exeter home can happen for several reasons. If the defrost drain freezes, the water overflows the drain trough and drips down to the bottom compartment, eventually leaking onto the floor. The water tank assembly can also begin leaking. These leaks can be challenging to find, but a leaking tank requires replacement. Also, if you have a water dispenser and ice maker, the inlet valve can become loose or cracked, allowing water to leak.

SERVPRO can restore water damaged Portsmouth homes. We have all the right tools for this, and our staff has been specially trained and certified.

When your home has suffered water damage, our goal is to return all the affected materials to their normal moisture content levels. We use moisture meters to find the actual moisture content of different materials to help us determine if your structure is dry. Penetrating moisture meters have probes to test inside wall cavities and underneath the flooring. Penetrating meters also test separate layers. Non-penetrating meters have sensors that do readings when placed on the surface of materials.

SERVPRO technicians must use the moisture meters properly. We ensure that the meter we are using is set to the surface we are testing. A moisture meter set for drywall, for example, does not accurately read moisture content in wood materials. The relative scale is used to determine readings for non-wood materials and the wood scale to determine readings for wood. If possible, we can establish a baseline of moisture content from material from an unaffected area of the structure.

 We also use thermo-hygrometers to measure both the relative humidity and temperature. We let the meter adapt to air conditions in the room before taking the reading, then in conjunction with a psychrometric calculator or chart to figure out the specific humidity. Readings of air for four areas are used, including the areas unaffected, the areas affected by moisture outside the home, and the exhaust being processed through the dehumidifier into the affected area.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham have the tools to ensure that your home is thoroughly dry again after cleaning up the water damage. Contact us at (603) 433-4300.

Off-Site Fire Restoration Content Cleaning for Portsmouth Shops

4/23/2022 (Permalink)

esporta washing machine SERVPRO provides pack-outs for content preservation and cleaning with our Esporta washing system. Portsmouth counts on SERVPRO.

SERVPRO Professionals Clean Fire Damage from Portsmouth Shop Stock

Fires affect structures of all sizes, so whether it is a large box store or a boutique for specialty items, the same urgent fire damage restoration service is mobilizing to help. We can provide several mitigative solutions to protect your property and its contents.

The Pack-Out Process

Fire restoration for Portsmouth shops can often prioritize the need to protect the contents and wares of the facility to protect the investment of property management. For this reason, our SERVPRO team has a pack-out process that gathers all exposed items for focused cleaning, drying, and deodorization. Relocated inventory can include:

  • Wares
  • Furniture
  • Clothing

Submersion Tanks

Soot adheres rapidly to solid surfaces and non-porous elements like glass, porcelain, and similar compositions. Cleaning up after soot exposure at our SERVPRO facility can utilize our ultrasonic tanks that loosen and remove soot soils on these objects to restore their original appearance.


Soft materials impacted by soot and smoke solids must be gently cleaned and restored. Unlike the submersion tanks and how they can help hard surfaces, our ESPORTA Wash system delicately lifts soils from fabrics and soft materials for a deep clean without abrasive or aggressive mechanical action.

Ozone Chamber

Another obstacle for our restoration team with the items pulled from damaged shops is the exposure to airborne smoke odor compounds. These molecules can become trapped in porous elements like clothing and upholstery, making it vital to have an effective deodorization approach to manage multiple items simultaneously. Our ozone chamber does just that.

Protecting the wares and inventory of your shop after a fire damage incident is valuable. We appreciate how disruptive and destructive these events can be, so we prioritize any option to make the restoration process and recovery efforts more streamlined and cost-efficient. Give our SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham teams a call for large loss fire recovery at (603) 433-4300.

Portsmouth Water Damage to Homes Occurs Daily

4/23/2022 (Permalink)

MAN READING PAPER WHILE CEILING LEAKS WATER Our Portsmouth neighbor is call SERVPRO for water removal to mitigate the damage in his home, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Advises on Mitigating Damage in Your Portsmouth Property, Then Call Us

Flooding in a home is usually an internal issue. Most of the water that spreads over floors and causes other problems for Portsmouth homeowners and residents comes from broken plumbing or failed appliances such as water heaters and dishwashers.
When water damage to Portsmouth homes happens, the first step is to get the water out. SERVPRO has decades of experience in New Hampshire to quickly accomplish this using highly trained personnel and the most up-to-date equipment in the restoration industry. We use commercial grade pumps and even bring in our generators or generator trucks to ensure an uninterrupted power supply when needed.
We never recommend to customers that they attempt major or even minor restoration tasks. There are, however, a few items they can take care of safely and immediately. Some they can accomplish even as they call our SERVPRO office. We can provide IICRC-certified technicians to quickly restore your water damaged structure.
First, turn off the water. If the damaged pipe or appliance is putting out a constant flow of water, cut it off at the source or shut off the main water leading into the house.
Second, shut down the power. We recommend doing this from outside of the house if there is any chance that the water has gotten high enough to get into the electrical sockets. Besides damage to the outlets, there is the risk of electric shocks.
Third, move only items that can quickly suffer or cause damage. Some varnishes and other finishes on furniture rapidly dissolve when exposed to water. These items need to be removed from the house or at least set on blocks to avoid staining carpets, rugs, and wood floors. Keep in mind that water is heavy and an upholstered sofa can absorb enough so that two people cannot even move it.
When it comes to removing water and restoring the effects left by the damage it causes, you need to contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham. Regardless if it is a split water line in an Exeter garage or a rusted-out water heater in Greenland, we are here to help. If you need our services, call today at (603) 433-4300.

Overcoming Flooding in Your Hampton Finished Basement

4/23/2022 (Permalink)

sandbags holding out flooding After Sandbag Failure Post Flooding in Hampton, Call SERVPRO for Restoration, "Like it never even happened."

Hampton Area Basement Storm Water Intrusion Requires Expert Extraction and Drying--Call SERVPRO

More disasters could adversely affect your Hampton home than many homeowners here take the time to consider. With the right planning and preparations, these potential disasters do not have to be so threatening to your home, though most do not think over the damage that severe weather and water diversion have on their home until this same damage already occurs.

One of the disasters that many homeowners in the area face is the regular threat of flooding from severe weather situations. The basement levels of your home likely got constructed to withstand much of the pressure from external water pooling and underground springs, but when you have water diversion implements fail (or not exist at all), this pressure gets harder and harder to hold back from pushing through the blockwork of your foundation. The ensuing flood damage to your Hampton home likely becomes widespread and challenging to contend with on your own.

Since so many homes in the area have finished basements, the damage is even harder to contain and limit when unabated water pours through cracks and splits in the blockwork. Flooring is often affected the worst by the flooding, though several inches of drywall from this floor towards the ceiling often require removal to both access cavities that need more concentrated cleanup and drying efforts and to replace unsalvageable drywall to complete restoration.

While extraction is a critical component of our restoration process, of equal importance, is our drying efforts. This approach typically utilizes air movers and dehumidifiers, though sometimes specialized equipment like drying mats and our injectidry system are a requirement to penetrate moist or damp areas inaccessible to conventional tools thoroughly. Blockwork hollow cells often contain hidden pockets of water or moisture that must be extracted.

The more that you know about your house, the better prepared you can be for storms that are persistently a threat throughout the area. Trust our SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham flood restoration specialists to help you overcome the water damage and return your home to its original condition. Give us a call 24/7 at (603) 433-4300.

Why Does My Exeter Home Smell Like Smoke if I Never Had Fire Damage?

3/21/2022 (Permalink)

cord plugged into outlet, cord is burning Even small electrical fires can leave behind a strong smoke odor if not properly remediated

Call on SERVPRO if You Are Experiencing the Effects of Fire Damage in Your Home

Some homes may exhibit signs of smoke damage despite lacking any apparent reasons why. Even with no tobacco consumption or history of fire damage, an Exeter home may still have a heavy smoke smell either in a small area or across the whole building. When SERVPRO comes to help reverse the damage, we not only solve the problem but also find out what caused it to avoid similar disasters in the future. Here are some of the reasons we may discover for your home's smoke odors.

Past Owner Habits

Despite the assurances of past homeowners and real estate agents, some unfortunate new residents may find their Exeter home fire damaged thanks to the bad habits of the old tenants. Some may have been longtime smokers, exposing the structure's materials to decades of tobacco smoke, and others may have failed to report or repair fire damage at any point in the home's life. If we find that the smoke smell originated well before you took up residence, we can help work with insurance companies to ensure that you are not held accountable for others' failings.

Electrical Failures

While some electrical failures and malfunctions result in a large fire, others may create smaller blazes that fail to spread beyond a small area. In some cases, a medium-sized fire may rage in an unseen part of the home but never find its way into any other space. While these situations can be somewhat complicated by burnt rubber and other potentially toxic substances, our technicians are well-trained to handle any eventuality.

Old or Poor Heating

All types of heating can be vulnerable to fire damage. While your heating system may have never gone through a proper fire, small overloads and issues may pile up until smoke residue becomes noticeable throughout the home. SERVPRO technicians are experienced with all varieties of HVAC systems and are most familiar when combating an issue of this sort.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast is ready anytime, any day, and any season to help locals recover from the effects of fire damage. Call us 24/7 at (603) 433-4300.

Suspect Mold in Your Portsmouth Business? Call for Pro Remediation!

3/11/2022 (Permalink)

Mold Blotches Don't let mold take over your property, Call your local SERVPRO at (603) 433-4300.

SERVPRO’s Mold Remediation and Cleanup is Best for Portsmouth Businesses

Taking care of your business means looking into every aspect of operations. Should you suspect that you have black mold developing anywhere within your Portsmouth commercial space, you need to have it inspected and cleaned as soon as possible. SERVPRO can get in and out with precision to carefully address all surfaces riddled with mold, and We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster!

Our team of skilled technicians has experience handling various situations, including contamination like mold. When you require mold remediation in your Portsmouth commercial building, you can trust that we know how to begin to get the best results. 

  • The SERVPRO team not only handles cleanup of all surfaces where mold is suspected, but we also find the source of moisture causing the problem. 
  • A common cause for fungal growth is persistent humidity. Mold brought on by moisture/humidity that develops in storage closets, under cabinetry in your employee lounge or bathrooms. 
  • Leaking pipes can be another cause of microbial contamination. This may bring on wall or ceiling mold, so our team locates the issue at the source to repair it before wrapping up the mold cleanup job. 

Mold Facts

Mold colonies contain hyphae, which penetrate various porous surfaces, including fabrics, drywall, insulation, etc. Never try DIY spray remedies like bleach or other cleaners when addressing mold growth within your commercial property. This can exacerbate the issue, dislodging the microscopic spores and sending them airborne. Once they travel through your building’s HVAC system, you have to worry about the potential health effects for employees and all areas they spread to.

If you require mold remediation at your commercial building, contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham today! You can reach us at any time by calling (603) 433-4300.

Mistakes To Avoid During Water Damage Events In Hampton

3/4/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO equipment drying floor Let our fast response team eliminate further mold growth due to water damage on your property.

When Your Hampton Home Suffers Water Intrusion, Rely on SERVPRO to Mitigate Damages

Water damage usually is more than what comes to your mind when you read the phrase. While we only expect to deal with water, more destruction results whenever such incidents hit our property. Mold and electrical hazards are part of the expensive damage that your Hampton structure may experience during those stressing moments.

You might make a mistake if you look at the surface and imagine it is the only water damage challenge to address in your Hampton home. The work of SERVPRO IICRC certified technicians is to look beyond the obvious and trace that water which might be under the carpets and walls. Specialized tools such as moisture meters and sensors make that possible. We can conduct a thorough inspection that allows us to identify the content of moisture on your property and specific locations with these devices.

Another mistake that most homeowners make is attempting to pump the water from a flooded basement. While it appears to be a straightforward job, hidden dangers need professional intervention. For instance, wet foundation walls and ceilings might collapse as a result of water damage. We inspect all that before we can start the restoration process, and if necessary, we perform necessary demolitions to prevent any possible hazards during the process.

After pumping out all the standing water, it is time to begin the drying process. At that stage, we set up dehumidifiers and air movers. It is important to call our SERVPRO team as soon as you can to increase the chances of salvaging most of your contents. For instance, if you delay and find out that the drywall and flooring have 25 - 50 % moisture, retrieving them might not be possible. Once drying is complete, we clean the surfaces and sanitize them using antimicrobial agents to decrease the chances of mold growth.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast responds to all sizes of disasters, whether reported in commercial or residential premises. Call us at (603) 433-4300 and be served by a proven industry leader.

What Everyone Must Know About Storm Damage in Portsmouth

2/21/2022 (Permalink)

Equipment for basement We aim to restore your home as quickly as possible, "Like it never even happened."

Coastal Challenges Worsen Flood Damage in Portsmouth

The Piscataqua River delta hugs Portsmouth on its journey to the Atlantic. Rising sea levels are a concern in the area, and when heavy storms sweep through, storm surge is part of the challenge if a home floods. Groundwater near the ocean and freshwater rivers that empty into the sea already experience heightened salt and other minerals levels. The denser saltwater pushes into the estuary beneath the outflowing river water, making its way upstream.

The aftermath of a fierce summer storm in Portsmouth causes flood damage in the lower levels of your home. Professionals should always manage flooding recovery. The water is, by definition, contaminated, possibly toxic, and in need of containment and appropriate disposal as hazardous waste.

Added salt and minerals can accelerate and increase the damage water does on its own. Wood framing and other cellulose-based building materials can weaken because of the salt load, showing the effects even after extraction and drying. Delignification, a process where the glue-like substance that holds the cells together is reduced or removed, is an additional stress when salt contaminates the floodwater. SERVPRO’s Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-trained managers and technicians are familiar with saltwater complications and adapt mitigation and remediation strategies to respond to the issue.

Our experienced project managers assess your flood damage, directing crews to secure the exterior if necessary. Water deeper than two inches pumps out, then we continue the floodwater removal with high-efficiency extractors. Our SERVPRO technicians might flush with freshwater if our experts deem it necessary. Because the floodwater likely contains other contaminants like sewage of road and lawn chemicals, we clean the affected surfaces thoroughly and treat with EPA-registered antimicrobial products.

Throughout the project, we monitor moisture levels and seek to find hidden water in building cavities and cinder block cells. We use a range of solutions to release trapped water, including drilling holes in mortar joints and making flood cuts in paneling or drywall. Once SERVPRO is sure all standing and pooled water is gone, our IICRC-certified Applied Structural Drying (ASD) technicians use moisture data to determine drying goals. We place air movers and heaters to facilitate the movement of water out of structural components into airborne vapor. Heavy-duty dehumidifiers remove and collect the water for permanent disposal outside of your home.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast stands with you after flood damages your home. We have the training, equipment, and experience to make it “Like it never even happened,” with one call to (603) 433-4300.

You Deserve Detailed Fire Restoration Efforts in Portsmouth

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo Odors from fire damage is no DIY project. SERVPRO IICRC certified fire damage restoration techs have the training and experience for every phase.

Portsmouth Residents Call SERVPRO First for Fire Damage and Restoration

You already have a lot on your mind when you have a fire in your Portsmouth home. Whether a garage fire took place or you had a significant blaze that went through several interior rooms, prompt response and restoration are vital. SERVPRO offers 24-hour emergency service so that your restoration project gets underway fast. With all of our training and experience, we make it “Like it never even happened,” so no heartbreaking reminders of the blaze get left behind.

Professional fire restoration in Portsmouth puts your mind at ease during this emotional time. SERVPRO has perfected our processes to ensure smooth repair, including coordination with your insurance company.

Industrial-Grade Equipment

Of course, our processes would be nothing without the help of our entire gamut of equipment and tools. Some of the equipment used during most fire-related calls include:

  • Extractors – Pumps and extraction tools help us remove standing water from first responders putting out the blaze.
  • Air Scrubbers – Powerful HEPA filtration works to pull odorous smoke particles from the air as we work.
  • Moisture Detection Tools – We use sensors, thermal imaging, and meters to locate areas where moisture may have traveled.
  • Ozone Machine – This portable machine generates ozone to chemically react with all odor-causing molecules, oxidizing residues, and removing foul odors. NOTE: All people, pets, and plants must vacate the space while ozone takes place for safety. 

Smoke Remediation

Nobody wants foul odors to arise in the future after fire restoration takes place. We have Odor Control Technicians (OCT) on our crew to handle stubborn odors and residues to ensure your home is free of any intense aromas. Everything gets a thorough cleaning along with deodorization so that you can breathe free and easy.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham are who you want on the scene when you require fire restoration. You can reach us day or night by calling (603) 433-4300.

Efficient Water Removal Services for Exeter Businesses

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO state of the art sign Commercial water damage restoration services by SERVPRO are top-notch. We use state of the art equipment for every disaster.

SERVPRO’s Commercial Water Removal Services are Available in Exeter

Water intrusion can happen in any number of ways, especially when you run a busy Exeter commercial property. Once you have a plumbing leak, overflowing toilets, or burst pipes, you need water removal services, and you need them FAST! SERVPRO is available 24-hours a day, and we arrive within hours of your call. With a mixture of experience, training, and the right equipment, you can feel confident that we can help ensure your business gets back up and running sooner than later.

Water removal in Exeter is just one element for your commercial project. We work to formulate a plan that involves extraction and addresses fine details like hidden moisture and odor elimination. When all is said and done, your business will no longer show signs that any water-related emergency took place.

Our Water Extraction Equipment

SERVPRO’s Green Fleet comes stocked with industrial-grade equipment and tools to help us achieve our water clean-up and drying goals. Some of the items our technicians may use include:

  • Extractors – used for cleaning upholstery, carpeting, and handling water removal from floors. 
  • Pumps – used to lift standing water over two inches in depth.
  • Rovers – also known as weighted extractors, are helpful in pulling up moisture from your carpeted areas

Along with water removal tools like truck-mounted extractors and submersible pumps, our team uses drying equipment and air movers to restore relative humidity (RH) throughout your business. Our powerful dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air, while moisture detection tools help us ensure nothing gets left behind. Should there be irreparable damage to any building materials, we also perform controlled demolition to replace everything with new materials.

Never let water emergencies cause lengthy downtime and the loss of crucial revenue. Calling SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham to your commercial property for water removal gets the job done fast. You can reach us around the clock by calling (603) 433-4300, and we can send a team out as soon as possible!

Water Restoration Equipment Makes a Difference in Portsmouth

1/28/2022 (Permalink)

Servpro water sign SERVPRO water damage mitigation services are the way to go for your home. We will be on-site within 4 hours of the initial call. We are here to help.

Portsmouth Residents Can Trust SERVPRO’s Water Restoration Team

When you run a commercial property and have your cleaning crew or maintenance staff, you may wonder why you cannot handle water removal services and restoration on your own. The truth is that companies like our team at SERVPRO get the job done faster, and you have added guarantees that the project is correct the first time. We also take the time to work with your insurance company to have less on your plate as a Laconia business owner.

Commercial water restoration and damage repair in Portsmouth help you save time and money. Rather than experiencing lengthy downtime that keeps your business from thriving and your employees out of work, SERVPRO gets you back to normal in no time. Whether you have burst pipes or a major leak from your equipment or appliances, there is no project too large or small for our water mitigation team.

Moisture Detection to the Rescue

More often than not, various building materials may be hiding moisture that could lead to secondary damage or the development of black mold. Our team will inspect surfaces that seem dry using moisture meters and may come back with results showing complete saturation. This is something often missed by someone without the training or proper equipment. We handle moisture following our SERVPRO drying protocols and then water damage repair.

  • Controlled demolition helps remove unsalvageable building materials and replace them with new ones, including drywall, ceiling tiles, baseboards, and other elements. 
  • Flood cuts get done to remove wall materials above the water line – everything gets refinished to make it all “Like it never even happened.”
  • For areas of your business with impacted carpets, flooring, or subfloor, materials get pulled up, and contractors work to replace everything to restore it to pre-water damage condition. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast is here when you need commercial water damage repair. Contact us online to mobilize our team or give us a call at (603) 433-4300.

How Can I Get Rid of Smoke Odors After a Small Kitchen Fire?

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

burned and charred toaster There are many sources of kitchen fires, and even small fires can cause more damage than meets the eye.

For Fire Damage Restoration and Deodorization of Your Portsmouth Home Call SERVPRO

Odors are volatile molecules that people's noses sense when they are present in the air. Since fragrances are easily evaporative, they eventually go away or dissipate once the source gets removed; however, the removal process can take a long time.

What Can Cause Smoke Odors to Exist?

During fire damage projects in Portsmouth, foul aromas usually get caused by burnt materials or soot residues that are present after the blaze gets extinguished. The first step our SERVPRO technicians take during the restoration process is to remove all charred items and clean any surfaces that contain soils and soot residues. Once we capture all soils, residues, and burnt materials, we dispose of them in sealed plastic bags, so other previously unaffected areas of your home do not get contaminated.

What Do You do If Unpleasant Smells Still Exist After All Soot Residues Have Been Cleaned and Burnt Materials Have Been Removed?

In some situations, foul aromas can still be present after soots have been disposed of because the smoke can penetrate porous materials deeply. When this occurs, we can use the following products and equipment to deodorize your house:

  • Odor Counteracting Beads- These are made of a special treated porous material that, as soon as the bag is opened, deodorant molecules get released into the air.
  • Deodorant Granules or Pellets- These specialized pellets or granules are odor absorbers that act as a sponge and hold in odors.
  • Water-Based Odor Counteractants- Specialized chemicals can be added to cleaning solutions that can help counteract malodor particles.
  • Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) Misters-  ULV foggers break down water-based deodorants into a mist so the chemicals can penetrate porous materials.
  • Thermal Foggers- Thermal machines break oil-based deodorants down even smaller so it can travel through your structure in the same way smoke did.
  • Sealers- Specialized sealant paints can trap in malodor molecules.

If you ever smell smoke in your home after you have a small kitchen fire in Hampton or Exeter, call SERVPRO of the Seacoast at (603) 433-4300.

Who should I call for Flood Damage in my Basement?

1/4/2022 (Permalink)

drawing of water in basement SERVPRO has the tools to remove all water from your basement.

SERVPRO Cleans Basement Flood Damage in Portsmouth

New Hampshire homeowners may be aware of the risks basements face when it comes to flooding, but they may be surprised to know that only 2% of basements never experience flood damage during their lifespan. While there are many preventive measures that you can take to minimize damage, when disaster strikes, it can be stressful and overwhelming to keep your family safe and salvage your home and belongings after it occurs. However, there is a team that can help.

When flood damage hits your Portsmouth basement, SERVPRO technicians are ready to bring fully-loaded trucks filled with cutting-edge equipment, EPA-registered biocides, and gas-powered generators to restore your home to a pre-damage condition. The Institute of Inspection Cleanup and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-accredited pros handle everything from extracting floodwaters, waste, and debris from your basement to making necessary structural repairs to your property.

What to Maintain to Minimize Basement Floods

  • Sealing tiles and foundation. Proper sealing is necessary to prevent water seepage and foundation damage.
  • Proper downspout installation. If downspouts are too short, are clogged, or face the wrong way, floodwaters can quickly be redirected into your home through cracks in the basement.
  • Drain tiles. This is the drainage system built around your home, like a curtain drain.
  • Clean gutters. Much like your downspouts, gutters need adequate care to prevent damage and clogs that can eventually lead to water pooling in the basement.
  • Sump pumps. Making sure your basement's drainage system is operational minimizes the risk of sewage backups and floodwater backing up into your home.

SERVPRO Restores Your Home

SERVPRO techs have the means to remove floodwaters, no matter how deep. Portable, back-mounted extractors, wet/dry vacuums, and mops are ideal for small-scale floods. Submersible, gas-powered pumps tackle floodwaters 2 inches or higher. Truck-mounted extraction systems remove large volumes of water: Anywhere from 60 gallons to well over 100 gallons of floodwater. After extraction, your basement can be sanitized with EPA-registered biocides and prepared for structural drying.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast provides mitigation service that is Faster to Any Size Disaster. You can call (603) 433-4300 for a reliable rapid-response service.

What Steps Can I Take to Prevent Water Damage in Portsmouth During the Winter?

12/28/2021 (Permalink)

ice in gutter and snow on roof Winterize your home before winter's coldest temperatures set in.

SERVPRO Can Provide Water Extraction Services in Portsmouth if your Pipes Freeze

During the wintertime, it is common that temperatures will drop below zero, and at some point, snow will start to fly. Most people who have lived in the country's colder states know that winterization can be the key to having a good, stress-free winter season. During the fall, there are several steps homeowners can take to prevent water damage issues.

Since frozen pipes and ice damming in Portsmouth are two major causes of water leaks during the cold fall and winter months, doing a few vital tasks before it gets cold can prevent one of these disasters. For one, it is a wise idea to inspect your roof to see if there are any cracked, curled or missing shillings. If your roof already leaks, you might not notice it until after the first snowstorm when the snow starts to melt.

It is also wise to ensure no leaves, pine needles, or other debris are in your gutters. If moisture cannot freely flow into your gutters, then ice dams can form and cause your roof to leak. Draining your hoses or any other water lines running outdoors, such as your sprinkler system or pool supply lines, can also prevent your pipes from freezing inside your house. You should also turn off the inside valve that supplies water to your outdoor fixture if possible.

However, even if you take all the necessary steps, mishaps can still occur. If you still suffer from a water leak in the winter, our SERVPRO technicians can help. Our highly trained team is trained and certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC), and we can provide fast 24/7 service. We can use the industry's most advanced technology to assist you with the following:

  • Water Extraction
  • Repairing Water Damage Issues
  • Attic Mold Inspections
  • Applied Structural Drying (ASD)
  • Fixing Leaking Ceilings

If you notice a leak after the temperature drops below freezing, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300.

How Do I Clean My House after Flood Damage in Portsmouth?

12/15/2021 (Permalink)

drone view of flooded houses and trees SERVPRO provides groundwater extraction, demolition, cleanup and disinfecting of Portsmouth storm damaged properties

Flood damage cleaning is a multistep process, and SERVPRO can help with skills and other resources.

When your Portsmouth home floods, you have to address a wide range of problems, including deep soiling, contamination, and bad odor, to restore the home to its pre-damage condition. Even from casual observation, you are likely to identify several problems that need immediate attention, whether it is your expensive upholstered furniture submerged in filthy water, appliances filled with murky water, or layers of mud or silt inside your house. Although the ultimate goal is to address all the issues, deciding what to start with is not easy.

How do professional restorers determine what step to prioritize?

Because of dealing with numerous flood damage incidents in Portsmouth, professional restorers develop systemic procedures that help determine the steps necessary in each situation and how to schedule them. Some of the crucial issues our SERVPRO technicians consider include:

  • The type of items the flood affects
  • Perceived chances of further deterioration
  • External factors connected to the flooding

Flooding can damage some items permanently, even after minimal exposure. Carpets and upholstered furniture may be damaged irreparably by exposure to contaminants due to the porous nature of their constituent parts. Our crews are, therefore, likely to focus initial efforts on salvageable contents such as appliances. When scoping the property, we also try to establish the level of deterioration likely to occur and use it as a basis for determining the steps to prioritize. A factor like the amount of standing water left in the building has greater ramifications than the inconvenience it causes to anyone wading through. Such water continues to intrude on surfaces or materials, worsening the damage. Therefore, removing the water or moving items away from the flooded areas have top priority over other steps, unlike a case where the floodwater drains out of the home immediately. One external factor likely to influence the restoration process is the time it takes water outside the structure to recede.

Which steps does a typical flood cleanup exercise involve?

  • Discarding soaked and contaminated materials
  • Removal of foreign materials such as mud and silt
  • Applying antimicrobial agents
  • Scrubbing walls and floors

As the floodwaters flow into your property, it soaks into different materials, leading to deterioration. Structural materials such as sheetrock, insulation, and wallpaper develop various problems when exposed to water. Since cleaning and drying cannot restore them to the pre-damaged state, the best action is the immediate removal of the wet sections for disposal. Apart from dealing with the wetness, removal also prevents additional problems such as wicking of moisture from the wet areas to the drier ones.

As the floodwater fills your house, it is likely to deposit materials collected outside, including silt, mud, and leaves. In most cases, manual removal is the only way to get rid of such materials. Our SERVPRO technicians bring shovels, plastic bags, and other tools to the damage site to handle the removal conveniently.

Many of the soils left on surfaces such as walls and floors adhere to the material or cause staining. Cleaning such materials can be challenging. Our crews use a combination of manual scrubbing with brushes or dusters and chemical action from professional cleaning agents. For large surfaces such as the floors in several rooms, we can use automated tools such as rotating brushes to ease the workload.

How do I tell what is contaminated?

The presence of contaminants in floodwater increases the burden you have to bear after your home floods. Contamination is high when an incident involves groundwater because such water collects materials over vast areas. Typical contaminants might include:

  • Farm or industrial chemicals
  • Heavy metals
  • Fuel oil
  • Biohazards including sewage

The water dumps these contaminants on the contents or surfaces it affects, so you should treat the entire property as contaminated and use personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves, boots, and other protective material when venturing in or performing clean-up tasks. The level of contamination left on different materials differs. For non-porous materials such as metal or plastics, the contamination is only on the surface. Cleaning such items thoroughly and use of disinfectants helps remove all traces of contamination. Porous and semi-porous materials can retain some traces of contamination even after cleaning, so they must be handled carefully.

Our SERVPRO technicians inspect the items in your house to determine whether to dispose of or keep them. We consider whether an item is made from porous materials and whether it is exposed directly to contaminated water. Apart from physical observation, we use advanced tools such as luminometers to test surfaces for organic contamination.

Cleaning up a flooded house presents many challenges. Assistance from SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham can help you deal with any incident, "Like it never even happened." You can reach us at (603) 433-4300.

Are Wet Properties Expensive to Repair in Exeter?

12/9/2021 (Permalink)

tic checking wet wall SERVPRO's advanced inspection and mitigation equipment prevents secondary water damage to Exeter homes

Residents of Exeter Can See Expenses Spiral when Water Damage Strikes.

SERVPRO is a qualified restoration service that can mitigate costs and repair your home.

Why do wet properties deteriorate?

Water problems can degrade over time, causing extensive harm to your Exeter home. When dry materials are exposed to moisture, it can affect their structural integrity and promote harmful microbial activity. The combination of water exposure and microbial growth can lead to long-term problems affecting building materials, drywall, and fabrics in the home. If you discover water intrusion, it is vital that you contact your insurer right away. The first three days of a water emergency are central to the overall cost of restoration. SERVPRO technicians can enter the property, assess potential damages, mitigate damages, and begin repairing your water-damaged Exeter home. A standard water restoration from start to finish typically takes between two and five days to recover with professional help.

Is rising humidity harmful to a property?

One of the causes of water damage in your Exeter home may be rising humidity levels. When large bodies of water enter an enclosed environment, it begins to evaporate. Evaporation leads to higher levels of humidity within an indoor environment. When this humid air comes into contact with cold, dry surfaces, it condensates. This condensation effect can quickly lead to the ceiling, wall cavity, or upper floor damage. The more moisture in the air- relative humidity- can slow down the evaporation process overall, leading to more water exposure and a more extended restoration project. SERVPRO technicians typically bring in humidity controls at the first opportunity to mitigate further damages in a wet property.

What effect does condensation have on the property?

- Damp spots can quickly become hotbeds for microbial activity, including fungi, viruses, or bacteria

- Inner wall cavity damage can stagnate, causing unpleasant odors and cracking paintwork

- Damage to drywall, insulation, or paintwork is often discernible through discoloration

How does water restoration begin?

The first question that a professional water restoration technician asks is what is wet. We usually start at the source of water intrusion, which is generally identifiable as a slow leak, faulty appliance, or cracks leading to rainwater intrusion. From here, our technicians can work outwards to understand the extent of water migration. Sometimes it is necessary to use advanced measuring equipment to understand the scope of water migration truly. These may include the use of thermal imaging cameras or boroscopes. If a technician suspects that migration has reached wall cavities, we may need to perform a demolition to expose the hole and assess its insulation. Wet materials like insulation or drywall are typically inexpensive to replace and can be reinstalled by a qualified SERVPRO technician.

What equipment can be used to fix water migration issues?

- Structural cavity drying equipment like Injectidry systems can help to dry a property without requiring demolition

- Drying mats cover a large surface area and are useful for drying floors made from vinyl, laminate, or masonry

- Adaptations to dehumidification or air-moving equipment to allow hot, dry air to circulate into the home's hidden recesses

How do technicians know when a property is dry?

The drying of a property is an exact science. SERVPRO technicians use thermal hygrometers to measure the humidity of the affected area. We can then compare that to unaffected rooms as well as outdoor air. The readings taken from an unchanged room become the dry goal. SERVPRO can then use air-movers and other drying equipment to match an unaffected area's dryness with the affected area. It is equally essential for technicians to monitor the effectiveness of a drying system. Different properties have different shapes and architectures, which can all affect drying. By returning daily to monitor drying outcomes, crew chiefs can adapt the drying setup in your home for maximum efficiency. Tailoring our approach this way helps to ensure that Exeter residents suffer minimum inconvenience following water restoration.

When is a water restoration project finished?

- When the dry goal of the affected area is met

- Once a SERVPRO technician conducts a walkthrough with you to explain outcomes and services

- After equipment is removed and any damaged materials are either cleaned, restored, or replaced

Can restoration services help with insurance?

Generally, a restoration crew chief works closely with an insurance adjuster. SERVPRO is a transparent, professional company that records any work carried out in a digital inventory. These works ensure that there is access to accounts in real-time. At the end of a service, our technicians can pass the details of restoration onto your insurance provider to complete a 'stress-free claim.

A wet home can continue to sustain damages after the source of moisture is contained. Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 now.

Who Offers Reliable and Accessible Portsmouth Flood Damage Assistance?

11/23/2021 (Permalink)

3 dogs sleeping on sofa Our "Office Staff" says Relax since our SERVPRO production crew is doing a great job of restoring your Portsmouth flood-damaged home

SERVPRO is a local company with nationwide resources for Portsmouth flooding restoration

Nor'easters and hurricanes form under different conditions and areas of the Atlantic Ocean, but both types of storms target coastal New Hampshire, causing severe flood damage in Portsmouth. The destruction can destroy exterior and interior building materials and the contents of your home, as well as inflict similar wind and water damage on neighboring housing.

What Should Portsmouth Residents Look for in a Reputable Flood Restoration Contractor?

During the storm in Portsmouth and the immediate aftermath, you can feel utterly overwhelmed with the scope of the water clean up needed. Do not let panic impel a decision to hire an itinerant company operating out of a vehicle or two, following storms from community to community with hard-sell tactics. This can leave customers like yourself to fend for themselves if promises are unkept or lingering flood moisture issues occur. Contracting with your local SERVPRO instead offers:

  • Licensed and certified project managers, crew leads, and technicians
  • Swift, in-community response with minimal wait times and a brick and mortar presence, streamlining the crisis response and permitting ongoing support
  • Scalable capability, permitting us to help you and your neighbors by accessing our nationwide network of Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-trained partners
  • Comprehensive storm-related flooding interventions, including:
  • Tarping and board up emergency services
  • Water damage repairs
  • Basement flooding cleanup and water removal
  • Cleaning up after a sewer backup (a common complication when municipal sanitary waste systems cannot handle flooding quantities)
  • Mold inspections, remediations, and removal if indicated (mold can take hold after 24 to 72 hours of residual moisture)
  • Disinfection using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered antimicrobials
  • Applied structural drying, including determination of appropriate drying goals and continuous monitoring of drying progress

Engage the flood damage removal and repair services of SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham when your home suffers a battering from seasonal coastal storms. We are on alert 24/7, awaiting your call at (603) 433-4300 today, and looking forward to supporting you into the future.

Get Prompt and Efficient Fire Damage Restoration in Exeter

11/12/2021 (Permalink)

Smoke from a fire Fire damage restoration services by SERVPRO are top-notch. We have highly trained and experienced technicians for any phase of fire damage mitigation.

SERVPRO is a Reputable Company that Offers Fire Damage Restoration in Exeter

It is arduous to deal with a fire disaster, and restoring a home after a fire is challenging. The process of reconstructing a property after a fire needs to be done with extreme care and caution. Apart from the fire itself, the chemicals or water used to extinguish the flames can intensify the destruction. It would be best if you had an expert restoration firm such as SERVPRO to handle the situation.

To perform efficient fire damage restoration in your Exeter home, we begin by evaluating the damage and assessing it correctly. This enables our technicians to decide on the strategy to adopt and how to approach the restoration process. We remove the debris and the chemicals used to fight the fire. We also clean the chemical agents used to douse the flames carefully without harming the building materials.

From the moment you hire SERVPRO, we can provide you with ongoing updates until we complete the restoration process. We also provide accurate estimates based on the services we recommend to ensure that your home returns to its preloss state. When you choose us for fire restoration, you can experience other merits, including:

  • Water damage restoration services
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Pack-out services
  • Emergency board-up services

In a loss environment, there may be different kinds of smoke residues. These residues contain solid particles that consist primarily of carbon. Our SERVPRO technicians choose the cleaning method that can remove the type of smoke residues present effectively. We identify the kind of surface that is affected to determine which cleaning products and cleaning methods are ideal to use on the surface.

We take care to preserve the surfaces or materials we are cleaning. If a material cannot withstand the cleaning process, it is unrestorable. Smoke residues usually bond with the surfaces they contact. We can use wet and dry-cleaning procedures to release residue particles and carry them away from the ruined surfaces. Our SERVPRO crew then disposes of cleaning waste and debris in the right manner.

Reach out to SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 for fire restoration services. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Trust Professionals for Mold Remediation in Portsmouth

11/7/2021 (Permalink)

mold damaged door and walls Mold with grow like wild-fire within the first 48 hours. SERVPRO mold remediation specialists have the equipment for the job needed for your property

SERVPRO Has the Expertise to Provide Effective Mold Remediation in Portsmouth

Mold usually grows in humid, damp spaces in any part of a building after water damage. It can easily grow in kitchen areas, laundry rooms, bathrooms, and basements. At SERVPRO, we know that handling a mold infestation might be challenging. Regardless of your situation, we can help.

Our team can perform mold remediation in your Portsmouth residence satisfactorily. Our technicians are extensively trained in providing restoration services. We know where to check and how to remediate mold without spreading excess spores or mycotoxins into the air. It is essential to measure the size and extent of the apparent mold issue. Generally, mold contamination can be divided into:

  • Small – Less than ten square feet of mold.
  • Medium – Ten to a hundred square feet of mold.
  • Large – Over a hundred square feet of mold.

Our SERVPRO team uses advanced techniques and tools to remediate mold. For instance, we can perform containment using heavy-duty plastic sheets, residue-free tape, and extendable poles to quarantine the area with mold. Containment helps to prevent mold spores from getting into other parts of the home.

Our technicians can also vent the containment area with tubes connected to air scrubbers. The machines suck air from the containment, filter it and expel it outside the home. Apart from purifying the air, air scrubbers also create negative air pressure in the containment area. This means that air moves directly from your house into containment through the air scrubber and is released to the outdoors.

When our SERVPRO team enters the containment area, we wear protective gear. If porous items such as carpets and drywall have mold, we remove them. Our team uses various power and hand tools to carefully and neatly remove these materials. Completing this step properly is essential because it makes it easier for us to rebuild the area. We place the moldy materials in heavy-duty plastic bags and use tape to seal them.

After our SERVPRO team is satisfied with removing all mold materials, we can use vacuums fitted with HEPA filters to clean the containment area. We vacuum all surfaces to snag as many mold fragments and mold spores as possible.

When you need mold remediation services, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300.

Reasons to Hire Professionals to Perform Water Mitigation in Portsmouth Homes

10/27/2021 (Permalink)

Servpro water sign SERVPRO IICRC certified technicians have the knowledge and experience for any size water damage restoration project.

Reputable Companies Like SERVPRO Have the Expertise to Perform Water Mitigation in Portsmouth

When water damage happens to your property, you can find yourself in a highly stressful situation. Avoid hiring a company that charges twice the market rate for water damage repairs because this can add to your anxiety. SERVPRO uses cutting-edge technology and equipment to handle water damage in a cost-effective manner.

We have a team of skilled technicians who use innovative techniques to perform water mitigation in Portsmouth homes. At SERVPRO, we also offer:

  • Immediate response to avoid further losses
  • Restoration process free of hiccups.
  • A licensed and well-trained team of restorers.

When you deal with water damage in your Portsmouth property, your repairs may appear to be in good shape at first, but you may see signs of trapped moisture after a while. Consequently, you may have to do more work and recover these costs from your insurance provider, which may be more difficult.

SERVPRO's team of restoration professionals employs advanced drying technology, along with special heaters and dehumidifiers to eliminate remaining moisture. For rapid, successful drying, we can use centrifugal air movers and indirect-fired furnaces to deliver dry air and heat directly to wet materials and to the building's interior structure. The procedure significantly increases evaporation.

Our goal is to dry affected properties within the shortest time possible. The drying process has the chance to take several days, depending on the intensity of the damage. During the drying process, our SERVPRO team can monitor the affected areas of your property closely to ensure that we meet the drying goals.

If not addressed promptly, water damage can reduce your property's value. Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham for reliable restoration to make it "Like it never even happened." Our 24-hour helpline is (603) 433-4300.

How Our Experts Handle Fire Damage In Your Hampton Home

10/15/2021 (Permalink)

fire flames SERVPRO IICRC certified technicians are trained and experienced in all phases of fire damage restoration.

Guidelines On Handling Fire Damage In Your Hampton Home

The flames from a fire of any size can create dangerous conditions in your house quickly by damaging furniture, cabinets, countertops, tiles, and appliances in minutes. After extinguishing a fire successfully, the amount of destruction left to handle can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is vital to use fire restoration services to return your property to its pre-fire damage condition.

After a fire damages your Hampton residential property, soot and smoke can travel and penetrate other rooms, ruining carpeting, paint, upholstery, clothing, draperies, and other belongings. Ventilating your house is a vital first step to cleaning up after a fire. You can start the remediation process by taking the following steps:

  • Wear gloves like household dishwashing gloves, pants, and long-sleeved shirts before cleaning up the surfaces with soot and smoke residues to avoid skin contact.
  • Wear personal protective gear like a dust mask to avoid breathing in airborne particles such as ash.
  • Ventilate your property by opening the windows and doors to eliminate odor and smoke.
  • Dispose of burned debris to eliminate scents.
  • Use cooking oil to wipe metallic finishes, preventing staining and rusting.

You should also not hesitate to seek help from SERVPRO franchise professionals. Our restoration team has extensive training in dealing with fire damage. We understand that the destruction may be more severe than it appears, and we know where to check to prevent the need for future restoration services.

Our Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Technicians (FSRT) can arrive at your house within an hour of receiving your call and assess the damage. This allows us to determine the fire restoration services required and then work diligently to restore your property. We have the tools and equipment needed to remove soot and smoke from your property. Smoke and soot can cause stains and discoloration on walls and ceilings. The acidic residues in soot can ruin the interior of your property and countless belongings if you do not eliminate them rapidly.

Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration and Cleanup

Our technicians can loosen smoke residues from different surfaces using mild, moderate, or heavy agitation. For mild agitation, we can use brushes, vacuums, feather dusters, or compressed air. For moderate agitation, we can use dusting cloths, dry cleaning sponges, or cleaning towels. If your house has a significant amount of smoke residues, our crew can remove them using tools that produce heavy amounts of agitation like Roto pads and brushes, sandpapers and steel wool, and blasting equipment that blasts some type of media against the soiled surfaces.

Your property could also have water damage because of burst pipes or the water that firefighters used to stifle the flames. Our SERVPRO technicians can extract the water using shop vacs and dry the affected areas using air moving and dehumidification equipment.

When a fire happens in your home, call the team of highly trained technicians at SERVPRO of The Seacoast for fire restoration services. You can reach us at (603) 433-4300. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

What to Avoid When Your Library in Hampton is Facing Water Damage

10/8/2021 (Permalink)

Here To Help SERVPRO IICRC certified technicians have the training and experience in all phases of commercial damage restoration.

Pack-outs Protect PCs and Literature in Your Hampton Library

Whenever water loss incidents occur in your Hampton library, you need to react quickly to protect the investment that you have made in the countless novels and publications throughout the building. With how quickly water effects can spread throughout the library, many areas can become affected over a brief period. Reaching out to professional restoration technicians can help to not only protect the structural integrity of the building but also offer effective, rapid solutions that can protect the contents of the facility as well.

Water damage in Hampton can present a hazardous condition for the contents of your library. Moisture itself can be substantially damaging to books and other literature that you might have in the building, making it pressing for the right personnel to work quickly on mitigation tactics that can protect them. Our SERVPRO professionals have a 24/7 response to water loss emergencies, arriving with the full measure of our effective extraction and drying equipment and IICRC-certified recovery team.

Water Clean Up

Once our team first arrives at your library, we must assess the spread of the damage throughout the building to begin establishing containment. We can stop the spread of water damage with the right barriers and running equipment. During this assessment, our Contents Department can begin to remove contents and publications at risk of exposure to moisture and direct saturation. We can work to get these either to a point where water damage can no longer affect them or take them to our nearby facility for focused drying and storage.

This recovery solution is also vital for electronics that you have in the computer lab portion of the building. With these public access PCs, moisture and dampness in the vicinity can penetrate and ruin internal wiring and motherboards, causing the computer to suffer irreparable damage. The pack-out procedure can help our SERVPRO team to protect these items in your library as well.

While you might have many concerns when water loss incidents occur, protecting your investment in the library with its electronics and works of literature must be a priority. Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team can quickly protect these items from the detrimental effects of water damage. Give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

How Can Moist Conditions Impact Fire Damage in Portsmouth Homes?

9/30/2021 (Permalink)

Call Now! Fire damage restoration services by SERVPRO are second to none. Call now!

Atmospheric conditions can greatly impact the fire damage experienced in Portsmouth properties. 

New England homes are no stranger to humid conditions and moisture, making situations like fire damages even more challenging to clean and restore. Our experienced professionals can quickly evaluate the damage and the best mitigation approach upon arrival.

Contending With Standing Water After Extinguishment

While higher humidity can lead to more challenging fire damage restoration in Portsmouth properties, standing water from the extinguishment process can further exacerbate this damage. Our team works fast with extraction devices to clear standing water and pooling.

Overcoming Wet Smoke Damage 

Thick residues can often be the product of moist conditions during a fire loss event. Dampness can reduce the speed of a spreading fire but allow for more challenging cleanup when thicker soot deposits exist. Our professionals have wet cleaning approaches that begin by emulsifying or dissolving soils to loosen and remove them.

Reducing and Removing Harsh Odors from the Property

Odors can also be one of the more challenging aspects of cleaning up after wet smoke damage. Smoldering fires produce a thicker smoke capable of traveling through pathways like the HVAC system and impacting multiple connected rooms with harsh odors. When deodorization is necessary, our professionals lean on several tools in our recovery inventory, including:

Fire damage can be an even greater challenge to overcome in area homes and businesses when moist conditions impact smoke generation and soot deposits. With the formidable presence that wet smoke damage can become, SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham teams must work fast to provide mitigation and restoration solutions. We are available 24/7 at (603) 433-4300.

Infrared Cameras Aid In Commercial Flood Damage Restoration In Portsmouth

9/13/2021 (Permalink)

an infrared camera examining the ceiling Team SERVPRO has the certified technicians and the latest thermal detection equipment to tackle your commercial flood damage situation. Call now.

Let SERVPRO Show You the Ropes When it Comes to Your Portsmouth Commercial Flood Damage

If Mother Nature ever decides to wreak havoc on your office building in Portsmouth by sending a vicious storm your way, rainwater could get into many places inside your structure. Whenever our SERVPRO team conducts commercial flood damage mitigation procedures, we know that half the battle is finding what got wet. If water enters your office complex from the ground up, many of your building materials like your subfloor or wall studs can retain moisture.

Wet structural components can be hidden behind carpet or wall coverings. When conducting commercial flood damage mitigation in Portsmouth, our SERVPRO technicians use advanced technology and specialized tools to determine where the moisture went once it entered your office complex after the storm. We can use a wide variety of different moisture sensors and meters to detect the presence of water in drywall, wood, or carpet. However, certain areas could be wet that might be difficult to test using penetrating meters.

Especially when dealing with storm-related problems at your office building, an infrared camera can come in handy during the inspection process. Thermal imaging with these cameras can help us find where the rainwater could have gone. The camera works by showing the temperature of surfaces in different colors for hotter and colder materials.

Storms Bring Moisture

Thermal imaging can enable us to find wet materials by showing us temperature changes. When moisture contacts a surface, the temperature often changes and remains different from unaffected areas. When water evaporates from a wet surface, the temperature of the material drops. Water can also hold thermal energy longer than dry surfaces, so wet surfaces could also be warmer than other dry materials.

Unlike moisture meters, infrared cameras do not cause any destruction to your office complex because it eliminates the need to puncture holes for probes. Thermal imaging is also useful when detecting difficult areas such as high, hard to reach ceilings. Using thermography also allows our SERVPRO crew to detect moisture contents in more areas of your office in a shorter amount of time.

If your office building in Portsmouth, Hampton, or Greenland ever suffers after a severe storm, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300. We can return your office complex to the way it was before the storm struck, "Like it never even happened."

Portsmouth Property Owners Benefit from SERVPRO's Advice for Mold Prevention

9/6/2021 (Permalink)

mold growth on the wall in a house When your home is affected by a mold infestation, time is not on your side. Before the mold spreads, contact SERVPRO to investigate and remediate.

Why SERVPRO's Experience in Preventing Mold Damage Helps Homeowners in Portsmouth

When molds and their microscopic spores settle on the surfaces inside a home in Portsmouth, a few different things can happen. They can come into contact with a dry surface and eventually end up on the floor where regular housekeeping chores eliminate them. They also might land on a moist surface and start a small colony of actively growing microbes.

Why SERVPRO technicians take small colonies seriously upon finding them in an Portsmouth home is because mold damage happens quickly, spreads rapidly, and can also cause health effects in occupants. We want all of our neighbors to live in a home free of excessive mold, and one way to do this is through mold remediation.

Mold Remediation

Our services are thorough and based on honesty. We explain to customers that we cannot eliminate all mold and spores inside their homes. Doing so is not possible for different reasons. One reason is that mold and spores exist everywhere, including the fresh, clean air from the outside. This air pushes mold and spores into your home continuously. One of the most heavily infested areas of a home includes the window sills of opened and partially opened windows. Your clothing also carries microbes into your dwelling. Pets are also guilty of doing the same.

The main culprit in houses that suffer from mold damage is not the microbial population itself. Instead, the reason behind such problems is the presence of uncontained water. Our remediation team uses state of the art technology to detect unknown sources of water and moisture and to determine how widespread these areas range. Our moisture meters reveal how saturated any material in question is, giving us a reasonably accurate idea of how long drying the area might take.

Following lost water back to its source allows us to remedy the problem with a quick repair. These simple repairs keep the area dry and less prone to future colonization by microbes. Reducing, or where possible, eliminating, water and moisture also take care of many mold problems before they can reoccur. For fungal infestations that are persistent, we suggest to the homeowner to seek a contractor for this service.

Merely eliminating the damage caused by mold is only part of SERVPRO's mold damage mitigation and remediation services. We also treat affected areas with an antimicrobial liquid to prevent future regrowth. Educating our customers on how mold and other microbes behave can also help avoid situations that permit microbial reinfestation.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast helps customers successfully cope with mold damage in their homes. Call us at (603) 433-4300. We are always ready to help you by answering questions and providing you with expert guidance.

Can Attachments Make Water Removal in Portsmouth Home More Efficient?

8/29/2021 (Permalink)

a flooded bathroom with items floating everywhere Regardless of the room affected, team SERVPRO has the right tools for effective water removal. Call us immediately to assess and remediate for you.

Tools in Our Recovery Inventory Promote Effective Mitigation for Water-damaged Portsmouth Properties.

With the promise that We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster, it is vital for our SERVPRO team to stay diligently prepared to help when disasters strike. Keeping READY trailers stocked with extraction, drying, and water cleanup tools makes the process faster.

Extraction Devices to Manage Considerable Standing Water

Water removal for Portsmouth homes and businesses can be a stressful situation without immediate mitigation and emergency services getting underway. An evaluation of the property determines the best equipment for the task. There are several tools used for efficient elimination of surface water concerns, including:

  • Wet Vacuums – One of the most versatile mitigation tools in our inventory is the wet vacuum. With the portability of these units, we can manage standing water concerns and trapped moisture with the appropriate wand attachments.
  • Carpet Wands – These units are ideal for extracting water trapped in carpeting in the early stages of restoration. These attachments also help to manage lingering moisture after deep extraction tools are used. Their small size makes them preferred for removing water from less accessible areas. 
  • Squeegee Wands – These attachments are ideal for hardwood surfaces, tile, concrete, and other low porosity materials. When attached to truck-mount extractors, these squeegee tools can corral water into an on-board vacuum system.

The versatility of recovery tools and extraction devices can help our professionals provide a range of mitigation solutions for damaged properties. Attachments and tools used in conjunction with machines like wet vacuums and truck extractors can help to eliminate surface water on various types of flooring. Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham water restoration professionals are ready to respond fast when you call (603) 433-4300.

How to Conveniently Handle a Fire Damage Disaster in Portsmouth

8/12/2021 (Permalink)

Home on fire After your home suffers a fire, call our fire professionals for assistance with remediation services right away.

Knowing the Options After Your Home Faces a Fire Gets You Top Notch Remediation Results

It is wrong to think that scrubbing the soot off the walls and cleaning the floors is all you need after a fire damage incident. There are hazardous materials that result from such challenges which need removal services and other contents that require an inspection to determine whether they are salvageable. That is why we advise Portsmouth residents to work with professionals in the restoration industry to prevent avoidable mistakes. 

Given that fire damage disasters in Portsmouth are unpredictable, you need to know your options. We recommend that you immediately contact a certified restorer like SERVPRO. Further damage is preventable by calling a professional as soon as the disaster strikes, and that means most of your contents at that point are salvageable. 

Fire and Soot Damage Restoration and Cleanup

The soot deposits that you usually see on the walls after a fire never tell the entire story. When left unattended, they can penetrate the walls and make the metal reinforcements corrode. When that happens, the structural integrity of a premise is under question, and it is something that our SERVPRO technicians can work to prevent. 

If there is still some considerable heat on your property and we still have to do the cleaning, we know the right cleaning products to use in such a situation. While in some cases, the heat can increase the rate of the chemical reaction and thus enhance the cleaning process, that is not always the case. Different cleaning products are efficient at specific temperatures, and we remember that when restoring your property. 

After a fire, smoke residues may mix with fluids and lead to the formation of odors. While some sources of the smells are easy to trace, they can be hard to locate others. Our SERVPRO technicians first identify the causes of the odors and then perform deodorization to neutralize the unpleasant smells. Our restoration process follows the regulations of the state and is approved by IICRC. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast responds fast to all storm, mold, fire, and water damage disasters. Call us at (603) 433-4300 and be served by an industry leader. 

Dealing with Damaged Inventory from a Flood Damage Situation in Exeter

8/6/2021 (Permalink)

Check list SERVPRO can help with your damaged inventory after a water mishap.

Rely on SERVPRO to Mitigate Storm Damage

Inventory management is an essential task for any store that sells goods in Exeter. A proper inventory management system monitors sales, generates reports about the stock on hand, and schedules replenishment of products. A storm, sudden or not, can lead to damaged inventory due to the flood damage incurred. When this happens, you should adjust your books to reflect the shrinkage and then call a good restoration company to assess and remedy the situation. 

If a storm has hit your warehouse or store, you may sustain considerable inventory destruction that can compromise your business. When this happens, SERVPRO can send a team of flood removal experts to Exeter for assessing the situation and restoring your property. We follow IICRC guidelines in every emergency, thus ensuring a smooth and efficient restoration process. 

How Flood Damage Affects Inventory

Inventory loss occurs when the stock count is less than the original number that the business carries on its books. While some flood damage situations can ruin merchandise beyond repair, SERVPRO can salvage particular property most of the time. One way you can reduce damage to your inventory is by protecting your stock from flood damage beforehand. This involves conducting periodic inspections of your store and then repairing it as needed. Ask us about our ERP Program, the Emergency READY Profile Plan.

Flood damage caused by a storm is considered a casualty. SERVPRO can help you sort out the damaged items from your inventory without adjusting the value of goods sold. We can also perform tasks such as document restoration (with a freeze-drying process called lyophilization) and water damage repair, which are essential for the continuity of your business. 

Our catalog includes water removal from walls, furniture, ceilings, sub-floors, ducts, and carpets. We have specialized moisture detection equipment that can come in handy in areas where standing water is not immediately visible. If the water remains unattended for too long, SERVPRO has a team of mold remediation experts who can treat the mold growth that is bound to occur. 

As a long-term member of your community, SERVPRO of The Seacoast offers 24/7 commercial flood damage services and is ready to respond to your emergency anytime. Call us at (603) 433-4300.

Does SERVPRO Offer Water Restoration in Portsmouth?

7/29/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo When you need assistance with water damage remediation, call the expert technicians at SERVPRO right away!

SERVPRO Provides Water Restoration to Companies in Portsmouth!

Water leaking from plumbing, water heaters, and even condensation around air conditioning units can cause a great deal of damage to the structure and flooring materials if it is not cleaned up quickly. Water seeps into every nook and cranny, between hardwood flooring planks and into porous materials such as drywall and laminated wood products.

SERVPRO does offer water restoration to Portsmouth companies and consumers. Our fast response of fewer than four hours aims to limit the damage that water can cause and return company operations to normal as fast as possible. Preventing water absorption by semi-porous and porous materials can reduce a great deal of damage and get you back in business rapidly.

Our drying floor mats withdraw water from hardwood floors before they absorb moisture, swell and begin to buckle. We use vacuum wands to remove water from hard-to-reach areas to prevent mold growth. And we use weighted extractors on carpets and under padding to remove moisture before installing large fans and dehumidifiers to dry the space and return humidity levels to normal.

SERVPRO provides the following services to companies and consumers:

  • Water removal, drying, and restoration services
  • Restoration caused by burst pipes and ceiling leaks
  • Fast response to mitigate the damage and prevent mold contamination

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham for water restoration companies in Portsmouth and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (603) 433-4300.

Restoring Flood Damage in Exeter

7/15/2021 (Permalink)

water damaged parquet flooring Water can damaged wood and parquet flooring in your Exeter home--Call SERVPRO to mitigate the storm damaged flooring

The Effects of Flooding on Your Floors and Subfloors

Flooding costs in Exeter and the rest of New Hampshire run into millions of dollars each year. It grows worse when homeowners ignore the effects until they feel floors give under their feet or they can see the colors bleeding from their carpets.

That is why Exeter flood damage, or anywhere else, always begins underfoot. Wood floors start to warp and buckle in only several days. SERVPRO technicians prevent this by removing standing water quickly and drawing moisture trapped in the floorboards. If we do not, the wood damage is only the beginning. The sub-floor under floorboards and carpets is a perfect environment for mold spores to expand and grow.

Flood Damage Clean Up

When flood damage does happen, SERVPRO restoration teams have to remove the wood flooring and take care to prevent spreading any mold spores onto other property or into rooms not already contaminated. If there are undamaged pieces, team members attempt to remove them without causing secondary damage. If there is enough to make it feasible to the homeowner, we reuse it in areas along walls to hide it under floor trim or furniture.

Now, we examine the sub-floor. Damage from water and mold is usually minimal, so we typically accomplish this part of the job in just a few days. If the damage is more than minimal, then removing it could take over a week. In extreme cases, it is quicker and cheaper to remove the entire sub-floor immediately and replace it than spend time trying to save a small amount of wood. We may have to bring in jacks and screws for extra wall support if this happens until we lay in the new sub-floor. Technicians work quickly but take the time needed to do it right.

If the subfloor is not level, then the wood floor we install on top starts off already buckled and with other problems. Putting in a new wood floor is simpler by comparison. We check our lines and joints carefully with each board to prevent gaps and carefully use sanders to ensure a completely level surface.

Restoring your home after a flood is a complicated process, but SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham has the training, tools, and experience to put it back together. For more information on how we can help you and your home, call us today at (603) 433-4300.

What Is Soot and Why Does It Form after Fire Damage to Portsmouth Homes?

7/7/2021 (Permalink)

dirty palms with carbonized soot Keep your hands clean and let SERVPRO cleanup and restore your Portsmouth fire damaged home

Clean-Up from Fire & Smoke Damage Calls for Professional Help

Dealing with soot is one of the most time-consuming parts of fire damage restoration. Residue quickly settles on surfaces after fire damage, and the cleanup is a genuine struggle for homeowners in Portsmouth who are dealing with the aftermath. However, what is soot, why does it form after the fire?

Soot Damage

Soot is the fine brown or black powder that clings to and discolors surfaces in the home after fire damage in Portsmouth. Soot is what gives items that charred and blackened look. Smoke is a by-product of the incomplete combustion of materials; as wood, paper, plastic, and other materials burn during a house fire, they produce residues and release particles into the atmosphere.

The composition of soot makes it slightly sticky, which means it clings to surfaces and is difficult to remove. As well as looking unsightly, this residue reduces air quality, and a smoke-damaged house does not feel like a home. SERVPRO is on hand to help with fire damage cleanup and restore your home “Like it never even happened.”

Whether or not an item is salvageable after smoke damage depends on how porous the material is. It is far harder to clean residue from a weathered and aged wooden table than to clean it from a smooth glass or polished metal surface.

Trained Fire Damage Restoration Technicians

Our IICRC-certified technicians arrive ready to thoroughly assess your property and devise the best cleaning plan for you. We advise you on which items are salvageable from soot damage and which are not. SERVPRO trains our technicians in a range of cleaning techniques and equips them with everything they need to scrub, scrape, and wipe soot from the surfaces in your home.

After cleaning, we set to work deodorizing your home as well. We understand that it is hard to settle back into your house when it smells of smoke. We have thermal foggers, ozone generators, and air scrubbers on hand to rid your home of smoky smells and leave it fresh once more.

For help with soot and smells in Portsmouth, Exeter, Hampton, Greenland, and surrounding areas, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 today.

Do Cabinets Have to Get Removed for Water Removal in Portsmouth Homes?

6/19/2021 (Permalink)

leak in base cabinet with mold SERVPRO can restore this water damaged kitchen sink base cabinet in Portsmouth without demolition

SERVPRO Techs Perform Water Cleanup with as Little Disruption as Possible

There are two rooms in a Portsmouth home most likely to receive water damage: the bathroom and the kitchen. Coincidentally, both of these rooms usually have cabinets and the same issues when the house needs water cleanup services.

When SERVPRO techs handle water removal in Portsmouth properties, the goal is always to limit disruptions to the home and get the job completed promptly, including leaving structural elements in place such as vanities and cabinets.

Tracking the water damage path within a Portsmouth property is a crucial part of limiting the number of items that require removal during water damage cleanup services. SERVPRO technicians use a myriad of devices and techniques to locate and remove the water in a home. Upon removing the toe kick at the bottom of a cabinet or vanity, the techs can use their detection equipment to determine the moisture level present and if seepage into the subfloor under the cabinet has occurred.

Examples of Water Removal Techniques

  • Use of attachments on equipment to get under cabinets when possible
  • Drilling weep holes to drain walls that have wicked moisture
  • Use of controlled demo when needed to stop the deterioration of an entire wall or ceiling

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 serves the Portsmouth community for all types and sizes of water removal needs.

Destination Dining Plans Saved By Speedy SERVPRO Water Removal

6/9/2021 (Permalink)

a set table at a restaurant Facing commercial water damage? Team SERVPRO can help with water removal equipment and certified technicians to tackle the job.

Our Technicians Arrive Quickly to Tackle Drying Out Your Property After a Flooding Event

Quaint and imbued with decades of dining memories, fine restaurants housed in historic Hampton buildings are precious to their owners, the staff who work in them, and the loyal clientele who arrive for anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. A significant water event can place all three groups of individuals in peril of losing a treasure. Our crews are up to the task of remediating the water.

The strain of a hundred years of freshwater flow finally breaks a vital pipe in your restaurant, pouring gallons upon gallons of water into your kitchen and food storage areas. Immediate commercial water removal in Hampton is essential to the continuation of your business, run for more than a century by your family. Our locally owned restoration company appreciates the severity of this crisis and responds as soon as possible.

You limit the damage by shutting off the water flow before we arrive to do a thorough assessment and begin the work of water removal and structural drying. Because many appliances in your kitchen are wired, power may be shut off. This is not a problem as SERVPRO’s submersible pumps and water extractors are truck mounted. Our technicians commence pumping and extraction operations while other workers take moisture measurements and use scanning technology to locate any hidden pockets of water.

Resolving the trapped water issue is crucial as if left in this warm and high-nutrient environment, mold could become a problem in as little as 48 hours. We work quickly and steadily to make water removal the primary task by minimizing the secondary damage that typically arises when water stands. SERVPRO managers also work with you, the city inspectors, and the insurance company to ensure that the restaurant is running again as soon as possible.

An intense session with industrial-sized air movers and desiccant dehumidifiers reduces the moisture in the structure to normal levels. Only stone and tile floors were affected, meaning no carpet or rug remediation was necessary. Working as a team, SERVPRO and your staff look forward to welcoming diners again for their special events and romantic dinners.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast is a committed member of our community, ready to assist with any water emergency. Call our staff at (603) 433-4300 immediately after a crisis to schedule an assessment. 

Flood Damage in Portsmouth After a Storm

6/5/2021 (Permalink)

a flooded bedroom with water everywhere and items floating around Has your home been recently flooded? Call the certified technicians at SERVPRO for water removal and effective flood damage remediation efforts.

SERVPRO's Fast and Efficient Response Dries Out Your Property and can Prevent Secondary Damages

Extreme weather can drop millions of gallons of water into a relatively small area overnight. It overcomes river banks, levees, and dams in less than a day, with people's homes sitting helplessly in the way.

When flood damage in Portsmouth is from a storm system, there is the additional threat of contaminated water to homes. There is soil and other debris not present with a broken hose from a dishwasher. That can mean more property has to be replaced rather than restored, which translates to thousands of dollars in additional costs. This situation makes the cleaning services offered by SERVPRO just as important as water removal.

Our first action to clean and restore property is to get it out of the water. Since the items sit on the floors, for the most part, merely removing the water is not enough. Our response team places furniture and other items on wood or cinder blocks. Raising the property gets it off carpets and wood floors, preventing wood finishes and paints from leaving stains. It also helps water to drain and puts airflow over and under the items.

Next, we inspect everything. If there is any soil or other contaminants found on the surface, we start cleaning immediately. If it does not spread and stain more of the surface, our specialists use brushes to remove heavy soil. Brushing is effective on hard surfaces like bookcases and tables but may not be possible on fabrics like curtains, drapes, and upholstered furniture.

When it comes to cleaning, every SERVPRO office has access to a nationwide network of antimicrobial cleaners and commercial detergents. In the decades we have been in the restoration business, we have found very few stains that our technicians cannot remove. The EPA approves everything we use for residential purposes. We use a special immersion tank that forces bubbles into the cleaning solution and over and through the property for those items heavily soiled and stained.

Cleaning up after a storm is not a fast or easy process. At SERVPRO of The Seacoast, we have the experience and training to put your home back together and return it to its original state so you can return to your life before the storm. Call us at (603) 433-4300 today. 

SERVPRO Provides Cleaning and Fire Restoration in Portsmouth

5/31/2021 (Permalink)

a fire damaged hallway with soot covering the walls Don’t make the situation worse! Contact team SERVPRO to clean up and remediate the fire damage in your home. We are available 24/7.

Let the Experts Clean Your Home After a Fire in Portsmouth, Call SERVPRO

Attempting to complete clean-up after a fire in Portsmouth yourself can make things worse if you use the wrong methods, cleaning agents, and materials. Every fire is different depending on the material burned and how hot the fire was. Grease fires on the stove produce a heavy, oily smoke residue that coats everything. At the same time, a fire that burns at a high temperature produces light, fluffy ash that is easily removed.

SERVPRO can help with fire restoration after a fire in Portsmouth. We immediately assess the conditions and determine the best approach to perform a complete house clean-up after a fire. In addition to the type of smoke residue and the surface type, we consider four factors while removing and cleaning smoke residues from surfaces and contents in your home.

  • The appropriate temperature for the surface and the cleaning solution.
  • How much agitation of the surface and chemicals?
  • Which chemical cleaning agents should be used on residues and surfaces?
  • How long should the cleaning agents dwell on the surface to work properly?

We have the skills, the knowledge, and the expertise to provide a thorough fire and smoke damage restoration of your home after a fire.

Call SERVPRO of Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham for fire restoration in Portsmouth and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (603) 433-4300.

How Can SERVPRO Prevent Your Portsmouth Business Becoming Overwhelmed by Mold?

5/10/2021 (Permalink)

mold damage door and ceiling Mold damage remediation is no easy task. SERVPRO uses the latest equipment and techniques for mold remediation.

Mold inspections and removal strategies provide efficient remediation for Portsmouth businesses. 

Understanding your need for professional mold remediation begins with appreciating the many ways that active colonization can impact your business. While every situation is different and might require various mold removal tactics and approaches, the threats that spreading microbial organisms can cause are similar from one damaged site to the next. Obstacles we must overcome include:

  • Damaged materials
  • Noxious odors
  • Moist conditions
  • Structural vulnerabilities

How Can Mold Removal Get Started? 

Removing microbial colonies and beginning mold remediation in Portsmouth businesses requires careful evaluations of the property and its condition. We actively pursue the most efficient removal tactics based on the state of hosting materials. Organic matter can become deteriorated from hosting colonies over even a brief period. Surface treatments like sanding and antimicrobial cleaning can remove superficial colonization, but controlled demolition can also be necessary for some situations.

As challenging as mold remediation needs might be for area businesses, our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team can help with fast and effective removal options. Give us a call today at (603) 433-4300.

What Initial Actions Protect Portsmouth Homes After Water Damage? 

5/9/2021 (Permalink)

pooling water in room Water removal services for your home should be handled by SERVPRO. We will be there from start to finish. Call now!

Our prompt mitigation solutions can reduce water degradation in Portsmouth homes. 

Mitigation is critical after water damage incidents. We have immediate actions that can help protect structures from unnecessary harm, including:

What Are the Key Tools Used in Water Removal Services? 

Multiple pieces of equipment can be brought into a residence to begin the vital water removal services in Portsmouth after situations like burst pipes or appliance malfunctions. Eliminating standing water is essential to protecting the property and its contents, starting with the most considerable depths of surface water concerns. Submersible pumps can handle pooling of more than a few inches, while wet vacuums and various attachments can handle smaller volumes.

When water removal is necessary for area homes, we can utilize powerful extraction devices from our recovery inventory to help. We know the value of prompt mitigation, so we get the cleanup started as soon as possible. Give our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team a call today at (603) 433-4300.

How Does SERVPRO Help with Flood Restoration in Exeter Homes?

5/3/2021 (Permalink)

storm damaged home Storm damage removal services are no joke. SERVPRO will be onsite with IICRC techs within 4 hours of the initial call.

From water removal services to water damage repairs, we can help Exeter homes after a flood.

When storms and flood damage impact Exeter area homes and businesses, we have a team of professionals ready 24/7 to help. The path to making these incidents “Like it never even happened,” starts with effective mitigation and restoration solutions. We can help clean up your home:

  • Flood restoration
  • Basement flooding
  • Emergency services water damage
  • Water damage repairs
  • Mold inspections
  • Water clean up

How Can Floodwater Penetrate Your Property? 

Storms can often be a catalyst to flood damage in Exeter homes. Passing severe weather events like hurricane-strength systems or high-wind conditions can cripple aging roofs or remove the siding. Vulnerabilities from missing windows, damaged roofs, missing siding, or broken/damaged foundation masonry can welcome floodwater into the property.

How Do Water Removal Services Begin After a Flood?

Water removal services can be one of the most vital efforts to get started after flood damage. As rapidly as infiltrating water can pool and collect on surfaces like the flooring, prompt response to remove this standing water can better protect other areas of the property from exposure to flood water migration. Absorption and saturation are concerns for the porous materials and contents in the path of moving floodwater. Because this threat would also come with the possibility of solids and debris, every extractor in our vast inventory is not ideal for flood removal. We use instruments like:

  • Truck-mount extractors
  • Trash pumps
  • Wet vacuums

Is Muck-Out Cleaning Beneficial for the Property? 

Natural flooding can introduce several types of solids and debris into the house for responding technicians to contend with during flood restoration. Flood damage recovery begins with removing standing water, which can often reveal settled debris and materials resting on floors and other exposed surfaces. Shoveling up the sludge and remnants of a natural flooding incident can be critical to identifying structural concerns or other damages that exist and require immediate correction. Depending on the disaster, several types of debris and matter can get left behind in your household, including:

  • Mud
  • Silt
  • Organic matter
  • Vermin
  • Oil/Chemicals

Where Are Water Damage Repairs Necessary? 

Natural flooding often requires some degree of water damage repairs and controlled demolition. With a general contractor license and experienced professionals, we can seamlessly transition between mitigation and cleaning efforts necessary after storm damage flooding and the required repairs or reconstruction. Removing and discarding impacted materials can be a suitable solution to reduce and eliminate bacterial, and contaminant threats present in the house after natural floodwater infiltration. This general contractor license also allows us to reconstruct the vulnerabilities that exist in your home’s exterior that allowed for floodwater penetration in the first place.

From flood damage to the destructive storms that can pass through the area, our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team must stay prepared for disasters 24/7. We have skilled professionals ready to help remove floodwater and restore the damage these emergencies can cause. Call us today at (603) 433-4300.

Fire Damage Restoration Services are Available to Portsmouth Residents by Making One Simple Phone Call

4/16/2021 (Permalink)

Fire illustration If your home has been damaged by a fire, you need expert assistance with cleanup and restoration. Call SERVPRO for help. We are always available.

When Homes Suffer the Consequences of Fire and Smoke Damage, SERVPRO is Prepared to Help

After a house fire in Portsmouth, the cleanup and restoration process may seem overwhelming to the average homeowner. However, when you enlist the help of professional fire restoration technicians, the process becomes manageable. At SERVPRO, we focus on removing unsalvageable items and eliminating the soot and smell characteristic of fire damage. To achieve the best results, we employ state-of-the-art equipment and industry-grade cleaning solutions tailored to the needs of your home.

Cleaning the contents of your Portsmouth home is as essential as cleaning walls, ceilings, and structural elements. It stands to reason that water and fire damage restoration is typically less costly than replacing each affected item. A one-size-fits-all approach to cleaning and restoration can create more fire damage to your property, which is why our SERVPRO team tailors its efforts to each surface. The following methods are used to clean your home-

House Fire Cleanup Products Can Include:

  • Dry cleaning- generally used to clean non-grease-based damage or to prepare a surface for wet cleaning. Dry sponges help remove light soiling, often aided by vacuuming.
  • Wet Cleaning- more aggressive in nature, it is used for heavy residues. As its name implies, water and cleaning agents are involved in the cleanup process. Sprays and foams are included in this category.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham are available to help all communities around us. Call us at (603) 433-4300 and allow us to leave the memory of fire damage in the past.

Mold Remediation and Prevention in Commercial Buildings in Exeter is Part of a Successful Business Plan

4/9/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicles SERVPRO professionals are trained to handle every level of mold damage, Including the odors that come with it. Call us today, we are always available.

Exeter Businesses Needing Mold Removal Services can Rely on SERVPRO. 

Regardless of what your business focuses on, you probably have valuable assets and inventory to protect. When excess humidity makes its way into your Exeter storefront, you run the risk of mold spreading. Very often, mold spores proliferate quietly, leaving business owners unaware of the growing problem. Only a professionally trained crew can address the mold remediation process effectively, and time is of the essence.

Commercial clients in Exeter looking for the best mold specialists can call our mold specialists at SERVPRO. Our team applies industry best practices for mold removal and controlling any excess humidity causing its growth. Mold can cause health effects, so personal protection is crucial as our technicians carry out their job. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including eye protection, N95 masks, and chemical resistant gloves, is a must when dealing with mold.

Safety in Mold Removal Situations

The first step in keeping safe is assessing how widespread the problem is. To do this, our technicians may ask-

  • How long has mold been a problem?
  • Is there mold in the ventilation system?
  • Has there been water damage in the space?

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham are your best resource when mold is an issue. Contact us at (603) 433-4300, and let us minimize the impact of mold on your bottom line.

Portsmouth Homeowners are Vulnerable to Water Damage

3/26/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo Homeowners have to deal with many things which may include water damage. SERVPRO is here to help!

Only a Certified Water Restoration Team can Restore Portsmouth Homes Back to Normal

Beautiful Portsmouth is an ideal destination for a summer visit. Located on the Piscataqua River and bordering Maine, this city in New Hampshire is known for its natural harbor.  Its strategic location allowed the town to flourish in colonial times, when fishing, lumber, and goods were traded at its port. So crucial was this settlement that Paul Revere rode to alert of the imminent arrival of British forces seeking to destroy it.

Portsmouth continued to grow, as did close-by settlements, but never gained the same expansion as cities like Portland or Boston. However, it retains its seacoast flare with lobster, beaches, and a well-preserved historic center. In 1958, the Strawbery Banke Museum opened its doors to preserve the rich history of the place, one that lives on through its residents. Located in the heart of downtown, it is an outdoor Museum ideal for family fun. Within its 10 acres, visitors can hear stories as told by performers in period costumes and get a glimpse of each historical period's objects, crafts, and food characteristics. 

The Port of New Hampshire is the only deep-water port in New Hampshire, making it ideal for international trade and the cruising industry.  Warehouses, a wharf, and office space make Portsmouth a suitable place for trade and charter fishing.  The city and its facilities are also crucial for the New Hampshire Foreign Trade Zone, which incentivizes business through preferential duties and taxes. 

Portsmouth residents also exhibit a particular preference for beer and are typically among the top cities in beer consumption in the nation. Microbreweries abound, and visitors are encouraged to taste different flavors. Visitors looking for a peaceful place to learn about history while delighting in the landscape and the region’s cuisine would do well to visit Portsmouth. Walking tours, museums, and family-owned businesses are ready to embrace tourists into their town.

Water Damage Remediation Services in Portsmouth

It is not surprising that Portsmouth homeowners need emergency water damage services. Changes in temperature and proximity to the water can place strain on plumbing, causing pipes to burst and allow water into the home. Relying on professional water restoration technicians is key to a comprehensive cleanup process that avoids future complications.

Deodorizing a Home after Water Damage

Our customers often worry that their homes will retain a musty smell after a water incident. Our SERVPRO crew has available various products and techniques designed to eliminate odors in the most efficient way. As we set about counteracting the smell, we focus on the following-

  • Moisture removal, which lies at the core of any unpleasant smells·      
  • Use of safety equipment necessary when spraying or fogging the space ·      
  • Ventilation of the structure before and after applying deodorizing solutions

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham can help when disaster strikes. Our certified technicians are available around the clock at (603) 433- 4300. Call us and let us leave your home “Like it never even happened.”

Portsmouth Residents Rely on SERVPRO for Water Damage Restoration Services

3/8/2021 (Permalink)

water damaged home SERVPRO technicians are IICRC certified for any size water restoration service needed for your home.

SERVPRO Brings Years of Experience to Portsmouth Water Damage Restoration Jobs

Water damage can happen within a property in many ways. Homeowners need to know what to do at the earliest signs of this issue. 

The need for water restoration in Portsmouth homes does not always announce itself. A suddenly busted pipe or backed up toilet may create a need for urgency; there are also types of damage that go on for a time before getting noticed through some of the following symptoms:

Another common sign that an ongoing water issue is occurring within the structure is coldness. Homeowners may report that a room is difficult to heat, and the inability may be due to dampness in the walls. SERVPRO techs have moisture detection equipment and infrared cameras that can peer behind building materials or under flooring to identify areas of wicking or seepage. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 provides water damage restoration services for the local Portsmouth community. 

SERVPRO Helps Portsmouth Properties Recover from Flood Damage

3/4/2021 (Permalink)

storm damaged home Storms may cause flooding I the end. If so, SERVPRO is the team to call for storm restoration service for your property.

Portsmouth Property Owners Trust SERVPRO To Remove Flood Damage 

One significant contributing factor to the outcome of water damage cleanup in a home is the building envelope. If the envelope is not adequate, the weather outside can affect the drying of the interior. 

What is a Building Envelope?

When SERVPRO handles flood damage in Portsmouth properties, a term homeowners may hear is "building envelope." This term refers to the elements that separate the interior from the exterior and control the climate within the property, including: 

  • Roofs
  • Ceilings
  • Walls
  • Foundation
  • Windows

When SERVPRO techs are calculating the drying time, one of the many factors that have a bearing on the amount of time needed is how well the envelope stops humidity from coming into the home. When drying a structure affected by floodwater, limiting the influence of weather conditions outside the home is crucial. 

Because no structure can be airtight, the IICRC breaks the envelope description down into the three main types: loose, moderate, and tight. Tight is the best at keeping exterior weather conditions out of the home, and a loose envelope can have a direct bearing on drying times within a property. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300  supports the local Portsmouth area with flood damage cleanup.

Local Exeter Homes Trust SERVPRO for Fire Damage Restoration

2/27/2021 (Permalink)

fire damaged home Fire restoration is no easy task. SERVPROs technicians are IICRC certified for any size fire restoration service needed for your property.

SERVPRO Techs Restore Homes in Exeter With Fire Damage

Exeter was one of the country's early settlements when Reverend John Wheelwright purchased the land in 1638 from local Native Americans where the Exeter River met with tidal Squamscott, where the sub-tribe of the Pennacook nation resided. 

The Rev. Wheelwright wound up in the area after being exiled from his former home in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a Puritan theocracy. Wheelwright had a sister-in-law considered a dissident for her differing religious views that he also sided with. When he left the colony to settle elsewhere, about 175 people traveled with him to what would later be Exeter. Wheelwright coined the name for the new settlement after the same name in Devon, England. 

In the early days of the township, the settlers farmed, hunted, and fished to support their community. In the mid-1640s, the first gristmill for grinding grains became operational. Soon, other forms of needed mills sprang up throughout the township, including sawmills for the much-needed creation of building lumber and barrel staves, the largest founded by Edward Gilman. The present-day American Independence Museum was a former home of the Gilman family and listed as a National Historic Landmark.

The Gilman family ran a powerful shipping empire and traded as far as the West Indies. A major incident occurred when the clipper ship owned by Governor John Gilman got boarded on the orders of Admiral Horatio Nelson for the Royal Navy. Upon finding out who the ship captain was, a member of the Gilman family, Nelson worked to settle the ship's captain's situation by offering him a glass of wine and paying for the cargo aboard in Spanish dollars.

Exeter was influential in the development of New Hampshire for several reasons, including:

  • It became the state capital in 1775 and remained so for 14 years
  • It had the highest percentage of African Americans living as members of the community in the state in the late 1700s 
  • In 1827, the Exeter Manufacturing Company used power to produce cotton that supported many other businesses and enabled the township to grow

What Types of Cleaning Methods Work Against Fire Damage in Exeter Properties?

Cleaning up fire damage in Exeter residences needs several different applications for the best outcome. SERVPRO technicians are IICRC certified choose specific cleaning agents and methods determined through testing and residue types. The three most common ways are:

  • Agitation equipment and techniques
  • Chemical applications
  • Time-based cleaning methods

Agitation removes soiling that is adhered to fibers or surfaces—some sub-types of agitation, such as devices that deliver water pressure, rotating brushes, and vibration. Hot water extraction on a carpet is one example of the professional equipment for removing smoke residues. Particularly in the case of wet smoke, chemical applications containing a solvent may be needed to release the residue's grip to various surfaces. Time-based cleaning methods require time to do the job. Leaving a solution on a soiled area gives the cleaner time to work to lift away the soot and smoke residues. Correct Dwell Time is crucial to optimize results.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 provides the fire damage restoration services local Exeter residents rely on.

Post-Flood Damage Repairs in Portsmouth

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle SERVPRO of The Seacoast is quick to get your flood damage under control.

Building contractors can ensure structural repair begins as soon as possible after a flood. 

Flooding can be an inevitable situation for many Portsmouth homes and businesses, specifically because of winter conditions like ice jams that can overflow creeks and streams. Once water exists inside your home, it can be a devastating force that reaches vital areas like supports and subflooring to make repairs and reconstruction inevitable to restore the impact flooding has on the house thoroughly.

Repairing a Flood-Damaged Portsmouth Home

With a team of licensed contractors and a division of restoration technicians, we can offer a broad spectrum of action for flood damage in Portsmouth homes. Repairs are often among the most critical activities that we can begin as a restoration unit. Exposure to natural flooding can often come with the threat of contamination and bacteria. Controlled demolition is an effective solution to manage what materials have been impacted by potentially compromised water. Other repairs include:

  • Board-up
  • Tarping
  • Utility repairs

Flooding can devastate homes, but our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team can make it “Like it never even happened,” when you call (603) 433-4300.

Downtown Manhattan Homeowners who Need Specialized Cleaning Solutions can count on SERVPRO for Support.

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

fire damage black Call us and let us work until your home looks “Like it never even happened.”

A fire in a Downtown Manhattan home can burn for a long time or just for a few minutes and still cause damage throughout the whole house. Many homeowners are genuinely surprised to see soot inside medicine cabinets and curtains of areas far from where the fire started. Only a professional restoration team can look at your needs and provide a comprehensive plan focusing on minimizing your loss.

To develop a plan for an Downtown Manhattan home with fire damage, call SERVPRO for our expert opinion. Our technicians arrive at your home, keeping in mind safety precautions and aiming for a full restoration with minimal disruption.

Once we inspect the area, we may recommend offsite services to clean and store items that would otherwise suffer more damage if left in the home. As a homeowner, you shouldn’t worry about the process's details, as our team documents and explains each step for your benefit.

Can flooring be saved after a fire?
Many factors come into play when deciding whether to restore or discard flooring materials following a fire. First and foremost, the proximity to the fire’s origin can dictate the severity of the damage, and our SERVPRO team acts accordingly. If safety is questionable due to the flames, then it is better to remove the flooring altogether. In some cases, items such as wall-to-wall carpets may be removed due to firefighters' water and extinguishing substances. However, if we can cost-effectively clean the residue, we can do some of the following:

    •    Use a rotary floor machine to agitate the residue and remove it
    •    Apply cleaning solutions to carpets and use machinery to help it permeate each fiber
    •    Incorporate air movers to evaporate water from hardwood flooring

At SERVPRO of Alphabet City/Downtown Manhattan, we know that restoration is a unique process, and each home deserves a personalized plan. Call us at (646) 665-4195 and let us work until your home looks “Like it never even happened.”

How Centrifugal Air Movers Work in Water-Damaged Exeter Homes

2/5/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Equipment SERVPRO has the experienced technicians with the equipment your home needs after a water catastrophe. Give us a call right away.

This integral drying tool has a distinct purpose in water damage restoration projects. 

Water damage can be one of the most challenging situations that your Exeter home faces in its life. Because water disasters can get out of control quickly, it is vital to get mitigation and restoration services started as soon as possible.

While water mitigation in Exeter might hinge on removing standing water, restoration encompasses multiple tasks from cleaning to thorough drying. Several tools are involved in drying your property after surface water removal, including:

  • Air movers 
  • Desiccant dehumidifiers
  • Portable heaters
  • Positive pressure systems 

How Centrifugal Air Movers Help Damaged Homes 

Centrifugal air movers provide a concentrated blast of warm air directed at a specific point unexposed building materials or contents. These units promote surface moisture evaporation, specifically at the spots where they are directed.

There are multiple tools and strategies involved in complete water restoration. When your home requires mitigation or recovery, you can trust our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team to help by calling (603) 433-4300.

Keeping Summer Tourism Thriving After Flood Damage to Portsmouth Properties

1/28/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Equipment and technicians Flooding quickly causes water damage. Contact SERVPRO for water removal and remediation services.

Flooding can be devastating to area homes and businesses without skilled professional restoration.

For many of the settlements and townships that developed throughout New England, Portsmouth is one with a vast and colorful history. Settlers initially found the region agreeable for living conditions as early as 1630, though, at this time, the city was named for its most generous offering, strawberries. Over the years and centuries, Portsmouth would multiply to the nearly 22,000 residents living here today.

Portsmouth is one of the stops for Revolutionary legend Paul Revere warning of the British arrival with their warships. Many of the historic structures from this famous war of American history still stand today throughout Rockingham County. Portsmouth, however, is known for much more than just its ties to the American Revolution.

Attractions That Draw in Tourists to Portsmouth 

  • The Music Hall – With claims as to the oldest running theater in New Hampshire (being built in 1878), and one of the oldest in the United States, The Music Hall is a venue that can draw in a crowd. This venue has welcomed legends like Tony Bennett to the stage in its illustrious past and continues to be a space promoting independent music, comedy, and cinema. More than 130,000 people visit this historic site every year.
  • USS Albacore Museum & Park – This attraction is a museum that allows visitors to tour a decommissioned United States Navy submarine brought here in 1985. The USS Albacore receives many visitors every year and helps interested people see the living conditions and architecture of one of the most impressive military feats. 
  • Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse – This is a lighthouse originally in use starting in 1771, and it was one of only 11 stations established before the American Revolution. Over the years, this site had seen the lighthouse's reconstruction to promote modern engineering when repairs were necessary.
  • The Seacoast – Perhaps one of the most alluring attractions of the general Portsmouth area is the Seacoast in general. From harbors and piers, there are multiple activities for fishing, swimming, and other aquatic-based pleasures.

Protecting Portsmouth Homes After Flood Losses

Flood damage to Portsmouth homes can be a devastating situation, especially when multiple levels of your property are impacted simultaneously. With flash flooding and quickly developing natural flooding situations a continual threat in Rockingham County, our SERVPRO team remains diligent to respond rapidly to storm damage and floods to protect as much of your property as possible.

Removing standing water with debris and solids requires specific tools and instruments such as trash pumps and truck-mount extractors. Once any water pooling is addressed, we can better identify structural hazards or other mitigation actions that must get taken to begin restoring and recovering your flood-damaged home.

As rapidly as flooding can occur and sweep throughout your home, our SERVPRO of the Seacoast team is ready to respond 24/7 to help. Give us a call today at (603) 433-4300.

Exeter Seacoast Artist Association Theme Shows

1/11/2021 (Permalink)

A store next to a roadway. Exeter Seacoast Artist Association is having multiple shows for the next several months. Go out and support your local artists.

Let Me Show You What I Love on Display At – Exeter Seacoast Artist Association

The Seacoast Artist Association in Exeter, NH, is a volunteer organization supported by donations, sales commissions, and fees for exhibitions. The association meets monthly to promote art inspired by the seacoast of New Hampshire. They encourage artists in the pursuit of art and people of ages. One of its key initiatives is the Scholarship fund, which assists local high school seniors.

The Artist Association runs a variety of events every month. At this time, they are following local health guidelines. Receptions have not been scheduled; however, exhibits are proceeding, and interested parties may attend while abiding by social distancing guidelines. There are several theme shows scheduled in January, February, and March including:

  • Let Me Show You What I Love -  Jan 31 - Feb 26
  • We can Dream Can’t We - Feb 28 - Mar 26
  • Theme Show: The Colors of Spring - Mar 28 - Apr 30

Drop off and pick up times have also been scheduled for each theme. These shows are an excellent opportunity for local artists to place their work on display and patrons to view their latest creations.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, and Durham provides fire damage assistance to Exeter urban and retail/business customers and surrounding areas. Call (603) 433-4300. We respond 24/7 to help with all your fire devastation needs.

Have fun Playing Trivia Over Zoom in Exeter

1/4/2021 (Permalink)

Two people looking at a screen laughing. Trivia games are good for the mind, enjoy a fun night at home or in the office.

Exeter Chamber of Commerce Sponsoring Trivia Night

Trivia Night, sponsored by the Exeter Chamber of Commerce and hosted by Verizon Wireless and Liberty Mutual, is being held on Tuesday, Jan 19th, beginning at 5:00 pm. The trivia event will be held via Zoom, and there is no charge to attend the event, while relaxing in the comfort of your home or office. Test your knowledge, have fun, and connect with other business people and community members from Exeter and the area.

The rules will be explained, the day of the event; however, they are outlined below:

  • Three rounds
  • Four questions in various categories
  • Random Teams will be organized

Bring along your friends, family members, and co-workers. Please register in advance of the event. 

Once you have registered, details for connecting to the event will be provided. Don’t be surprised if some of the Trivia questions are about local events and historical happenings around Exeter.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, and Durham provides flood damage services to Exeter residential and commercial business customers and the surrounding area. Call (603) 433-4300. We respond 24/7 to help with all your flood damage needs.

Visit Portsmouth Historic Market Square

12/22/2020 (Permalink)

A town overlooking the water with snow on the ground. If you need any water damage assistance give SERVPRO of The Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, and Durham a call.

Experience Life as It Was in the Last 300 Years at the Portsmouth Strawbery Banke Museum

Portsmouth, NH, is a small city on the east coast, approximately 55 miles north of Boston. The town was a historic seaport and has become a popular tourist haven for Bostonians and surrounding areas. There are many historical places to visit, or visitors can chill at local restaurants or brewpubs.

Portsmouth has a long and varied history. Native Americans have lived in the Portsmouth area for thousands of years. A gentleman named Martin Pring was the first to write about the area in 1603, while the first settlers arrived almost 30 years later in 1630. Fishing, lumber, and shipbuilding became the primary industry; however, the town was deemed a strategic military site due to being close to the ocean. Paul Revere rode by horseback to Portsmouth, warning that the British warships were on the way in 1774.

Today, an international airport is bringing thousands of tourists every year to visit and admire the city's colonial architecture, which is being preserved by the Historic District Commission. The city is considered a distinctive destination, with a historic downtown core, attracting many artists and tourists to cafes, restaurants, and shops in the Market Square and waterfront area.

Cubs, Services, and Activities in Portsmouth

Portsmouth is a vibrant community with many families, community, and civic groups assisting the city's citizens. There are approximately 119 organizations providing support to the city and specific groups. Several of the main groups include:

  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Museums
  • Health Groups
  • United Way of the Greater Seacoast
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Kiwanis
  • Art Associations
  • Historic Sites
  • Rotary

There are approximately 113 groups listed in the chamber's website's arts, culture, and entertainment section. There are restaurants, theater productions, museums, film festivals, breweries, and historic locations to visit.

A full list of local clubs, art, culture, and entertainment associations can be found on the Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce website. There are many attractions and activities to consider when visiting Portsmouth or perhaps going on a staycation in the city. Many residents are surprised about what they learn about their city. A few to consider are covered in the following paragraphs.

Strawbery Banke Museum

With over 30,000 artifacts, 32 historic buildings spread over 10 acres' in downtown Portsmouth, and the museum creates the atmosphere of what it was like to live and work in what was known as the Puddle Dock neighborhood. There are traditional crafts, several hands-on activities, and preservation programs. Stories by role players tell the audience about life over the past 300 years, making it as real as possible.

Market Square, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Market Square in the city center of Portsmouth is a favorite attraction. The small quaint streets, many local shops and restaurants, and nearby historic venues make this location a great starting off point. Many of the buildings lining the square were built in bygone eras adding character to your visit to the area.

Every year, the city hosts Market Square Day featuring live music, a 10k race, and many other festivities.

USS Albacore Museum

The museum is temporarily closed for the season, following health requirements. If you have not visited the museum in the past, add it to your list for a future visit. The Albacore was a research submarine used by the navy to test many top-secret experimental features currently in use on modern subs.

Visitors can enter the submarine and experience life on the sub.

  • Look through the periscope,
  • Enter the control room
  • Visit the engineering space,
  • Check out the bunkrooms 

As part of your self guided tour, listen to crew members as they performed their duties while at sea.

Governor John Langdon House – 1784

Considered a National Historic Landmark, the home of Governor John Langdon, built in the 18th century, is an exceptional Georgian mansion with receiving rooms on a grand scale. The home conveys the story of the early days of the colony, Portsmouth, and the state of New Hampshire during the mercantile boom and Colonial Revival period. Beautiful gardens and a 100-foot arbor lead to a secluded pavilion.

Restaurants, Brew Pubs and Entertainment

There are many interesting historical venues to visit; however, once you have seen the museums, the theaters, and the historic homes, it is time to try out one of the many restaurants or brewpubs in the area, depending on your interest. 

Labelle Winery, Cisco Brewers Portsmouth, Earth Eagle Brewing, Beara Brewing Co., Great Rhythm Brewing Company, Liar's Bench Beer Company, Red Hook Brewery, the Portsmouth Farmers Market, Tea and Apothecary, Portsmouth Bike & Brew, LLC are listed by travelers as some of the places visitors and locals may want to visit.

Restoration from Water Leaks Is One of Our Strengths

Our SERVPRO team has been providing restoration services since 1967 in the city of Portsmouth and the surrounding area. We provide water restoration, and we also cover fire, mold, storm services, and cleaning for residential customers and business companies.

We look after the initial mitigation work – water removal, drying, cleaning, and sanitizing. Also, SERVPRO of Portsmouth and the Seacoast simplifies the water restoration process by also looking after rebuilding damaged areas:

  • Remove and Install drywall
  • Repair flooring – hardwood and tile
  • Painting
  • Repair or install new carpets

Business and residential customers can save time and reduce the total cost of water mitigation and restoration by combining services from one company like ours. One SERVPRO team can supervise and implement all of the activities required to bring your home or business back to full functionality, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, and Durham provides water restoration assistance to Exeter urban customers and retail/business companies, and surrounding areas. Call (603) 433-4300. We respond 24/7 to help with all your water restoration needs.

Exeter Seacoast Artist Association Exhibit

12/11/2020 (Permalink)

Exeter Seacoast Artist Association Exhibit Enjoy beautiful works of art with others in the community as SERVPRO completes a mold inspection for your commercial business.

Body of Work by Local Exeter Artists

Seacoast Artists are running exhibitions in December, showcasing local artists. The theme is “Big Gifts in Small Packages” and will be held on Dec 16 from 10 am until 5 pm. Some of the artists will showcase their body of work. There are gifts for the holidays for everyone in the family. The exhibit is free to visitors and is being held at 130 Walter St., Exeter.

Interested customers can:

View works online

Examine Body of Work by several artists

Artists are providing art meeting the Big gifts, small packages theme – prices are under $100

There are additional shows in Jan 2021

The Colors of Grey – Jan 2nd Additional shows to be scheduled.

The Big Gifts, Small Packages theme includes artwork no larger than 11” by 14,” including the frame and packages of three small works of 5” by 7,” including the frame. The show is open to members and non-members. This event is an excellent opportunity to purchase beautiful artwork and support our local artist community.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, Durham provides mold inspection services to Portsmouth residential and commercial business customers and the surrounding area. Call (603) 433-4300. We are available 24/7 to help with all your mold inspection needs.

Portsmouth Market Square Experience

12/4/2020 (Permalink)

Market street Visit Market Square in Portsmouth while the experts at SERVPRO work to remove all traces of water damage from your commercial property.

Visit Market Square in Portsmouth for a Full Day Experience

The city of Portsmouth was founded in the 1600s and developed into a significant bustling area. Market Square became a central hub for businesses located near the waterfront and emerged in the present day as a tourist magnet after being revitalized in 1977.

Tourists can spend the day visiting:



Antique shops

Ethnic restaurants and

Many historical buildings built during the 17th century

There is a great deal to see in Centertown; however, one of the favorites is the 30th Annual Gingerbread House Contest & Exhibition running until Dec 22. Everything must be edible except for the base. Some of the designs incorporate lights into the exhibit, which are allowed and, of course, not edible.

While visiting and viewing the Gingerbread Displays, enjoy the Market Square atmosphere. What would it have been like, living and working in the area during the 1774 revolution with Paul Revere riding to Portsmouth to warn residents that the British were coming with warships to capture the Port!

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, Durham, provides commercial water cleanup services to Portsmouth commercial business customers and the surrounding area. Call (603) 433-4300. We are available 24/7to help with all your water cleanup needs.

The Town of Exeter Named by the Reverend John Wheelwright in 1638

11/25/2020 (Permalink)

Exeter on map Our dedicated technicians at SERVPRO will restore every level of fire damage on your property "Like it never even happened."

Exeter Gets its Name from the Same Town in Devon, England

The town of Exeter has a long and varied past. Grist and lumber mills were established early in the life of the village in the 1600s. Many residents and settlers spent their days hunting and fishing, planting, and expanding farms. Some raised cattle and swine. At the same time, others made cedar shakes as well as barrel staves.

The town was named after a similar village in Devon, England, and founded by the Reverend John Wheelwright. At the time, there were approximately 35 families with a total of 175 souls who moved from the Boston area, with Wheelwright to establish Exeter with the freedom to follow their own religious beliefs. The initial years for the settlers were challenging. However, they persevered and became established in the area.

Exeter is located near the waterfalls where the Exeter River meets the tidal Squamscott River. The waterfalls provided power for a local grist mill and later a sawmill. Access to the tidal Squamscott offered easy access to neighboring towns and many locations further afield to trade goods. Travel by river was one of the significant transportation modes in those early days of life in the small village.

The area prospered and began trading with neighboring towns as well as across the ocean to Europe. They became successful shipbuilders, lumbermen, and statesmen. A member of the Gilman family, Nicholas Gilman, became one of the founding fathers. The families populated government positions in the general assembly and the judicial courts. The last Indian raid took place in 1725.

History buffs can visit the following museums and important locations to explore further Exeter's history, contributions to the local environment, the state of New Hampshire, and the United States:

American Independence Museum

Congregational Church in Exeter, founded 1638

Exeter Historical Society & Museum

Phillips Exeter Academy

Congregational Church in Exeter, founded 1638

The church in Exeter passed through several iterations before becoming the magnificent historical building it is today. In the 1600s, every town must have a church to receive a charter. The Reverend John Wheelwright established this church in Exeter in 1638. The current building dated back to 1798 and was seen as a call for American Independence. The church and its members played a pivotal part in the daily life of the town of Exeter. 

Take A Walking Tour Around Exeter and Experience History

Walking tour pamphlets can be obtained from the Exeter Historical Guide. The guide explains the history of many of the buildings along Front and Water streets. Notable buildings along the way include:

Town Hall and courthouse – 1855

String Bridge

Simeon Folsom House

The Great Bridge – 1934

Gilman Garrison

Eagle Steamer house

The Bandstand - 1915

Houses along Front street dating back to the 19th century and many more sites along the way

Annual Events and Festivities

Not only is Exeter rich in history, having been founded in 1638, there are many events taking place throughout the year, attracting many residents as well as tourists. Note: Visitors should check local schedules to confirm the status, given current social distancing requirements and local and state authorities' guidelines. A sampling of the events includes:

Festival of Trees and Holiday Open House

Exeter Holiday Parade and Christmas Eve Luminaries

Art Exhibitions

Valentine Sweethearts Dance

Easter Town Egg Hunt

Memorial Day Parade


Summer Outdoor Movies

Brass band concerts at the Bandstand

Fall Festivals including the UFO Festival

Beer and Chilli Festival

Halloween Parade

Bandstand Concerts

The Bandstand is located in the center of town and is home to concerts during many summer nights. Listen, sing-along, or dance to various genres, including pop, country tunes, rock, and folk music. Many people bring blankets and snacks to enjoy their summer evenings listening to great music.

UFO Festival

On labor day weekend, the Exeter Area Kiwanis Club hosts a UFO festival to celebrate "The Incident at Exeter," which occurred over 55 years ago. Norman Muscarello informed police of a UFO he saw hovering behind a barn. The sighting was later confirmed by local police, who also saw the UFO. The sighting garnered national attention as investigators tried to assess what Norman observed that night.

Speakers are invited to discuss the event and recent history regarding UFOs. Talks are presented at the Exeter Town Hall. Visitors can also purchase speaker's books on subjects associated with UFO's. There are trolley rides to the observation site and activities for the kids to enjoy.

Holiday Activities

The Exeter Holiday Parade usually takes place on the first Saturday of December. Residents can view the parade as it travels along Portsmouth Avenue. The town also features a Christmas Light Display enjoyed by everyone. The Festival of Trees, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, is a fundraising event. Proceeds support the Chambers Children's Fund using a silent auction approach.

Smoke Alarms Can Reduce Fire Damage in Exeter Homes

Fires can be devastating. The damage from the fire, the odor of smoke everywhere, and the damage added by the firemen as they control the fire can be extensive. Early warning systems such as fire and smoke detectors can provide occupants with a chance to save their lives and enable the fire department to control the fire before the damage becomes extensive.

SERVPRO fire damage restoration teams have seen the difference in damage in homes with and without a smoke detector. Regardless of the degree of fire damage, our highly trained technicians can restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition. Once the fire department is left the scene, our technicians:

Assess the damage and plan the restoration project

Remove unrepairable materials

Remove odor-causing items

Clean and sanitize all hard surface items

Arrange to clean fabric materials  

Install deodorizing equipment to remove odors from the entire home

Restoration involving repairs, painting, installing new flooring, and more

We have the training, the experience, and the equipment to return your home to its original condition, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, Durham, provides fire damage services to Portsmouth residential and commercial business customers and the surrounding area. Call (603) 433-4300. We are available 24/7to help with all your fire damage needs.

Greenland, NH Residents – Don’t Miss November Craft Week

11/21/2020 (Permalink)

two girls reading together in a library SERVPRO is looking forward to the November Craft Week!

Week’s Public Library in Greenland Presents November Craft Week Filled with Great Activities

The week of Thanksgiving, local Greenland residents can participate in a broad range of activities for November Craft Week. The Weeks Public Library is offering take-home packets with all of the items that you need to make cute fall-themed pom-pom animal crafts with the family. This is the perfect crafting project to enjoy with your family while staying home and social distancing. All of the animal craft packets with materials can be picked up at the library – simply contact the office via telephone or email in advance to schedule a pick-up time that works best for you.

  • Dates: November 23rd through November 28th, 2020 (Note: the library will be closing at 2pm on November 25th and closed for Thanksgiving Day on the 26th)
  • Time: Available during scheduled pick-up times
  • Location: Pick-up at Weeks Public Library, 36 Post Road, Greenland, NH

Taking part in local activities and supporting our library is essential to us at SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham. When you run a business in the area, you may have an emergency that calls for help with flood damage. We have the services you need for your commercial space. Call us at (603) 433-4300 to have a crew deployed 24/7.

Annual Portsmouth Gingerbread House Contest and Exhibition

11/12/2020 (Permalink)

A gingerbread house. Holiday festivities are the best! SERVPRO enjoys seeing the community come together.

Exhibits in Portsmouth Run from Nov 20 – Dec 22

The gingerbread house contest has been running for the past 30 years providing exciting themes and fun for all ages. The theme this year is “historic buildings,” in gingerbread form. Contestants must use edible materials except for a sturdy base and lights. Hot glue cannot be used to bind pieces together. Historical buildings can include –

  • Your own home
  • One of your favorite downtown spots
  • Unique architecture in the area

Gingerbread creations entered in the contest will be on display at various locations –

  • Discover Portsmouth Welcome Center
  • Downtown shops and
  • In Restaurant Windows

The contest is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the creations of local bakers and contestants. Even if you do not enter the contest, why not build your own gingerbread house for the holidays.

SERVPRO of Seacoast, Dover-Rochester, and Durham provides mold removal and mitigation services to Portsmouth residential, business customers, and the surrounding area. Call (603) 433-4300. We are available 24/7 to help with all mold removal needs.

Is it Possible to Dry Soaking Materials in the Home?

10/28/2020 (Permalink)

Centrifugal air movers SERVPRO has the experienced technicians with the equipment and expertise your home needs after a water catastrophe. Give us a call right away.

SERVPRO Flood Damage Restoration Technicians Use Scientific Process to Dry your Portsmouth Home after a Flooding Disaster.

What is the science behind drying a wet home?

Flooding in your Portsmouth home can quickly lead to full or partial submersion of your belongings and structure. While these traumatic events can wreck a property, professional water restoration technicians (WRT) can often leverage psychrometry to quickly dry out your home. Psychrometry is a science that relates to the balance of air, humidity, or temperature and how these elements affect materials in the house. Large quantities of water in an indoor environment can unbalance the natural psychrometry of your home. Using water restoration equipment, we can leverage this science to ensure your home dries quickly and that materials return to a preloss condition. Creating a dry indoor air through dehumidification can help draw water out of soaking materials and belongings. 

How does water intrusion affect materials in the home?

There are two main ways that flood damage affects your Portsmouth home. The first is direct liquid contact, while the second can be from water vapor- or water in the air. Liquid moisture is most likely to cause damages to the floors and lower walls of your home. In some instances, such as natural disasters, the soil around wall joints can loosen, which could affect the structural integrity of your home. Water vapor can also cause harm to ceilings and wall cavities through transfusion and condensation. Drying a property with the minimum amount of losses involves pumping out liquid water, evaporating residual moisture, and controlling water vapors from evaporated moisture. Balancing these psychrometric elements is essential to assure an efficient and correct flood restoration.

How does temperature affect water vapor?

  • Air can hold more water when it is hot and less water when it is cold. But using temperature can increase the relative humidity in the home.
  • When the air becomes saturated with moisture, it can no longer take any more water vapor, slowing down the speed of evaporation for wet materials.
  • The relative humidity is a percentage that tells technicians how saturated the air is with moisture in a flooded property and is read with a Thermo hygrometer

Why is relative humidity important to drying times?

Drying wet materials or belongings in your home relies on evaporating moisture. When relative humidity reaches 100%, the indoor air can no longer absorb water, which, in turn, slows down the evaporation process. Increasing the temperature by deploying portable furnaces or heaters in the affected area can reduce the relative humidity and ensure more water evaporates. Temperatures of up to 90 degrees can contain over 200 grains of moisture per pound (GPP.) Most of our drying equipment utilizes temperature to increase the efficiency of drying your home. Air-movers and water extractors both employ a heating element. Simultaneously, technicians can also create smaller drying chambers to make sure air is as warm as possible and evaporate floodwaters from the property quickly. Our technicians regularly monitor humidity to make sure that drying your home is as efficient as possible.

What is the difference between relative and specific humidity?

  • Relative humidity works out a ratio for how much moisture is in the air. However, these ratios are dependent on the temperature, which can vary.
  • Specific humidity is a reading of the actual grains of moisture per pound written as GPP.
  • Specific humidity is a useful measurement for how quickly the structure of materials in your home is drying and the effectiveness of dehumidification.

How does specific humidity relate to fast-drying?

When a flood occurs in your property, massive amounts of water begin to soak into materials and often penetrate below the surface level- especially for porous materials. Incomplete or partial drying of your home can lead to further issues such as microbial growth or long-term water damage. To dry a house completely, our technicians need to know the specific humidity. By taking regular measurements, we can understand the effectiveness of our drying strategy. In practice, SERVPRO technicians take readings from an indoor environment and the exhausts of our dehumidifiers. The readings from the exhausted air of a dehumidifier should be much lower than those in the indoor environment. We can use the readings to either deploy more or fewer dehumidifiers in the property and assure your home can return to its preloss condition as quickly as possible.

How do psychrometric readings allow technicians to predict drying times?

  • Having two measurements allows technicians to use a psychrometric chart to determine all other measures. 
  • Using a chart, we can control the dew point and vapor pressure in a flooded property to allow mitigation of loss.
  • Combining our measurements with material permeance can help us provide homeowners with accurate predictions on the drying time-frame.

Drying a flooded property is an exact science that can be practically applied to prevent further losses in your home. Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300.

What Should an Exeter Homeowner do to Control Floor Damage after a Fire in their Home?

10/25/2020 (Permalink)

fire damaged home Call us and let us work until your home looks “Like it never even happened.”

Exeter Homeowners who Need Specialized Cleaning Solutions can count on SERVPRO for Support.

A fire in an Exeter home can burn for a long time or just for a few minutes and still cause damage throughout the whole house. Many homeowners are genuinely surprised to see soot inside medicine cabinets and curtains of areas far from where the fire started. Only a professional restoration team can look at your needs and provide a comprehensive plan focusing on minimizing your loss.

To develop a plan for an Exeter home with fire damage, call SERVPRO for our expert opinion. Our technicians arrive at your home, keeping in mind safety precautions and aiming for a full restoration with minimal disruption.

Once we inspect the area, we may recommend offsite services to clean and store items that would otherwise suffer more damage if left in the home. As a homeowner, you shouldn’t worry about the process's details, as our team documents and explains each step for your benefit.

Can flooring be saved after a fire?
Many factors come into play when deciding whether to restore or discard flooring materials following a fire. First and foremost, the proximity to the fire’s origin can dictate the severity of the damage, and our SERVPRO team acts accordingly. If safety is questionable due to the flames, then it is better to remove the flooring altogether. In some cases, items such as wall-to-wall carpets may be removed due to firefighters' water and extinguishing substances. However, if we can cost-effectively clean the residue, we can do some of the following:

    •    Use a rotary floor machine to agitate the residue and remove it
    •    Apply cleaning solutions to carpets and use machinery to help it permeate each fiber
    •    Incorporate air movers to evaporate water from hardwood flooring

At SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham, we know that restoration is a unique process, and each home deserves a personalized plan. Call us at (603) 433-4300 and let us work until your home looks “Like it never even happened.”

Is Mold Removal in Exeter a DIY Project?

10/18/2020 (Permalink)

mold growing on a wall above the trim Removing mold from your property is a difficult task without help. Contact SERVPRO 24/7 for remediation and mitigation services for your property.

Homeowners Need Trained Mold Removal Companies for Proper Remediation – Call SERVPRO to Address Suspected Mold Growth in Your Exeter Home

Bacteria, microbes, mold, mildew – these are words that no business or property owner wants to hear. However, there could be one or more areas of your Exeter building that are beginning to show signs of colonization. Whether you had a hidden leak or the inability to regulate relative humidity inside your commercial property, you need skilled technicians on the job to handle remediation. SERVPRO wants you to know that we have all of the training, specialized equipment, and protective gear to take care of your project from start to finish.

What Should I Know About Mold?

As a business or industrial space, it is vital that you know some of the inside information that mold removal companies in Exeter already understand. When you feel as though you have a mold issue at your business, you should know the following:

  • There might be relatively strong, musty odors telling you that mold is colonizing under carpets or behind walls.
  • The onset of mold can become much worse in as little as 48 to 72 hours.
  • When mold is present, it brings with it the potential for health effects. 

Should you suspect a mold outbreak in your retail store, office, warehouse, or any other commercial location, it is crucial that you:

  • Keep people out of the affected areas.
  • Make sure that any fans or your HVAC system remain off.
  • Contact SERVPRO to send out a mold remediation team as soon as possible.
  • Never attempt to disturb or clean the mold on your own.
  • Never spray anything on the mold spores or blow air over the surfaces, as this can cause spreading as the spores become airborne.

When you call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham, you can count on our crew to be your number one choice of mold removal companies in the area. Call (603) 433-4300, and we can dispatch a remediation crew to your property with the latest tools and EPA-registered products to begin the job.

Click here for more information about Exeter.

Is My Wood Flooring Ruined After a Flood?

9/13/2020 (Permalink)

DRYING MATS ON HARDWOOD FLOOR GREEN AIR MOVER SERVPRO Can Often Save Flood-Damaged Hardwood Flooring in Portsmouth with Our Advanced Equipment and Expertise

SERVPRO Restores Flooring in Portsmouth Properties

Floodwater impacts virtually everything in its path, and unfortunately, your Portsmouth home may be in the track of an oncoming flood. The added element of contamination makes the cleanup process more challenging because of the additional protocols relating to floodwater. After technicians remove the black water (level 3) with extraction equipment, it is time to examine your flooring to determine the level of damage. Our trained project manager or team leader scope the damage to your home before creating a complete restoration plan.

What Can SERVPRO Do to Save My Floors?

Technicians Use Equipment and Techniques to Dry Flooring

SERVPRO Uses specialized equipment after flood damage in your Portsmouth home. SERVPRO technicians focus on mitigating further damage, such as preventing buckling, cupping, or permanent warping of materials. Hardwood floors require a moisture stabilization rate of about 12% before technicians can refinish them. The level and flat surface of the planks may require light sanding. If the floors are over-dried, they can splinter and become permanently damaged, and under-dried can cause moisture to sit and foster mold growth and the wood to rot. An effective extraction method for wood flooring is through the use of drying mat systems.

How Does the Injectidry System Operate?

This system is one method of using specialized advanced equipment for water extraction.

  • Injectidry or Dri-Eaz systems consist of a hardwood floor drying mat, which acts as a "tent" to create a closed area to increase the effectiveness of suction, and an extractor.
  • A single mat or multiple connected mats lay on top of the flooring, connected to the truck-mounted or portable extractor with a vacuum hose for excess moisture removal.
  • Technicians periodically check under the mats to physically wipe excess water and to ensure they extract the appropriate amount of water from the flooring and monitor the mats for moving them to optimize the extraction.

What Other Things Can We Do to Protect Your Floors from Further Damage?

  • Manage humidity in your home through the use of dehumidifiers and air movers.
  • Remove baseboards for adequate access to flooring.
  • Properly ventilate the impacted area by drilling small holes in the baseboard area and using tubing with the injecti-dry system for either positive or negative airflow.

For assistance after a flood, contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Can All This Soot Be Removed After A Fire In My Home?

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

hydroxyl generator green SERVPRO logo SERVPRO Provides Hampton Area Homes with Odor Control Post Fire-Damage with Devices Like this Hydroxyl Generator.

SERVPRO Technicians Are Soot Removal Experts in Hampton

If a fire breaks out in your Hampton home, SERVPRO technicians are ready to go. The longer the premises go without cleanup, the more you risk losing. We strive to restore as much as possible instead of merely replacing the structure or content.

Can Soot Get in My Ductwork?

You need to shut off your HVAC system as soon as possible. Do not wait for the professionals as airborne particulates can spread via the HVAC system to other areas in the home. Once a scope is done, and the fire restoration needed in your Hampton home is outlined, we can clean the ductwork. If necessary, we can apply sealants to the interior to prevent lingering odors.

Can You Get rid of Soot Smells?

Smoke residue and soot leave unpleasant odors that need appropriate mitigation. Unless they are taken care of properly, the smells linger. Our certified technicians understand how to determine the type of soot and the proper cleaning method. We do the following to remove odors:

  • Use the appropriate cleaning products to match the soot on surface areas
  • Use advanced deodorization methods and equipment
  • Use sealants to lock in mild odors that are left after cleaning

The type of soot determines the actions needed. Our techs can employ several deodorization methods. Thermal fogging disperses particles that pair with the odors in the air. This action then neutralizes the smells. Ozone machines oxidize foul odors., but this is only used in extreme circumstances. Hydroxyl generators use UV lights to create hydroxyl molecules that change the makeup of the soot rendering them scentless.

 Our technicians are available 24/7 to provide fire restoration to homes in our community.  Our goal is to return your home to preloss condition and leave it, “Like it never even happened.” Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433 - 4300 for expert fire restoration service. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster

How Important Is Moisture Management During Water Removal In Affected Exeter Homes?

8/26/2020 (Permalink)

"Contact us" Water damage in your Exeter home? Don’t let moisture take over, call SERVPRO right away.

SERVPRO Technicians Have A Deep Understanding of The Drying Process, Thus Making It Easier To Manage Moisture.

A leaking roof, burst pipe, or any other kind of water intrusion can leave considerable amounts of water into your property. Whether the intrusion happens in a matter of minutes or over an extended period, you might end up with unending moisture problems. SERVPRO has IICRC certified Applied Structural Drying technicians that help Exeter homeowners manage lingering moisture issues.  

Why is the moisture management aspect during water removal from Exeter properties challenging? 

Although water mostly exists in the liquid state, it changes to other states such as vapor depending on the prevailing conditions or where it is contained. Removal of water in its liquid state is easier because it only requires extraction equipment, mops, or other simple resources. In its other states such as when it is absorbed into materials, advanced techniques are necessary to facilitate water removal in Exeter, including: 

  • Manipulating air movements 
  • Changing temperature levels 
  • Changing the state of water from vapor or humidity back to liquid water 

Are there challenging situations when removing water in its liquid state? 

Although mops or towels provide the fastest way to respond to a water spill, the limitations become obvious when you realize there is too much water in the affected area or when the intrusion reaches cavities such as when it penetrates below tiles or wooden floorboards. Our SERVPRO technicians help overcome such challenges by using state of the art extraction equipment such as drying mats or injecti-dry systems to help complete the removal without creating other problems. 

How do factors such as temperature and air movements influence water removal? 

Many people understand the need for heat to help dry wet contents or building materials in the affected property. However, most do not know precisely how the process goes because certainly, the heat does not burn off the moisture.  

Heat influences the condition of the air surrounding the wet materials, and since air acts as a moisture container, it can help or impede the drying process. Increasing the heat levels allows the air to hold more vapor, and therefore moisture escapes from the wet materials to the air. For instance, at 70°F, the air might hold twice the level of moisture it can hold at 50°F, thus removing more moisture from the wet materials. 

Our SERVPRO technicians take humidity and temperature readings in wet rooms using thermo-hygrometers to determine whether temperature changes are necessary to sustain drying at the right speed. We can increase the temperature levels in your house through different means, including: 

  • Using portable heaters to heat specific areas 
  •  Exhausting warm air from dehumidifiers back into the wet rooms 
  • Using the HVAC system in the house to supply heat 

Why is it necessary to manipulate air movements during drying?

Considering that moisture escapes from wet materials to the air, especially when temperatures rise, you might wonder why additional steps such as air movement changes are necessary. There are several reasons why you need more air movements to help dry your wet house. 

  • The range of safe temperature which cannot damage other items is finite. 
  • Moisture that escapes into the air can condense when temperatures drop. 
  • The air volume in a room may not be sufficient to absorb all moisture. 

Since it is not practicable to raise the temperature indefinitely, the best alternative is to supply a steady stream of warm, dry air into the affected rooms to ensure all moisture is absorbed from wet materials. Our SERVPRO technicians help keep a constant supply of air by using air movers.  

Even with enough air circulation and heat, drying can still take long if the air circulating through the property is saturated with high humidity levels. For instance, if the air blown by air movers circulates within the same room or originates from another wet section of the property, it is less likely to help boost the drying process. Even when you open windows, there is a high chance that the air from outside has high humidity. Our technicians resolve this problem by using dehumidifiers, which extract moisture from the air, ensuring the air movers circulate dry air only within the interior of the property. 

What is necessary for effective dehumidification? 

  •   A proper ratio of dehumidifiers and air movers 
  • Correct placement of air movers are dehumidifiers 
  •  Sealing off the area to prevent interference from external conditions 

Our technicians position air movers at an angle that does not blow directly into dehumidifiers. We also ensure that dehumidifiers direct hot air towards the intakes of air movers. We close all windows and doors leading outdoors from the wet rooms. We can also create drying chambers using plastic sheets if necessary, to segment the wet area into smaller sections for enhanced drying. 

Proper moisture management helps prevent severe water damage to your property. Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 when you need assistance. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster. 

Can My Hotel Carpets Be Restored After a Pipe Burst?

8/10/2020 (Permalink)

person removing carpet padding and carpeting Don't let water damage close your hotel. SERVPRO has the know-how to quickly remediate the damage.

SERVPRO Can Efficiently Remove Water from Your Exeter Hotel

Exeter is home to many hotels providing luxurious rooms to travelers and those on vacation. If water damage from burst pipes impacts your hotel carpets, you need water mitigation quickly. You want as little as possible disruption to your guests coming in and out of the hotel. The last thing you want is guests writing bad reviews because of water issues. 

How Do You Restore Carpeting After Water Damage? 

More than just your carpets get impacted by water intrusion in your hotel. Hallways, staircases, and wooden structures such as the service desk can be damaged. Water restoration in Exeter involving carpeting begins with the right water extraction process. The proper extraction tools can remove water faster than drying alone. SERVPRO has trained water restoration technicians (WRT) who precisely know what is needed to restore your carpets.  

Stationary Extraction Tools  

While moving extraction tools help certain types of materials, they are not always the best thing for plush carpets. Stationary extraction methods involve using the technician's weight to apply downward pressure and push the water to the surface. The water then gets pulled through a vacuum system attached to the device. Our largest stationary units can cover 200 square inches at one time. Other extraction methods our WRT techs can use include: 

  • Portable or truck-mounted units
  • Carpet wands
  • Self-propelled extraction tools 

Leaving Your Hotel "Like it never even happened." 

Once the water gets extracted from your carpet and padding, the drying process begins. We use industrial-strength air movers and dehumidifiers in the correct ratio for optimum drying power. Our teams work quickly and efficiently to get the job done. You want to get back to business as soon as possible, and we want that too. 

For any commercial water damage needs, SERVPRO is here with a team of trained professionals; We're Faster To Any Size Disaster. Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover – Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 for expert water restoration service. 

More about Exeter.

How Can My Home’s Flood Damage Be Remediated?

8/7/2020 (Permalink)

Flood zone sign SERVPRO Leaves Your Flood Damaged Home in Portsmouth Only When It Is Dry and Ready for a Build Back.

Portsmouth Flood Damage Remediation Companies Employ Various Methods to Return Your Home to Its Pre-Flood Condition.

Residents of Portsmouth are no strangers to powerful coastal storms and the flooding they often cause.  Whenever this flooding affects you, it’s crucial that you quickly have it professionally cleaned up.

Portsmouth flood damage cleanup companies, like SERVPRO, have a time-tested process for safely dealing with the hazardous results of flooding.  This is important because if your home isn’t properly cleaned after such an event, it could lead to negative long-term health effects, substantial ongoing damage to your residence, and persistent foul odors.  In order to avert these adverse effects, our technicians do the following things:

Quickly remove standing flood water from your home with powerful extractors

Use ultra-low volume foggers to inject antimicrobials into affected surfaces

Neutralize airborne microbes with thermal foggers

Make interior temperatures less favorable for microbial growth with heated extractors and refrigerant dehumidifiers

Use dehumidifiers to lower interior humidity to less than 60%, slowing the proliferation of bacteria and fungi

Employ injectidry systems to dry difficult-to-access areas behind structural elements

After SERVPRO workers complete these steps, residents are better protected from potentially harmful health effects and their home is less susceptible to developing mold/mildew damage, dry rot, and unpleasant smells.

Why Should I Not Attempt to Clean Up Flood Damage Myself?

Floodwaters are generally dangerous waters that have flowed over various surfaces, picking up a multitude of hazardous substances.  These waters often contain one or more of the following:  animal or human corpses, human and animal excrement, and toxic chemicals.  It, therefore, takes the expertise and equipment of a company like SERVPRO to safely handle floodwater remediation.  If you attempt to perform one yourself, you risk getting sick and likely cannot effectively eliminate the harmful microorganisms that cause long-term home damage.  

With all that said, if your home is ever impacted by a flood, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 for help.

See more about Portsmouth.

What Structural Damages Can Exist After an Exeter Housefire?

7/27/2020 (Permalink)

chair and furniture in room after burned Give our SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham team a call today at (603) 433-4300.

There are many repairs necessary after a fire moves through your Exeter property, and our contractors and restoration professionals can help.

Structure fires and repairs or reconstruction often go hand in hand for Exeter homes or businesses. The hotter the fire, the more rapidly it can spread through the structure and completely combust materials and structural elements in its path. Modern construction materials can burn more quickly and more completely than older homes. Depending on multiple factors, the amount of reconstruction or repair required for your emergency is unique.

Since our technicians and contractors first arrive, we are focused on each step necessary to address fire damage in Exeter residences. A careful evaluation of the property conditions upon arrival can help determine the steps required to provide a safe work environment for our responding technicians beginning mitigation work. Often, homeowners do not appreciate the full extent of structural damage because the entire property appears in disarray. Our SERVPRO team can help identify corrective actions and replacements necessary to make these fire losses “Like it never even happened.”

What Are Emergency Services?

Emergency services can be one of the most vital efforts that our SERVPRO team initiates when we first arrive at a damaged property. These efforts often precede mitigation and even job scoping to better protect the property from rapidly migrating conditions. Some of these initial tasks include:

    •    Temporary Construction Solutions - Openings in the exterior of your house can leave the property vulnerable to water penetration, animals, and other compromising situations. Our contractors work to seal up these breaches temporarily until full scale build back can occur.
    •    Debris Removal - The presence of debris and partially combusted materials can amplify conditions like lingering odors, smoke residues, and other harmful contaminants circulating in the environment.
    •    Air Quality Control - Particles moving throughout the damaged area can be harmful to those directly exposed without the appropriate personal protective equipment. Through the use of air scrubbers and other filtration tools, we can lower these risks.

How Can Our Contractors Contend with Man-Made Openings?

Firefighting efforts can often be more challenging than first responders expect upon arrival. These challenges require fast and direct solutions, where the structural boundaries hindering extinguishment might require removal. Man-made openings often occur through the roof or wall systems of the house, where the worst of the fire happens, to ensure that the water used for extinguishment reaches where it should. Once extinguishment completes, these openings must get addressed quickly to prevent conditions like flooding or animal infestations from happening. Our contractors can work rapidly on these temporary construction solutions, which include:

    •    Tarping
    •    Board Up
    •    Containment

Is Controlled Demolition Beneficial?

In addition to the full-scale build back that we can offer our customers after a house fire, controlled demolition is another beneficial service. Our licensed residential contractors can identify and remove overly damaged portions of exposed materials to prevent collapse or other safety concerns. Because controlled demolition is such a common element to the recovery of a property after a fire loss, it is essential to understand how this initial action by our contractors can benefit your property and the costs and time invested in restoration.

    •    Access to Damaged Areas – One of the immediate advantages of removing damaged portions of building materials is access to structural cavities where other concerns might exist, such as pooling water.
    •    Removing Compromised Materials – Many materials become partially damaged by the path of fire throughout the house, but do not combust entirely. These partially damaged surfaces can intensify odors and soot concerns in the house until the materials get removed, and the environmental hazards get addressed.
    •    Preventing Structural Hazards – Substantial structural concerns might not be immediately apparent in your house after a fire, especially with so many surfaces covered in smoke residues and debris present throughout the property. Controlled demolition focuses on areas that could become potential problems or hazards to those in the immediate area.

When Does Full-Scale Reconstruction Occur?

While much of the repairs and reconstruction work occurs during the mitigation phases, the final touches to your house often require rebuilding or replacing removed materials to return to preloss condition. Because we have in-house contractors that can respond along with our technicians, the transition from mitigation to reconstruction as a seamless process. Our customers do not wait for scheduling conflicts often encountered by pursuing subcontractors for construction after a fire loss.

With fires being the second most common call out that our restoration professionals address throughout the year, our response and experience in these matters can save our customers time and money. Give our SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham team a call today at (603) 433-4300.

What Should I Do Once Black Mold Has Developed Inside My Exeter Office Bathroom?

7/20/2020 (Permalink)

mold on the wall If black mold starts to develop anywhere inside your office bathroom, call SERVPRO!

For Help in Exeter From One of the Region's Best Mold Removal Companies Call SERVPRO

Slow water leaks or spills in your Exeter office's bathroom can get organic materials wet and be the cause of fungal formations. Once fungi form structures called hyphae, develop and spread in all three directions. As the fungus grows, it releases spores into the air for reproductive purposes.

How can you remove the mold from my office and keep it from spreading?

Most professional mold removal companies in Exeter, including SERVPRO, follow strict guidelines set by the Institute for Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) and the EPA when mitigating fungal contamination. The following steps can be performed by our technicians to remove the fungi and keep it from spreading to previously unaffected areas of your house:

    •    Containment: One of our main goals during the remediation process is to prevent mold and its spores from spreading. Once a fungus develops, it releases spores into the air that can cause further contamination if it runs into a wet organic substance. Therefore, before we begin any mitigation efforts, we can set up a containment chamber with thick plastic to trap in any particle that is present in the atmosphere.
    •    Sanding/Sodablasting: If black mold is already visible inside your office's bathroom, then we can remove the formations. Depending on the severity of the contamination and the surface affected, we can either sand down or soda blast off the contaminants and then seal the affected surface with a specialized sealant like Killz. Soda blasting uses baking soda to strip out and chemically neutralize fungal formations.
    •    Applying Antimicrobial Chemicals: Some household chemicals such as bleach can help eliminate mold itself, but the spores created are best destroyed by using a phenolic such as Sporicidin. These chemical products can get applied to all of the surfaces inside your affected office bathroom.

If black mold starts to develop anywhere inside your office bathroom, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 immediately.

How do I Restore my Home After Water Damage?

7/8/2020 (Permalink)

close-up of water damaged hardwood floors Water and handwood flooring don't mix. SERVPRO knows how remediate the issue and repair the damage.

The Best Way to Restore Your Exeter Home After Water Damage is to Call a Water Restoration Technician

Your home in Exeter probably boasts of historic character and the charm of fine craftsmanship. However, older homes may pose additional risks to their plumbing, which could lead to leaks. Even worse, some of the water leaking from an older pipe may not become apparent until you smell a musty odor or your water bill increases. By then, water has probably made its way through flooring, cabinets, and walls. Discoloration in your ceiling and peeling paint can also be symptomatic of a more significant problem.

Repairing water damage in your home in Exeter is a job for our water restoration technicians at SERVPRO. Our training and knowledge about the treatment of different materials such as wood, composite, and textiles are differentiators in our field. Whenever you face the consequences of excessive moisture, you must avoid using one cleaning product for all items, causing further damage or doing a poor job of restoring your home. It is best to leave the work to our expert team and rely on our fact-based restoration plan.

Can I save my hardwood floors after water damage?

Homeowners with natural or engineered wood floors often worry that water damage is equivalent to a total loss. However, our SERVPRO crew can take several steps towards preventing permanent damage. Ordinarily, hardwood floors change as humidity levels shift. Our goal is to reverse the effect of cupping or buckling by closely monitoring humidity levels and allowing the wood planks to return to their ideal state. A few extra steps may also entail-

  • Removing the floor's finish if it becomes an evaporation barrier
  • Increase beneath the floor airflow itself with minimal perforation of the floor finish
  • Create a drying chamber with a polyethylene tent when there's a need

Rather than jump to conclusions about your flooring state, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham for help. Our expert team is at your service by calling (603) 433-4300. Like you, we aim to want to leave your home, "Like it never even happened."

More about Exeter.

Are There Ways to Protect My Home After a Flood?

6/26/2020 (Permalink)

Storm clouds and lightning After your home suffers flood damage, you need a team of professionals to assist you with cleanup. Call SERVPRO right away! We are always available.

With a fast response and experienced technicians, our SERVPRO team can help your Portsmouth home return to preloss condition quickly. 

After a flood loss in your Portsmouth home, you can wonder if things will ever look and feel the same again. Standing water alone can cause devastation throughout affected areas of your home, providing an overwhelming sight for the DIY restorer. Our SERVPRO team can help with a fast response to these emergencies when you call and the equipment and expertise to manage the current conditions and return your home to its original state. 

While there are multiple degrees of flood damage in Portsmouth homes after a loss incident, several of the approaches necessary to restore the current effects are the same. We have pre-stocked trailers loaded with water restoration equipment like extractors, air movers, dehumidifiers, and potent cleaning products to help. Arriving quickly with these tools and technologies already in hand ensures that vital mitigation begins as soon as possible and that there are no further opportunities for irreparable structural damage. 

What Are the Main Threats of a Flood Scenario?

Every flood situation comes with threats and risks to your home and its occupants. In many ways, this disaster is one of the most devastating that can befall a home, and that is why our professionals stay ready to respond to these water restoration needs as soon as you need it. Understanding some of the main threats to your property can help you know why you need to secure professional restoration to protect your house. Some of these pressing concerns include:

  • Material Deterioration – Direct exposure to standing or migrating water after a flood can weaken construction materials. 
  • Microbial Threats – Moist and damp conditions created by the presence of floodwater and saturation of many materials can present the appropriate conditions for mold growth in as little as 48 hours. 
  • Contaminants – Natural flooding gets considered to be a blackwater incident, meaning that the likelihood of contamination and health threats are elevated. 
  • Structural Damage – The longer that materials stay exposed to water, the more likely that they become weakened and deteriorate.

Is There a Way to Help Before SERVPRO Arrives? 

Often, homeowners want to do more to help their situation as soon as possible once disasters like flooding strike. While We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster and can often reach your property within hours of the first notice of loss, there are still ways to prepare for these possibilities and act when disasters strike in the small window before our competent professionals get there. Here is what you should do:

  • Emergency Plan – Emergency plans are an excellent way to prepare for any loss situation that could impact your property. It assigns all of the occupants of your house with a path and destination so that they can safely get out of the house during a disaster. 
  • Keepsakes and Heirlooms – There is no doubt that you have some irreplaceable valuables in your home that can become ruined by rising or spreading floodwater. If possible, in the earliest stages of this emergency, you can relocate some of your home contents to other areas of the property or take heirlooms and treasures with you when you vacate the house.
  • Turn Off Utilities If Possible – If it is possible for you to get to them safely, you can cut the electrical service throughout your home by severing the primary breaker in the box, shut off water service with a valve where the water comes from the meter into your home, and other similar steps. These steps prevent damage to these elements that can amplify the hazards or work to get done.

What Can I Expect from Professional Restoration? 

While there is an allure to cleaning and restoring your home yourself, this is rarely feasible with flood losses, as so many areas of your property can become damaged without you even realizing it. We have sophisticated equipment to track water migration and the success of drying and restoration solutions that we implement. We have multiple strategies that set our professional restoration apart, and people have come to trust our SERVPRO team thanks to our immediate actions after a flood, including:

  • Content Management
  • Extraction
  • Muck Out 
  • Drying 
  • Cleaning 

No matter how detrimental a flood loss situation can be, the right preparations and fast responses can make a substantial difference. Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team can help with experience and capable equipment to make flood losses “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call today at (603) 433-4300.

My Exeter Hotel Has Mold. Who Can Help Me Remove it?

6/14/2020 (Permalink)

hotel room with key in the door Make sure to contact SERVPRO at the first indication of mold damage in your hotel. We are available 24/7.

Call One of the Leading Commercial Mold Removal Companies in Exeter to Handle the Issue

Travelers typically expect a refreshing and clean hotel room to rest. What they do not expect is mold infestation. If your Exeter hotel has mold damage, you should hire a restoration company like SERVPRO to eliminate it so that your guests and employees do not experience health effects.

Why should I hire a professional mold cleanup service?

When you notice the signs of a mold infestation in your hotel, it is vital to seek assistance from commercial mold removal companies in Exeter. Although mold treatment devices and cleaners are available in hardware stores, you cannot be sure which ones are effective. Also, you do not want to expose yourself to mold. Professionals have proper training and advanced mold remediation products and equipment.

What causes mold to grow?

Mold enters a building as tiny spores that need moisture, nutrients, favorable temperatures, and oxygen to start growing, digesting, and destroying. Molds grow best in areas with lots of moisture or humidity. The bathroom is the likeliest place where mold grows in hotel rooms. Humidity and moisture from constant use allow mold to grow between the grout. Molds can grow on many surfaces, including:

  • Ceiling tiles
  • Wood
  • Paint
  • Wallpaper
  • Sheetrock
  • Carpet
  • Insulation

Hotels usually rely on repeat customers and word of mouth referrals to remain in business. Mold in your hotel can lead to loss of customers because of negative reviews. Our SERVPRO team can take the right measures to eliminate the mold.

What does mold remediation involve?

Mold remediation is the process of removing or cleaning up mold from an indoor environment. When removing mold, it is vital to understand that when you disturb it, its spores can get into other areas of the building, creating new mold problems. Before we remove the mold, we can build a containment using negative pressure. We also wear the right personal protective equipment and follow the stipulations of the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) with regards to mold removal.

Our team can eliminate the mold by physically removing the affected porous materials and drying the environment effectively. We can also use disinfectants to remove some molds. Direct contact between certain molds and some disinfectants inhibits or slows mold growth.

How long does it take to remove mold?

The time it takes to remove mold depends on various factors like where the mold is growing, how much mold is present, and the materials it is growing on. Mold removal can take anywhere from one to five days.

If you need to remove mold from your hotel, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300. Our staff is certified in mold remediation and mold removal by the IICRC.

Click here for more information about Exeter. 

How Do I Remove Water from Different Flooring Types?

5/28/2020 (Permalink)

water damaged hardwood floor being removed Water quickly damages flooring materials. Depending upon the scope of damage, sometimes the floor can be salvaged.

SERVPRO has the Knowledge for Flooring Restoration After Portsmouth Water Loss Events

Your Portsmouth home has many different flooring types, and our SERVPRO professionals have different tools and equipment that can help to restore these after water losses. Many materials compose the construction of your home's flooring, walls, and ceiling systems. Different strategies are necessary to remove water and moisture from these structural elements because so many materials make up your Portsmouth home. Our team of professionals has extensive training and experience to provide the ideal approach for whatever wet surface we encounter. 

Recognizing what tools are best for actions like water removal in Portsmouth homes gets determined during the initial evaluation and damage assessment. Scoping the job is a process where our project manager and crew chief work with the customer to identify preloss conditions and pre-existing conditions so that we can return the property to its original state as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. 

Can You Remove Water from Carpeting?  

In areas like your living room and bedrooms, carpeting is one of the typical flooring types encountered in area homes. When migrating water reaches the fibers of carpeted floors, this moisture can get quickly absorbed. It is critical to remove water from carpeting as soon as possible so that moisture does not penetrate the padding and, eventually, the subflooring material. When reconstruction is necessary, the cost of recovery amplifies. Some of the water removal tools and practices for carpeted floors include: 

  • Carpet Wands – Wands are fierce attachments for wet vacuums and extractors that can pull water from the surface layer and the padding of carpeted floors. These tools are wise choices when the padding is getting replaced. 
  • Weighted Extractors – Stand on and ride on extraction tools can force the surface layer of carpeting and the padding together against the subflooring. This action forces moisture to the surface for an onboard vacuum to remove. 
  • Floating Practices – By placing a centrifugal air mover between the top and padding layers of carpeted floors, we can dry both of these materials simultaneously in a floating process. 

Is Wood Flooring Salvageable After Water Damage?  

The composition of wood surfaces, especially flooring, makes it a sensitive material to standing surface water. Absorption can happen quickly, which can be disastrous if the water does not get removed quickly. Within as little as 48 hours, saturation can reach the point where it begins to warp and distort wood planks, leaving no option but removal and replacement. Some of the approaches for drying wood floors include: 

  • Air movers
  • Drying Mat System
  • Tenting 

Does Standing Water Damage Tile?  

Many homeowners believe that tile flooring is impenetrable, even to standing water in Portsmouth. While it is far more difficult for water to breach even the grout joints between floor tile, a small opening or breach in this water-tight seal can allow penetration to the mortar bed and subflooring material. The water beneath tiling can be destructive and hard to detect initially. Our SERVPRO team can address potential concerns with a simple three-step formula for removing water: 

  • Extraction – We cannot determine the damage that standing water has done in areas like the kitchen or bathroom until we have removed it. There are multiple extractors, but often wet vacuums and electric submersible pumps are the common implements. 
  • Surface Moisture Meter – With pooling water addressed, our technicians can work to determine the damage to tile flooring and other exposed materials. Finding moisture pockets often falls to a surface moisture meter device or probing tool to identify if damp areas exist beneath the top layer. 
  • Drying Mats – If pockets of moisture get detected with thermal imagery and surface meters, we can lay drying mats to slowly draw moisture from the mortar bed and subflooring materials to preserve and protect these areas. 

Does SERVPRO Replace Flooring?  

We can offer effective solutions for extraction and drying after a full-service restoration and recovery team after a water loss incident. While we strive to restore before replacing, this is not always possible. We have a full team of licensed residential contractors that can repair and reinstall flooring materials that required discarding from water damages. In this way, we can seamlessly transition between mitigation and repairs to get you back to normal life as soon as possible. 

While you might not be able to avoid water loss incidents, you can choose the team that oversees your property's restoration and recovery. No matter what materials become affected by water exposure, our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team can help. Contact us today at (603) 433-4300.

Help Protect The Seacoast Community with SERVPRO

5/24/2020 (Permalink)

green gloved hand spraying  liquid out of a blue bottle onto a countertop SERVPRO cleans homes using EPA-registered disinfectants.

SERVPRO is here to help the Seacoast area!

Like the rest of the nation and much of the world, the Portsmouth area is in high alert due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is strange to think that in just a couple of weeks, we went from our regular lives to maintaining social distance and working from home, but Governor Sununu has been clear. We must take every step to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. Children, adults, and the elderly are all vulnerable to contracting COVID-19, so we must do our best to keep it away from our homes.

Residents can reach out to our SERVPRO crew to help disinfect your Portsmouth home or workplace. Contrary to other companies offering cleaning or disinfection services, it’s something we are trained and certified to do.  We have been we offer cleaning and sanitizing services for years. Our staff trains specifically to address cleanup situations with biohazard threats.

To date, there is no specific protocol proven to eradicate the virus from frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, kitchen counters, and bathrooms. However, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is encouraging the use of hospital-grade, EPA registered disinfectants typically used to remove certain pathogens. Our standards of service include the use of EPA registered cleaning solutions suitable for this kind of work. As the CDC releases new recommendations, we adapt and apply them as appropriate.

In your home, you get to decide what you do to protect your family in this crisis. However, some entities, such as schools and nursing homes, require a third party to verify the effectiveness of the cleanup process. SERVPRO is prepared to coordinate services with any relevant entities as required. Our technicians are professionals in our field and accustomed to high-stakes situations, so dealing with potentially hazardous microbes is nothing new for us.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham are your resources at home and work. Call us at (603) 433-4300 and let us add a layer of protection for your loved ones.

Advice from the medical and scientific community regarding how to deal with the coronavirus is based on present knowledge, which is subject to change as the situation continues to develop. There can be no assurance that disinfectants alone will be adequate to fully eliminate the virus. We are not physicians or infectious disease professionals. Consult your medical professionals for individual medical advice.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – a defensive cleaning program

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Table tent signs describing the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program on top of a wooden table. Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers ongoing safety and assuredness.

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open in Portsmouth, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast today at (603) 433-4300 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

* #1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based Commercial Attitude & Usage Tracking study. Polling 816 commercial business decision makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Study conducted by C&R Research: October 2019

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.  Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

Where Can I Find Portsmouth Water Cleanup Services?

5/14/2020 (Permalink)

A white laundry room with a folding table and iron. SERVPRO will be there Portsmouth, no matter where the water damage is located.

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast Today For Expert Water Cleanup Services!

Owning a home in Portsmouth comes with many responsibilities, including reaching out for water cleanup services when a significant spill occurs. Now that spring is here, many people have found that some of the pipes in their homes didn't survive the winter. Imagine yourself in this situation. Picture a pipe just broke in your basement laundry room. What would you do? 

Immediately reaching out for local Portsmouth water cleanup services could save your home exponential costs and further damages. You may think that with some hard labor, and a wet/dry vacuum, you could clean the water up yourself. It is not impossible, but time is essential to factor into your calculations. The longer that water damage sits addressed, the more problems it can cause for you. 

What Can Standing Water Do to My Basement Laundry room?  

Many people own unfinished basements. However, unfinished does not mean unmanageable. Unaddressed water could cause: 

  • Calcium deposits to rise from the concrete floor and efflorescence
  • Mold growth due to activated spores
  • Damage to the framework and insulation of your home

Leaving water to its own devices for any amount of time is unwise. The best thing you can do for the longevity of your home is to reach out for professional help. 

How Can SERVPRO's Services Help Me? 

Here at SERVPRO, we have entire teams of water damage restoration technicians ready to help you. Furthermore, we can: 

  • Quickly travel to your home at any time, on any day
  • Use advanced technology to clean up and reduce moisture levels in your home 
  • Help you take inventory of your belongings and file insurance claims 

Here at SERVPRO, we believe in helping you. 

If you feel like your home might need water cleanup services, get help right now! Communicate with SERVPRO of The Seacoast by dialing (603) 433-4300. We're open and here for you. 

To find out more about Portsmouth, click here.

How Can I Remove Salt Water From My Portsmouth Home?

5/10/2020 (Permalink)

house with furniture out of place and walls peeling from flood damage When flood damage occurs in your home it can be hard to take care of. Contact SERVPRO to remediate the damages.

Salt Water Removal In Portsmouth is a Job for a Professional Service

Living close to the water is idyllic. Whether you enjoy swimming, the seashore, or life on a yacht, the calming effect a body of water can have on your soul is like nothing else. Recent weather events teach us that we are vulnerable to the elements, and a rise in water levels can cause saltwater to reach your home.

When you live in Portsmouth, and you face flood damage, you must call a professional service to assist you in the restoration process. Saltwater can seep into your crawl space and other areas of your home, causing corrosion and weakening of structural elements. Anticipate and resolve damaging consequences by reaching out to SERVPRO as soon as the emergency happens. Our team is available 24/7 to meet your needs.

Is saltwater flooding different from freshwater?

Flooding in your home can be devastating, regardless of its source. Ocean water adds a layer of complexity due to its salty nature, which can be corrosive to your home. Your furniture, paint, flooring, and the foundation of your home may suffer as a result of the water. Our professional services at SERVPRO can help you address the needs of each area of your home by taking a targeted approach to the restoration and cleanup.

Many of our customers are surprised to find out that a thorough restoration process requires much more than extracting water. It is a continuous evaluation of humidity levels and gradual extraction of water accompanied by ancillary services focused on restoring the contents of your home. Through this period, our crew at SERVPRO can take action such as-

  • Isolating essential documents and prepare them for freeze-drying or other document preservation processes.
  • Removing carpet and other porous surfaces that pose a threat to the overall health of your family.
  • Pumping water from your home using varying sizes of pumps and extractors and observing environmental recommendations and regulations.

For a full evaluation and action plan, SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham are at your service. Call us at (603) 433-4300 and let us work for you. Our goal, like yours, is to leave your home, "Like it never even happened." 

Learn more about Portsmouth here.

What is the Best Method to Clean Fire Damage Off My Portsmouth Kitchen Walls and Ceilings?

4/6/2020 (Permalink)

Incorrect cleaning methods on smoke residues can ruin surfaces, SERVPRO has specialized cleaning agents and techniques to remove smoke damage in Portsmouth properties 

When a cooking fire happens, the smoke damage can be the worst of it. In particular, a smoking pan is the worst as it can leave residues on the stove, walls, ceiling, and porous items rapidly. Unless cleanup happens, problems such as:

  • The spread of pungent odors to other areas of the home
  • Need for ductwork cleaning due to soot
  • The ruin of porous items with inadequate cleaning 

Why is Fire Damage from Cooking Fires So Difficult to Remove? 

When a protein fire occurs in a Portsmouth home, the fire damage left behind is nearly invisible. When meats, fish, and eggs burn, they turn into a fine mist that coats surfaces all over the kitchen. Soot particles can exist smaller than the human eye can see, so it is impossible to clean them away using visuals to find them. However, as long as they remain on-site, foul odors accompany them.  

What Are Some Tactics for Cleaning Away Cooking Fire Odors 

SERVPRO techs use a multi-layered approach to the cleanup of smoke and fire damage in Portsmouth kitchens. 

  • The use of air scrubbers to capture airborne particulates
  • Testing residues and choosing solutions to release their grip on surfaces
  • Immersion cleaning for non-porous items with smoke damage 

Odor Control is a Crucial Part of Fire Loss Mitigation 

Even when there is little to no charring in a kitchen, the techs from SERVPRO know that odor-causing soot particles may need neutralizing. They have various odor control applications and use them according to the treatment level required. Frequently used methods include thermal fogging, which works particularly well when porous items such as window treatments and upholstered items show evidence of smokey odors. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 can clean up and restore any size fire damage in your home with their advanced equipment and restoration methods. 

More about Portsmouth.

We are Your Seacoast Cleaning Professionals

4/1/2020 (Permalink)

technicians standing in front of green van Your Seacoast Professionals In Proper Personal Protective Equipment Keeping You and Themselves Safe and Healthy

SERVPRO is Here to Help During this Time of Need

As we experience this global pandemic of coronavirus, we want to remind our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest level of cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are able and equipped to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have over 53 years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff can perform on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surface areas such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

There may be some additional areas within your home or business that also need cleaning and disinfecting which we can help you determine upon completion of our inspection. 

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call our expert technicians today – SERVPRO of the Seacoast 603-433-4300

Portsmouth Restoration Professionals Give Advice for Drying Water Damage

3/10/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO van in front of school No matter the size or scope of your water damage, our Green Fleet is always on call.

Drying Decisions for Portsmouth Homes After Water Losses 

We would estimate that with every water emergency that threatens a Portsmouth residence, there are hundreds of drying decisions that must get made in real-time. Mitigation is one of the most vital elements of recovery and restoration, and this phase is where most of these drying decisions are necessary. Understanding the concerns and the position of our SERVPRO restorers can allow you to appreciate several of these challenging categories. 

Water damage in Portsmouth homes can affect the property in countless ways, so a thorough inspection and committed extraction and drying can help to reduce unnecessary losses. Considering how widespread the damage can become after only a brief time, several immediate decisions must get made while our restoration professionals begin mitigation tasks, including: 

  • Debris removal
  • Extraction of standing water
  • Focused drying with air movers
  • Cleaning surfaces and contents 

Salvage vs. Reconstruct 

One of the steadiest choices that a responding technician must address in these situations involves whether it is cost-effective to attempt to dry saturated material or tear it out and replace it with new materials altogether. Our in-house SERVPRO general contractors can help by including controlled demolition in with other mitigation. 

Efficient Drying  

Choosing the right path for drying out water damaged materials and contents is a vital decision as well. While all options have some level of potential successes, finding the most efficient approach is something that saves the customer and time and money. From air movers and drying mats to positive pressure systems and carpet wands, our team can help. 

Structural Weaknesses  

Issues like sagging ceilings and deteriorating wall systems pose a more significant threat to your home and its occupants. Without addressing these structural concerns with our in-house contractors, your family might be at risk of collapses. 

Many drying and recovery choices must get made on every water loss emergency that threatens area properties. The decisions made by our competent staff can save our customers time and money. No matter how our SERVPRO of The Seacoast restoration specialists can help, you can reach us 24/7 at (603) 433-4300. 

More about Portsmouth.

Why We Are The Best Choice In Portsmouth After A Flood

3/7/2020 (Permalink)

Our heated air mover and flat-lay tubing pushing water vapor outside this property Our heated air mover and flat-lay tubing pushed the water vapor to the outside of the property.

Why SERVPRO Performs Certain Activities During Flood Damage Restoration in Portsmouth 

Flooding causes a wide range of harm to any structure, including residential properties in Portsmouth. SERVPRO takes specific steps to mitigate the damage caused by contaminated water with the goal of returning your property to preloss condition. To make such mitigation highly cost-effective, we perform specific activities that produce certain and expected results. 

Keeping costs as low as possible for our customers in Portsmouth with effective flood damage mitigation services is why SERVPRO takes specific steps and activities. No two houses are identical, and even similar homes can experience differences in how they become damaged during the same flood. We follow only those procedures needed by your property. 

Scaling our services to your exact needs also helps the restoration process come to a completion as soon as possible. Because flood damage can make unsafe to live in your home, accomplishing the situation's goals as swiftly as possible helps reduce shelter costs, as well as the multitude of inconveniences related to such alternative living arrangements.

The structural components of your home vary in how they retain moisture. Your belongings also play a role in how much water content stays in your house after we pump out standing water. Evaporation happens continually and instead of letting this hinder our progress, we use it to our advantage. We continually monitor the amount of moisture in the air so we know when to increase air movement or heat. The readings also tell us when we need to increase the number of desiccant machines or change the direction of our air movers or axial fans.

Belongings and furnishings made of more absorbent materials typically retain more moisture during a flood, even if kept dry during the incident. We check your belongings for this, and monitor drying progress of damper items. When needed to stave off the development of odors or other damage, we build an on-site drying chamber which we can use to make drying happen at an accelerated and highly controlled rate. We can easily remove any items that become dry first so nothing ever becomes too dry.

You can count on SERVPRO of The Seacoast to provide you and your family with tailored flood damage mitigation and restorations services, making your property “Like it never even happened.” Call (603) 433-4300 for prompt, professional service from highly skilled technicians.

See more about Portsmouth.

Prevent and Mitigate Portsmouth Water Losses with SERVPRO's ERP Emergency READY Profile Plan

2/20/2020 (Permalink)

App ERP shown on a tablet SERVPRO's Emergency READY Profile Plan (ERP) Has Commercial Properties in Portsmouth Ready for Water Damaging Occurrences

Be Proactive Before Commercial Water Damage in Portsmouth

Business owners in Portsmouth plan for many contingencies. Employees call in sick or quit, equipment breaks, income ebbs and flows, suppliers fail to meet deadlines, seasonal demand disappoints, or surprises. One crucial concern under the radar until it demands attention is an unexpected water loss. Whether leaky plumbing, storm activity, or appliance malfunction drives the disaster, the future of your business depends on minimizing harm and a fast remediation.

How to Prepare for Water Emergencies

The perfect solution for commercial water damage in Portsmouth is to avoid it. Unfortunately, plumbing lines and appliances age and exteriors cannot withstand every severe storm. There are common-sense steps a business owner can take to limit the harm to structural components, contents, and operations. Here are a few ideas you and your staff can implement:

  • Locate important documents off-site in secure storage or digitize
  • Encase records in waterproof bins and store away from plumbing and spaces prone to flooding
  • Dedicate space for inventory above flood lines and far from plumbing, windows, and doors that could admit water
  • Raise equipment off the floor
  • Ensure all staff know the location of the main water shutoff
  • Invest in regular inspection and maintenance of water risks such as plumbing, roofs, gutters, and appliances

Partner with Us -- the Emergency READY Plan (ERP)

SERVPRO offers a unique safeguard for our commercial customers. Contact us far in advance of any water event and schedule a no-obligation assessment of your physical layout and a discussion of how you conduct business. We use this information in a couple of ways to ensure a water disaster does not destroy your life's work:

We make recommendations for adaptations you put in place now to reduce the effect of any water damage on your day-to-day routines and money-making opportunities

We outline a plan of attack in case water damage occurs, personalized for your needs and space. The plan permits our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)--trained managers and technicians to begin responding immediately if the worst happens.

We allow you to share additional details through the use of our mobile app, creating your Emergency READY Profile. The two documents together are a concise digital document accessible 24/7 for our crews.
SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham exemplify the "READY" in your ERP. Develop a collaborative answer to water or other disasters for your business with one call to (603) 433-4300.

The Complete Guide to Understanding Fire Damage Remediation in Portsmouth

2/16/2020 (Permalink)

yellow fire line across property Facing fire damage can be quite overwhelming. Contact SERVPRO for effective fire damage remediation efforts by certified technicians.

Portsmouth Homes Do Not Have to Smell Like Fire Damage

When a fire loss happens in a Portsmouth home, it most definitely leaves a calling card. Not only with charred structure and contents, but a very distinctive odor is typical. 

Even a small amount of fire damage can leave significant odors in a Portsmouth home. In cases where the HVAC was running post-fire, odorous soot can be resident within the ductwork and require cleaning. Techs put up plastic containment barriers around the work area to limit the spread of soot.

Type of Fire Can Determine Odor Level 

Kitchen fires are frequent contributors to foul odors after a fire. When a protein, such as a steak on a grill pan, catches on fire, the fats vaporize and deposit on all nearby surfaces in a nearly invisible, but very pungent residue. Often in this type of loss, there is not much in the way of charring but a significant need for odor control. Other types of fires have the smell diminished by the removal of burned items and using air scrubbers to capture airborne soot particles.

Surface Cleaning 

Repairs and reconstruction cannot occur in the home until the smoke odors get neutralized. SERVPRO techs have access to a broad array of professional-grade agents that include solvents for sticky residues to release their grip on surfaces. The removal of the smoke damage goes a long way to diminishing odors.

Ductwork Cleaning

When a fire occurs in a home, the ductwork is one of the most neglected areas. During the fire, hot hair expands, it pushes into not only porous objects but also open vents and enters the ductwork. In the case of a fire loss that occurred in a single area of the property, if the HVAC ran post-fire, there is an excellent chance odor-causing soot particles are now resident within the ductwork. SERVPRO technicians can clean and restore the ducts and improve the air quality in the home.

Standard Odor Control Measures

When dealing with fire odor removal, the techs have access to numerous types of equipment. In some cases, the techs need to use a multi-layered approach to ensure the complete deodorization of the home happens. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast, SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester, and SERVPRO of Durham at (603) 433-4300 are ready to clean up and restore your property and contents from any size fire damage and make it, "Like it never even happened."

Click here for more information about Portsmouth.

How Winter Weather Causes Flooding in Portsmouth

2/1/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO drying equipment in water damaged commercial building Snowmelt, frozen pipes, and ice dam can cause water damage to your property. We are always on call for emergency restoration,

Winter Flooding in Your Portsmouth Bed and Breakfast 

Many potential threats could always lurk during the extreme weather expected during the winter months here in Portsmouth. Biting cold snaps rarely deter travelers from stopping by your bed and breakfast as they take in the sights of New England in the winter. However, flooding in your accommodating house can lead to cancellations, bad reviews, and damaging publicity. Our SERVPRO professionals can help you to manage these emergencies quickly to reduce the spread and severity of the situation when possible. 

While snowmelt alone can lead to some compromising flood damage to Portsmouth homes and businesses, there are more direct paths for substantial water losses. The more aware you are of your B&B’s potential inadequacies in areas like insulation, the better able to protect it from these debilitating disasters when conditions become ideal for permitting them. 

Ice Dams 

It is always ideal to ensure that your bed and breakfast stays adequately heated for the patrons using your facilities for the evening. Inadequate insulation on the attic floor can make heating your upper rooms a challenge but also overheat the attic space, which can lead to ice damming on the roof. This phenomenon is a result of melting snow by heating the roof internally in frigid temperatures outside. This frozen dam continues to back up, damaging shingles and allowing water to flow back into the property. 

Frozen Pipes  

The basement area of your house is often the most susceptible to freezing, and when pipes burst, it can be impossible to provide adequate service to your guests. Our SERVPRO professionals can help with fast water extraction and drying techniques, but this cannot recover damages fast enough to preserve a ruined reservation. It is important to know the condition of your pipes and how well insulated they are against cold snaps. 

Water loss incidents inside of your bed and breakfast can be damaging to your reputation. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster, so if you are already dealing with a flood loss in your house, we work to make sure that it does not affect more of your reservations moving forward. It is our business to get you back in business, and our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team can help by calling (603) 433-4300. 

More about Portsmouth.

Understanding Moisture Damage Levels for Portsmouth Homes

1/31/2020 (Permalink)

"24 H" Our SERVPRO team's are available to help you 24/7. Contact us at (603) 433-4300.

Why You Need Help Fixing Water Damage In Your Portsmouth Home

Depending on how quickly our professionals can get notified of water loss concerns in your Portsmouth home, we can encounter water damages in various stages of progression. How we respond to these conditions differs from one material to the next. Yet, there are many instances where we can still protect and restore damaged structural elements in your home with the introduction of the right drying process.

The presence of moisture after a loss incident is not unexpected, but water removal for Portsmouth properties involves more than addressing the visible surface water concerns. Our team's professionals have extensive training through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC) to understand the various stages of water damages to materials like wood flooring. Depending on the state of progression, drying can range from simple to impossible.

Surface Water

This phase is where all water losses begin before they can penetrate the outer layer of materials and start the absorption process. In a surface state, water can get extracted and dried without considerable difficulties. Utilizing equipment like air movers after extraction, we can reduce the possibility of penetration by beginning evaporative drying immediately.

Free Water

Our SERVPRO team also has a range of potential solutions when the water has penetrated beyond the outer layer of a material like the wood flooring and has not yet caused physical damage to the affected element. Addressing this layer of moisture involves a combination of higher temperatures, steady airflow, and low humidity.

Bound Water 

As the name would suggest, this is the phase where water has become chemically bonded with the cells of wood materials. Once this occurs, the wood materials can show signs of deterioration, swelling, or warping. At this stage, even our advanced drying techniques cannot reverse the physical harm to the flooring.

Knowing the stages of water damage for exposed materials can help our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team to provide the right solutions at the right time. No matter how we can help after a water loss incident, you can reach our team 24/7 by calling (603) 433-4300.

See more about Portsmouth.

Take the Stress Out of Finding Remediation Services in Portsmouth With SERVPRO

1/30/2020 (Permalink)

water damaged ceiling with hanging sheetrock Water damage can quickly destroy the structure and contents of you home. Contact our SERVPRO team to jump in and mitigate the situation.

Complexity of Restoration Projects Is Why SERVPRO's Response Ranks Highly in Our Community

When your Portsmouth home suffers damage from water, fire, mold, or storms, the most successful mitigation and remediation outcomes occur after a speedy, professional response. Although a homeowner can manage some aspects of a property loss, the risks of progressive deterioration or secondary damage are significant if the restoration industry's best practices are not observed. Our ability to manage the demands of even a complicated restoration scenario is why customers appreciate our skills. 

Water Damage

Residents report many maintenance issues and malfunctions that result in a water loss in Portsmouth. Our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-trained managers and technicians are prepared to protect your investment and minimize the disruption following a water emergency. Most common among the causes of water damage are plumbing leaks and appliance malfunctions, which usually present as an urgent crisis. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster, ready to manage even large quantities of water efficiently when a sudden emergency occurs.

Other water incursions can be harder to discern, often the result of small leaks in pipes, condensation from air conditioners, long term seepage from ice dams or minor roofing fails, or a host of other unnoticed issues. Our training, experience, and advanced moisture detection equipment is why SERVPRO locates the once small water incursions that eventually create significant damage. 

Our team members' comprehensive understanding of the science of psychrometry, a precise term for drying, is why we follow a research-based protocol for every water damage or flooding scenario we encounter. During the first phase of a water loss project, we emphasize thorough extraction. Reducing the fluid present when structural drying commences increases the efficiency of our efforts and decreases the amount of time taken to bring moisture to normal levels.

Fire Damage

Nothing can prepare a Portsmouth resident for the terror and destruction a fire brings. Even a relatively minor fire poses a tremendously challenging cleanup prospect. The soils or soot created during the fire float on air currents, often landing many rooms or levels away from the site of the blaze. Some soot is quite evident and straightforward to locate, dark in color or ashy and floating like dust. Some kinds of soot drape down like cobwebs, easy to spot.

Protein-based soot, created by an evaporative process during a kitchen fire, is a common type of fire damage in Portsmouth as elsewhere. It is harder to see, but horrible to smell. It forms an almost transparent, extremely adhesive coating on surfaces anywhere it drifts in your home. Our ability to locate any soot is why a call for a post-fire inspection is critical.

SERVPRO Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) are familiar with all types of soot, prepared to manage each safely and efficiently. One household fire can produce different types of soot, so our certified employees are well matched to a job that requires frequent reassessment throughout the project. We ensure that soot removal employs the proper products and techniques according to the characteristics of the residues.  

We also take steps to keep occupants safe from the spread of toxic residues inevitable in a fire damage mitigation and remediation project. Negative pressure air scrubber equipment helps seal off a work area draped with heavy-duty plastic. HEPA filters trap airborne contaminants and vent the air to the outdoors. Our crews don personal protective equipment (PPE) during the job to avoid tracking soot through unaffected areas. The consistency we show in protecting you and your family is why SERVPRO garners high marks from customers.

Mold Remediation

Residents know the worry that accompanies a whiff of a musty odor or telltale signs of mold growth in a damp corner in Portsmouth. Often homeowners think microbial growth is a sign of poor housekeeping. On the contrary, mold spores seek the water most people use when tidying up. Failure to dry out areas after deep cleaning provides the perfect environment for mold growth, similar to that found when water losses are incompletely dried.

Ironically, residents of Portsmouth using self-help mold damage removal methods like the use of a diluted bleach solution also can make things worse rather than better. The solution might lighten the mold stain but does not reach into porous materials completely, failing to kill all of the hyphae or branchlike mold roots. Residual water in structural materials then feeds the mold, creating a rebound effect.

Our certified Applied Microbial Remediation Technicians (AMRT) comprehend the challenges of mold damage abatement. We follow the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protocols, why SERVPRO can deliver successful remediation results. Our process is to:

  • Contain the mold area during the project to prevent drift
  • Remove the mold colonies using mechanical means like scraping, brushing, and soda blasting
  • Assess whether some porous materials must also be removed
  • Bag and dispose of moldy materials per local regulations
  • Clean up debris with HEPA-equipped vacuums
  • Disinfect the affected space with EPA-registered antimicrobials

We also find the moisture source fueling the mold outbreak, helping to arrange for repairs or enhanced ventilation. A mold spore-free outcome is impossible to promise, but our efforts reduce dry spore counts to normal levels.  Vigilant moisture control avoids the growth cycle that causes the infestations.

Storm Damage

Extreme weather patterns are becoming more and more common in all areas of the United States, and Portsmouth is no exception. Heavy rains, high winds, and storm surge contributes to a pattern of severe property losses connected to storm activity. The damage done to your home might be extensive. Holes in exterior structures require urgent securing to limit further damage. Rain and flood water can invade, harming building materials and contents. Significant contamination of your premises by sewage, chemicals, salt water, and other pollutants can occur.

Recovering from these challenges requires highly-qualified professional assistance. The need for expert coordination of the various phases of mitigation and remediation is why SERVPRO is your best partner at a stressful time. Our team of experienced managers and conscientious technicians have the training and the commercial-grade equipment to respond promptly, plan appropriately, and implement immediately. 

Expect your house to receive swift boarding and tarping attention as the inspection and planning ensue. High-efficiency pumps and extractors remove vast quantities of water, and we contain contaminated fluids for lawful disposal. Trapped water found using infrared imaging releases through controlled demolition techniques like flood cuts and drilled or punched holes, always best performed by a trained expert. Disinfection is mandatory, and we use only EPA-registered products.

Structural drying completes on schedule, with moisture level baselines established using probes. We monitor the drying to hit the mark, neither under nor over dried. Our technicians position heaters and air movers to evaporate water absorbed by structures, and dehumidifiers to condense and absorb moisture for permanent disposal.  

Rely on the professionals from SERVPRO of The Seacoast for all of your disaster mitigation and remediation needs. Call us at (603) 433-4300 for prompt and comprehensive help to make it "Like it never even happened."

Click here to learn more about Portsmouth.

Do You Know How to Remove Oily Soiling From Your Fire Damaged Exeter Home?

1/21/2020 (Permalink)

smoke and soot damage on ceiling and walls Smoke and soot damage are difficult to remove. We have the cleaning agents and expertise to remove all types of soiling.

Removing Oily Soiling from Exeter Homes After a Fire 

The combustion of materials when a structure fire moves from one room to another can leave various residues and sediment throughout your Exeter property. Removing these layers of carbon and debris from affected surfaces is a process that must get done carefully using sophisticated tools and potent cleaning products. The wrong approaches, such as inappropriately cleaning oily soils from materials, can lead to staining and irreparable damage. 

Oils that exist on surfaces must get sufficiently evaluated by our professionals when the scoping of the job determines the extent of fire damage in Exeter properties. The purpose of this inspection and evaluation is to assess the severity of the soiling. Depending on the depth and heaviness of the present oily soil, various approaches, products, and techniques are necessary. 

Light Soiling  

As you might already have learned through various stages of your life, oil and water do not mix. Therefore, special considerations must get made for how fire damage soiling gets removed when it is oil-based. If the soil is light enough on a surface, it is possible that these particles can get emulsified with the application of water-based detergents. The detergents can attach to this soiling and pull it away from the surface and get rinsed clean. 

Heavy Soiling  

Heavy soils present more significant obstacles for our SERVPRO technicians. The right approach here can help to prevent a need for removing damaged construction materials and structural elements. In many situations, the answer is dissolving. Unlike emulsion, heavier soils do not react positively with water-based detergents. Instead, solvents are a better solution because they can work to dissolve residues that are not water-soluble. We have many potent solvents to choose from depending on the type of material hosting the oily soil. 

Cleaning up damaged surfaces after fire loss incidents can be a challenge for even the experienced professionals of our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team. With a combination of water-based detergents and solvents, we can work to remove oily substances to protect and restore damaged materials and contents throughout your home. Contact us anytime at (603) 433-4300. 

More about Exeter.

Commercial Mold Damage Experts In Dover Spell Out The Four Steps To The Remediation Process

1/8/2020 (Permalink)

Anytime you have a slow water leak, fungi can develop. Anytime you have a slow water leak, fungi can develop.

As buildings age, it is possible that places such as your assisted living facility in Dover can develop a small water leak that can lead to worse problems over time. If any organic materials such as wooden items inside your facility get wet, you might eventually be forced to have commercial mold damage restoration conducted by a professional company such as SERVPRO. We can arrive promptly and help you mitigate your issues with fungi.

Our SERVPRO team knows that mold can cause health effects and that keeping your facility sanitary is essential. During any commercial mold damage project in Dover, we use a standard set of procedures to reduce the chances of mold spreading to previously unaffected areas during the restoration process. We conduct our work processes in ways that allow you to keep your business functioning as usual.

During every mitigation project, our SERVPRO technicians always use the same following four procedures during the remediation process.

1. Establish Containment
The first step during the remediation process is to contain the work area so that spores released during the process do not spread across your building. We can use plastic to establish containment and air scrubbers to create negative air pressure inside the contained area. The air scrubber includes a HEPA filter that traps particles like mold spores and pumps out clean air.

2. Remove Mold Contamination
Anything that contains mold must be removed so that spores coming from the fungus do not keep getting released into the air. Sometimes surface fungi can be soda blasted or sanded off. However, if items such as your facility's drywall get contaminated, then the affected items could have to be removed and replaced. Any time we take away portions of your building's drywall that got contaminated by mold, we dispose of them properly inside a sealed plastic bag.

3. Clean Dust And Settled Spores
After the contaminated materials have been removed, spores could still exist inside the dust created by work processes. To clean the soil, we can use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter or wipe the dust off affected surfaces.

4. Dry The Materials
Once the mold contamination and spores have been cleaned and removed, we then dry out any wet building materials so that the fungus does not form again.

Anytime you have a slow water leak, fungi can develop. To make sure your assisted living facility remains to be a healthy place to stay after a fungal problem, call SERVPRO of Dover-Rochester at (603) 743-4301 any day of the week because We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

For more about Dover click here.

What You Need To Know About Water Damage Remediation in Portsmouth and Why

12/29/2019 (Permalink)

water damage in the bathroom Excess moisture can cause tile damage in the bathroom.  Contact SERVPRO for remediation and preventative measures.

Water Removal Need Announces Itself in Portsmouth Bathroom

When the tiles fall from the bathtub wall, it is usually excessive moisture that causes delamination, and some level of water damage tends to go hand in hand with that.

The wall around the tub in a first-floor bathroom in Portsmouth required water removal as a pipe had been leaking within the wall for some time, and finally, the tiles began popping off. SERVPRO technicians scoped the bathroom and found elevated moisture in most of the walls. 

The homeowner had been noticing water on the floor for several weeks but thought it was from her kids when they used the shower. Technicians found water was dripping through the missing tiles into the bathroom floor from the slow leak.

Controlled Demolition Actions 

The substrate behind the tile had excessive damage, and SERVPRO techs cleanly cut it away and found water underneath the bathtub, which was also removed to assist with their extraction efforts. 

Drying the Bathroom

Once the area under the tub and wall cavities had water removed, the techs moved on to the drying phase. They used air movers aimed within the walls. They set up tenting over the area where the bathtub was to ensure that dried entirely before the reinstallation of the tub happened. 

Cleaning and Disinfection

When a leak occurs over a long period, mold and musty odors are often an issue. SERVPRO techs have an array of cleaning agents, including professional-grade antimicrobials, to assist in inhibiting mold growth. If they find signs of mold, after remediation, they have antimicrobial sealants to halt any set up of colonies.

Final Restoration Touches

Once the bathroom wall and floor verified dry on the tech's moisture detection equipment, they began to put the bathroom back for the homeowner. Reseating the bathtub and the vintage ceramic tiles could be reused after cleaning and disinfection, saving the homeowner the cost of buying new tiles.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 for fast water removal from your property. The technicians are available 24/7 and arrive in their green service vans with every piece of equipment needed to restore your home to its pre-water loss condition, "Like it never even happened."

Click here for more information about Portsmouth.

Some Shortcuts to Flood Damage Remediation Success in Exeter

12/15/2019 (Permalink)

flooded living room with couches Effective and efficient water removal is what your home needs after flooding. Call SERVPRO right away after a flood damage event.

Handling the Elevated Levels of Humidity Related to Flood Damage in Exeter 

Water takes different forms, determined by the environment, particularly the temperature. While it is normal for your Exeter residence to contain moisture in the air, flooding does more than just get your floor and lower portions of the walls wet. Water vapor increases dramatically as the floodwater evaporates. Wherever it comes into contact with cooler surfaces, it condenses, forming tiny droplets, and then evaporates again whenever air currents whisk the moisture back into the air.

This can cause an Exeter home significant flood damage in areas away from the initially affected area. If contact with water or extreme humidity can cause damage to some material or item in your home, it needs protection after a flood happens, regardless of its location inside your home. Second stories, attics, and lofts might get packed in advance of a flood to protect things downstairs, but this cannot protect everything from the increased water vapor destined to fill flooded houses.

Odors can also permeate items stored for their protection. Out-of-place water, such as you might have after a broken pipe leaks or a sink overflows, often creates noticeable odors. When clean water produces odors, you only need to imagine how badly a home with flooding can begin to smell. These odors can also permeate clothing, bedding, and furniture stored upstairs, as well as the carpeting. 

SERVPRO understands the many ways that flooding can hurt your property, and we work diligently to take care of the situation. Wiping windows dry on the interior of your home reduces a good portion of the moisture condensing on cooler surfaces. Other items where we might find large amounts of condensation range from fine china to tools. China might become discolored and tools can rust, making them unsightly or difficult to use. 

Air movers that create a continuous and strong air current within your home keeps water vapor from condensing and lets us trap it in our desiccant machines. Fogging treatments can combat both odors and microbes that would otherwise take over your house. Our building team works alongside us as they remove damaged materials, check the electrical wiring and other components, and reinstall walls and carpeting. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast works on making homes in Portsmouth, Hampton, and Greenland “Like it never even happened” after flood damage takes place. Call our 24-hour services line, (603) 433-4300, for fast, reliable service.

Click here for more information about Exeter.

SERVPRO has the Equipment for Water Damage Restoration in Portsmouth

12/6/2019 (Permalink)

Water leak causing pooling to begin on living room floor Even a seemingly small water leak can cause large amounts of damage. Call us today to restore your home!

Proper Equipment Utilization to Ease Water Damage Restoration in Portsmouth

When water loss incidents affect a property, the main concern is how to remove the water and dry moisture restoring preloss conditions. The outcome of a restoration exercise depends on several factors, including how quickly it starts, as well as the availability of resources. Our SERVPRO, teams rely on availability and proper use of equipment to ease the restoration process.

The intensity of water damage incidents in Portsmouth may vary depending on the cause of the spill. Significant amounts of standing water left in a property over an extended period worsen the situation. Our SERVPRO teams use different types of pumps to remove such water fast. We can rely on experience or make calculations to determine the amount of water needing the extraction to determine the right pump. We might also consider whether the water is over 2 inches deep to determine whether a regular or submersible pump would be best for the job.

After dealing with stagnant water, the challenge shifts to drying wet materials and equipment. The drying process requires improved evaporation rates and extraction of humidity from the air. Equipment such as air movers and dehumidifiers help complete the process faster. However, before setting up the drying equipment, our SERVPRO technicians first establish the level of wetness in different materials. For example, using moisture meters, we can establish the moisture percentage in wooden materials, and, thus, the drying effort needed to restore the standard moisture content, which is around 10%.

Having the right equipment helps with the restoration, but only if they are correctly set up. Our SERVPRO technicians set up one air mover per room for optimal evaporation. We also add one unit for every 50-70 SF of the wet floor. Pairing air movers with the right number of dehumidifiers help ensure balanced drying preventing secondary damages.

Water damage can have long-term effects if not adequately addressed. Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 to benefit from our wide range of sophisticated equipment. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

More about Portsmouth.

We Are The Leader In Exeter Flood Damage Restoration

11/18/2019 (Permalink)

Our drying equipment drying a slink disaster caused by a leak in this basement We had the equipment necessary to handle restoring this house when it suffered a small, spritzing leak from the adjacent sink.

Why Call SERVPRO For Help With Flood Damage In Exeter

The fallout from a flood can leave your home in disarray for a long time to come, especially if you do not know all of the proper steps for remediation. Working through flood damage with the help of trained professionals gives you the results you need, fast. 

When it comes to flood damage in Exeter, you might think that all of the water extraction tools available are the same. SERVPRO wants you to know that there are multiple choices for water removal based on the severity of the water infiltration and the scope of the project. When you suffer a flood loss, we can come out to your home to do a full assessment and get started on remediation as soon as possible. 


Our technicians are highly trained, and we employ a variety of options for water removal and remediation after a flood. The technology we use far exceeds the capacity of any store-bought pumps or vacuums, and we use specialized processes to eliminate moisture throughout your home. 

In many flood damage recovery scenarios, our technicians have access to multiple extraction devices to get the job done. We have robust, electric submersible pumps for deep water removal. Once the water levels subside, we can switch over to wet vacs with light wands to bring up all of the excess water. We must develop an approach that is tailored to your unique situation to rid your home of moisture in the fastest, most efficient manner possible.

When it comes to oversaturated carpets, we have specialty extractors that force moisture out from the padding below, as well as the subflooring. If our technicians get to work fast enough, this technology reduces the need for new carpet installation.

Get in touch with SERVPRO of The Seacoast today by calling (603) 433-4300 to deploy a team of technicians to your home. We are faster to any disaster, and our teams are available 24/7.

See more about Exeter.

Did You Know That SERVPRO Effectively Remediates Fire Damage in Exeter?

11/10/2019 (Permalink)

fire damaged picture frame and home contents Regardless of how the fire started, SERVPRO can help with mitigating the situation and remediating the fire damage - including lingering odors.

How Ozone Chambers Help Content Management for Exeter Homeowners

Content management is a considerable aspect of the fire recovery work we offer to Exeter property owners after a loss incident. As quickly as fire effects can spread throughout a property, personal belongings and possessions often get caught contending with the worst of these symptoms, including smoke odors. With pack-out procedures, we can take these damaged items to our nearby SERVPRO facility for focused cleaning and recovery efforts.

Fire damage in Exeter homes requires the skills and expertise of our highly trained technicians to overcome, as many scenarios are too potentially threatening to the health of homeowners to address on their own. After loss incidents, airborne threats can make it challenging to complete damage assessment and cataloging of loss for your personal belongings. Our team can work quickly to determine the full scope of the damage to the structure and earmark personal belongings for removal by our content management professionals.

In our warehouse, we have many tools designed to make the cleaning and recovery of incoming items as efficient and effective as possible. Advanced equipment like our ultrasonic submersion tanks present an innovative solution for soot threats to possessions, but one of the most remarkable features available to our SERVPRO team is our ozone chamber. This sealed region of the facility is a vital space for helping to overcome widespread smoke odors present in furniture, soft materials, and other removed items from your fire-damaged property.

Much like our units used within residences and businesses, the production of ozone is the catalyst for odor neutralization. This chemical compound features an additional oxygen molecule that can bond with odor compounds and neutralize it on contact. Because of its gaseous nature, ozone can permeate surfaces to address stubborn scents trapped in the damaged materials.

We have many tools that can play a vital role in the ultimate recovery and restoration of your home. As challenging as fire losses can be to overcome, we have advanced in-house and on-site tools to help. You can reach our certified SERVPRO of The Seacoast fire restoration specialists anytime by calling (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more information about Exeter.

We Offer Fast And Reliable Water Removal Services In Exeter

10/23/2019 (Permalink)

 Water damaged drywall We removed the water damaged drywall, dried and sanitized the exposed wall cavity, and rebuilt the area. "Like it never even happened."

Addressing Standing Water in Exeter Finished Basement Bathroom

The push to make subterranean levels of Exeter homes additional living space increases the value of a property and helps to alleviate situations where families would otherwise be outgrowing their houses. With so many homes throughout the area featuring these finished areas now, our SERVPRO professionals began to prepare for water loss incidents that could infiltrate these rooms and recreational spaces.

A need for water removal in Exeter homes might be more likely than many property owners think. The bathroom in your finished basement is among the closest fixtures to the service line entering your home from the meter pit outside, making it a potential point of rupture or malfunction when pressure fluctuations from the main line occur. Air hammers, or pockets of air that can get into service lines, can separate portions of plumbing and create a substantial mess until you can get the supply line shut down.

Standing water does not stay in one place for long. The migration of these water damages from a ruptured clean water toilet line or sink fixture can spread quickly throughout neighboring rooms. Our SERVPRO team can respond quickly to your call, helping to slow this progression and protect many of the affected construction materials and contents in this lower level of your property.

We have top-tier extraction tools that can help with several inches of standing water, such as our truck-mount pump. This powerful option is the workhorse of our restoration services, removing higher volumes of water at 300 psi. By starting drying efforts as promptly as possible, we can often complete much of these tasks within 72 hours. We can double-check our efforts with infrared imagery to ensure that we have removed all lingering moisture pockets before calling our job complete.

We strive to provide your home with the fast and reliable service that can reduce the need for controlled demolition and reconstruction. We know how quickly scenarios like these can get out of control, and that is why you can reach our SERVPRO of The Seacoast water restorers 24/7 by calling (603) 433-4300.

See more about Exeter.

Call Us Day Or Night For All Your Portsmouth Flood Damage Restoration Needs

10/19/2019 (Permalink)

a flood cut to a room suffering flood damage When a burst water line floods the floor, and the liquid is soaked into the lower level of the sheetrock, SERVPRO techs can do a "flood cut."

Dependable Delivery of Flood Damage Recovery in Portsmouth: Why SERVPRO Is on Your Speed Dial

After a substantial storm or series of storms, the damage done to your Portsmouth home can be demoralizing. High winds can tear off shingles and detach flashings, permitting vast quantities of water to pour inside. Meanwhile, rainwater saturates the ground around your foundation, seeping through the cinder block, stone, brick, or concrete construction. Flash flooding results from heavy downpours, adding inches to the waters collecting at your lowest level. We manage it all, why our number should be your first call.

Water Quantities Beyond Consumer Grade Equipment

With rain soaking several levels of your house, flood damage in Portsmouth needs a coordinated and well-trained crew to achieve successful results. Because wet always seeks dry, the fluids can spread extensively throughout your home. The flow trends downward into your lowest levels, whether it is a basement, crawlspace, or walkout living space. Along the way, however, porous materials absorb the water. Moisture also wicks through cracks and crevices into building cavities throughout your home. Extracting and drying enormous quantities of water requires commercial-grade equipment, why our team is uniquely qualified to help.

Flood Water Contamination

By definition, flood damage is contaminated. It can contain human and animal waste from backed-up sewers. Chemicals and industrial residues also are in the mix. Storm surge adds saltwater and debris. Our employees are trained and certified in appropriate containment strategies and are up to date on lawful disposal sites and protocols. Professionalism in flood damage follow-through is why SERVPRO is a disaster restoration industry leader.

Fast, Scalable, and Reliable Response

We live and work in our service area, here for you today and available to answer concerns later. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster and have multiple crews and quantities of equipment available to handle your crisis. Our responsiveness and deep roots in the community is why SERVPRO immediately comes to mind when you cope with a flooding emergency. You can rely on us to assess and plan for all aspects of your flood damage scenario. Our implementation is second to none.

Trustworthiness and a proven track record are why SERVPRO of The Seacoast delivers the flood damage remediation industry’s best practices and results. Call us day or night at (603) 433-4300 to make it “Like it never even happened.”

See more about Portsmouth.

Cleaning Up After Flooding in Your Portsmouth Apartment

9/27/2019 (Permalink)

Apartment building flooded on the sidewalk up to garage doors. SERVPRO is very knowledgeable when it comes to flooding in your Portsmouth community. Let us help.

Let us show you the way with your Portsmouth flooding.

Powerful storms are nothing new to the residents of Portsmouth, and property owners work to limit how destructive these weather events can be with a prompt response from professional restoration technicians. From hurricane-level threats making landfall from the Atlantic Ocean to the threats that can even attack the coast from the Piscataqua River, cleaning up after destruction and the related flooding of an apartment is a challenging situation.

Cleaning is a critical element to every recovery project that our SERVPRO team undertakes, and it has the same level of importance with flood damage in Portsmouth apartments. Strong systems pouring in from the coast often bring fierce winds that can not only endanger seafaring trades but can also circulate debris to break windows and cause widespread structural damage to the apartment building. Considering the torrential rainfall that can accompany these weather events, a breach like a broken window is the ideal opening to allow runoff and direct water exposure.

Addressing this situation often requires the use of confined space extractors like our light wants and portable sump pumps. Even when the building has lost power, we can utilize these submersible pumps that we can run off of generators. The ideal situation is to limit excessive discharge and lead hoses to the floor we are working on, so we work to have the specific extraction and drying tools helpful to your apartment explicitly.

Cleaning up the glass is also part of the process, and our team has a full roster of qualified cleaning technicians able to address each hazardous effect in your home after a flood loss. From clearing the broken glass to using our potent products to clear residues, dirt, and debris from surfaces, we offer a full-service approach to recovering your residence. We can even supply experienced general contractors to help with emergency board up and later full reconstruction of the apartment if necessary.

Flood damages to an apartment building put multiple properties at risk simultaneously. You can count on the fast response and expertise of our SERVPRO of The Seacoast to help. Give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

If you would like to learn more about Portsmouth, click here.

How SERVPRO Removes Water From Auto Repair Shops

8/26/2019 (Permalink)

Inside of auto parts store Water intrusion events into an auto garage can create a hazardous situation. SERVPRO has the know how to safely remove the water.

Precautions that Help During Commercial Water Removal in Exeter Auto Repair Shops 

When people bring vehicles to your auto repair shop, they expect solutions for a wide range of problems. A water loss incident can prevent you from serving clients when they are in dire need. In some cases, an incident can cause additional damages to the vehicles that they did not have when they arrived at your shop. Being cautious when handling spilled water at your Exeter auto repair shop can help deliver better results.  

Controlling the Spread of Dissolved Chemicals  

Caution is necessary during commercial water removal from affected Exeter Auto repair shops because the water might dissolve oils and other chemical agents used in day-to-day operations. Relying on lifting mechanisms such as water extractors and pumps is better than using mops and buckets because they limit the transfer of agents throughout the property. Spreading may not seem like a big deal, but it can prolong the cleaning process. Our SERVPRO technicians use water extractors with storage tanks to ease removal without spreading contamination.  

Managing Humidity Levels  

High humidity levels can be detrimental to the vehicles left at your store. It can cause different kinds of deterioration to car upholstery, including the development of mold. It can also cause rust in components with metallic parts. Once the water spills, evaporation starts, which increases relative humidity levels in your repair shop. Our SERVPRO technicians use different approaches to extract moisture from different materials restoring normal humidity levels. For instance, doing calculations helps ensure we place the right number of air movers and dehumidifiers to manage humidity.  

Inspecting Hidden Areas 

Once water spills, it spreads quickly throughout the affected premises. A proper inspection can help identify whether such water reaches hidden areas where it can cause long-term problems. Our SERVPRO crews use advanced equipment such as FLIR thermal cameras to identify wetness in concealed areas. We can also use advanced equipment such as injecti-dry systems to remove such hidden moisture while minimizing the demolition needed.  

Managing a water loss situation in your auto repair shop can be tricky. Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 to help. Our combines skills and equipment ensure we handle the incident, "Like it never even happened." 

More about Exeter.

Our Water Damage Professionals Can Save Your Hampton Home

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

A leak caused significant water damage to a home in Hampton. Here at SERVPRO of The Seacoast, we want to return all of our neighbors to a dry, safe home as quickly as possible.

Water Removal Efforts For Hampton Homes

Being midway between the coast and I-95, Hampton is not just an excellent place to live, but a great location for tourists as well. While storms may occasionally interrupt normal operations, homeowners know that most of their issues result from a failed appliance or broken pipe.

To eliminate those issues and alleviate any damage in Hampton, water removal in area homes is key. For SERVPRO restoration technicians, that means getting in quickly to pump out standing water and draw it out of carpets and wood floors. It can also mean special actions like pumping out and drying crawlspaces where needed.

In one home, a broken inlet pipe spilled water through a home while the family vacationed over the Labor Day weekend. It flooded the kitchen and then spread out through the entire first floor. Eventually, the water worked its way through the floors and several inches collected underneath. The owner called within minutes, and a response team arrived to inspect and begin work almost immediately.

Team members started with the interior of the home. These efforts can push more water into the crawlspace, so it has to wait. Since this is treated or ‘clean’ water, SERVPRO team members pump everything directly into the nearest drain or sewer access if needed.

After completing removal efforts on the first floor, technicians began on the crawlspace. They went in through the access hatch in a closet with a hose connected to a pump. After it started running dry, a technician crawled in with an extraction wand to remove the rest of it from the corners. Finally, they used a dehumidifier over several days to lower the air moisture content to normal levels to eliminate the risk of wood rot in the sub-floor supports.

Since the problem started in the kitchen, team members found that the water had gotten under the linoleum. Over several days, they lifted it, cleaned off the ruined glue, and dried the floor underneath. Once completed, they applied a new layer of adhesive, and carefully pressed it back into position.

Here at SERVPRO of The Seacoast, we want to return all of our neighbors to a dry, safe home as quickly as possible. Our office also serves Exeter and Greenland, so if your home in any of those communities suffered a water intrusion, call us 24/7 at (603) 433-4300 to start the restoration process.

For more about Hampton click here.

Let The Professionals Handle Commercial Flood Damage Remediation in Portsmouth

7/8/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial flood damage in Portsmouth should be dealt with properly. Call the professionals at SERVPRO today for help.

Clean and Contaminated Commercial Flood Damage Restoration for Portsmouth Business Owners

Out of hours property damages need immediate attention to avoid temporary closures and minimize loss of revenue. In a customer-facing service, the presence of malodors, staining, or closure can have a significant impact on your business reputation. We offer a rapid response unit for commercial property owners to call in times of emergency. Highly trained technicians can be dispatched to remove large quantities of water or contamination issues that go beyond the remit of your in-house janitorial team. 

A business owner needs professional restoration for commercial flood damage in Portsmouth. These issues can be the result of a backed-up sewer point, resulting in contamination with health and safety concerns or the result of unpredictable natural weather events. Our crew chiefs have Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration certifications (IICRC) that help them to perform professional, efficient services to the local business community. 

Our primary concern is the safety and integrity of your commercial property. On arrival, SERVPRO technicians can carry out a scoping procedure to test for structural integrity or potential safety hazards. Hazards could include submerged electrical wiring or waterlogged floors and ceilings, which could result in an unsound structure. These safety checks are essential to carrying out a sufficient restoration. 

Where raw sewage is concerned, extra care must be taken to avoid cross-contamination. SERVPRO can set up physical barriers and quarantine certain areas to localize the issue. Wearing the correct personal protective equipment (PPE), a technician can then move in to remove contaminated materials and dispose of them in line with state and federal guidelines. 

Utilizing a wide range of sanitizers, disinfectants, and other chemical agents SERVPRO can restore your place of business to its preloss condition and make it safe for both customers and staff. Generally, contaminated materials can be shoveled out, while gas pumps help to remove standing water. At the end of service, thorough deodorization can make the damage "Like it never even happened." 

For assistance in clean and contaminated water emergencies, contact SERVPRO of the Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 today. 

Click here to see more about Portsmouth. 

We Have The Expertise To Restore Your Exeter Home After A Water Damage Disaster

7/5/2019 (Permalink)

Don't let water destroy your home call the experts at SERVPRO! We are locally owned and operated, ready 24/7, and Faster to Any Size Disaster.

How Vital Is Professional Water Removal for Exeter Homes?

Water loss incidents occurring in Exeter homes always have the potential to get out of control without the right actions occurring quickly. As much as the average homeowner would like to save their time and money off affording professional restoration services, this is often the most credible solution to the situation. Still, for actions like extraction and water removal, how vital is it to seek out the expertise and advanced equipment of restoration professionals?

Knowing what you need for water removal in your Exeter home starts with discovering the answers to three key questions:

How severe is the current damage?
What types of materials have become exposed to standing water?
Can someone else do this faster and more thoroughly to better protect my home?

Knowing the severity of the situation you face can help you to quickly determine whether it is within your skill set to restore. Often water removal tools available to homeowners have limited strength, so widespread saturation can be too much for portable wet-vacs or even submersible pumps. Equipment from a broader inventory, like our SERVPRO professionals can access, can address standing water promptly throughout every affected area of the property.

Secondly, you need to understand where the water damage has spread and what materials have become affected by the standing water in your home. There are specialized tools certified technicians can use that can help to remove water and saturation from carpeting, authentic hardwood flooring, drywall, and even concrete board underneath tile.

Conceding a situation is beyond your resources and skills to help can be a challenge for many homeowners, especially those accustomed to handling problems on their property as it arises. Our SERVPRO professionals can help with a thorough evaluation to walk you through what actions can fully restore your house and get things back to normal quickly.

Gaining an understanding of the emergency in your house can help you to quickly decide if our SERVPRO of The Seacoast rapid response team can help. No matter the source or the severity, our full-service approach to water loss recovery can make these situations “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

See more about Exeter.

How Our Professionals Can Return Your Exeter Home To Pre-Damage Condition After A Water Damage Disaster

6/29/2019 (Permalink)

Call us today at (603) 433-4300 for quality services.

Proper Water Removal In Your Exeter Home

Effective water removal methods are key to restoring items after a water event. Professional services are required when you need the job to be done in the right way. It ensures your home and property is left both clean and dry. This article addresses some of the concerns that property owners in Exeter experience when such incidents happen.

The equipment that our SERVPRO technicians use when performing water removal procedures in Exeter makes the difference. Water removal is the first step we perform when we start performing restoration procedures. We have to look at the depth of the standing water and whether the site is accessible or not. We use portable water extractors when removing water from an area that does not have enough space to place massive water extraction tools such as truck-mounted water extractors.

When water remains in place for some time, some parts of the structure such as walls and their insulation are likely to be affected. We can use moisture meters to determine the content of moisture in the waters. Normally, we have non-penetrating and penetrating moisture meters. Our SERVPRO technicians have the skills of determining the right tools to use. If the structure is adversely affected, we may go ahead and remove the baseboards. After removing them, venting the walls cavities is possible as part of the restoration process.

It is the work of SERVPRO technicians to inspect the insulation of your property. The insulation power lessens, and some can be matted after the water event - which occurs in most porous insulation. Though it is possible to restore fiberglass insulation, it is not always the case. We check whether the level of the water is above the sill plate before making appropriate restoration measures. Our experts have done this before, and we know the challenges we need to overcome when doing this work.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast is ready to help you perform proper water removal in your home. Our skilled technicians are highly trained, and we use the state of art equipment to do the work. Call us today at (603) 433-4300 for quality services.

For more about Exeter click here.

Concrete Solutions for Drying Cement in Portsmouth

6/26/2019 (Permalink)

Water can damage concrete as it retains water and is challenging to dry.

Flood Damage Technicians In Portsmouth Explain How To Dry Out Concrete 

This spring season much of the country has seen an elevated amount of severe weather meaning that the Portsmouth area could be the victim of thunderstorms throughout the summer season. If there are large amounts of rainfall, there is a chance that your residence could become the victim of excessive flood damage. Once the water starts to build up outside, it is possible that rainwater can find its way into your dwelling. Wet structural components and other materials can cause the relative humidity level inside your house to rise. When the indoor humidity level is high inside your home, other items become at risk of receiving secondary flood damage.  

During flooding situations, exterior walls can often become the first part of your building that gets impacted. When mitigating flood damage in Portsmouth, our water restoration technicians or WRTs at SERVPRO work towards eliminating moisture as soon as possible so that secondary issues do not arise. The first stage of mitigation usually involves extracting the water while it is still liquid. Once all standing water and moisture inside your porous materials like carpet get removed, our next step is the applied structural drying or ASD phase.  

During ASD our SERVPRO WRTs utilize advanced technology and specialized equipment to create an environment that is conducive to rapid structural drying. Most of the time, we can accomplish this by setting up a combination of air movers and dehumidifiers. However, in some cases, when we are dealing with certain types of materials, we must take other measures to dry out your contents or building materials after flooding.  

Concrete is a non-porous substance, but once it does get wet, the items can be challenging to dry out. Some houses contain cinder block or concrete exterior walls that can hold moisture on the inside. When dealing with cinder block walls, we often drill holes in a mortar joint towards the bottom of the wall to drain water out of the wall cavity. We can also set up desiccant dehumidifiers to help pull moisture out of the concrete materials. 

If you ever suffer damage after your neighborhood floods, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 any day of the week.  

More about Portsmouth.

Exeter Homeowners Call Out to SERVPRO for Fire and Soot Cleanup and Restoration

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

Hey Exeter Property Owners--for Matchless Fire Damage Cleanup, Soot Removal, and More--Call SERVPRO

Locating Soot Damage Throughout a Damaged Exeter Home

After a fire loss event in your Exeter property, damages can spread quickly from the ignition point. The worst of the symptoms and hurdles to overcome for professional restoration specialists occur within the first 24-48 hours, making it critical to reach out to accredited professionals as promptly as possible. We have extensive experience in restoring fire loss incidents, including the use of advanced equipment and technology to address the widespread concerns like smoke residue and soot. Locating the full extent of this damage can help us to clean up the house sufficiently before more areas, contents, and structural elements become affected.

Soot and other fire damages can spread quickly throughout your Exeter residence, regardless of the cause of the blaze. Our SERVPRO professionals work to respond immediately to these emergencies, as every second counts when combatting the movement of soot, smoke residue, and other airborne contaminants and debris. We have cleaning technicians ready to mobilize immediately to get mitigation and recovery efforts started in your house right away.

Our technicians begin any restoration project with a thorough and complete assessment of the damages, loss, and affected contents of the property. Not only is this documentation and evidence necessary to secure insurance damage claims from your provider, but it also helps us to maintain an accurate track record of completed tasks and what restorative actions are still necessary to make fire loss effects “Like it never even happened.”

We have sophisticated equipment to help identify the presence of soot and smoke residues in areas that are inaccessible, such as air ducts. With the use of our boroscope cameras, we can see the entirety of the duct network, noting whether any threats exist within this system. We can also utilize similar technology to search other inaccessible areas where soot and smoke particulates could have penetrated.

Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team has commercial-grade cleaners and chemical sponges to begin addressing widespread soot damage concerns along with the rest of the mitigation your property needs. Whenever disasters strike, you can give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

For emergency fire and EMS click here.

Basement Flood Extraction and Drying in Portsmouth Homes

5/23/2019 (Permalink)

Don't let your basement, extra living space turn into a Harbor.

Let SERVPRO help you keep that extra living space dry as possible.

The basement area has served a specific purpose for many Portsmouth homeowners over generations of time, though now many of these same properties have finished this area to convert it into usable living space. With new construction materials like drywall and vinyl wood flooring, the battles that many homeowners face with moisture and dampness in this lower area become even more taxing and potentially damaging. Without the appropriate measures taken to prevent moisture penetration and seeping dampness from beneath the flooring or from the foundation blockwork, homes can find themselves allowing flood effects into the property during severe weather events.

Protecting the affected materials and structural elements in the basement of your Portsmouth home after flood damage can often be more complicated than you might think. Our SERVPRO professionals have extensive training and education from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) to become certified Water Restoration Technicians (WRT) capable of handling all facets of restoration and recovery when flooding occurs in your house. We can also dispatch qualified personnel to address potential mold effects that could result from prolonged moisture and dampness.

Whenever the point of penetration is, swelling and bloating of the affected construction materials like drywall and flooring can happen in as little as a day. Addressing these structural concerns is a priority of our SERVPRO professionals and is a considerable portion of our mitigation strategy that begins with our arrival at your house.

In many situations, the need for extraction and the threat of contamination can cause our technicians to remove saturated materials from the basement to better access the worst of the damage. We can then directly remove standing water in wall cavities or other affected areas without access limitations. Our contractors have years of experience in the building trades, allowing us to repair and reconstruct removed areas of your finished basement quickly.

While basements are more often used as additional living space in modern construction throughout our area, addressing flooding in these areas of the property must happen quickly. Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast professionals have the experience and equipment to make flood effects “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

Click here If you would like to learn more about Portsmouth, NH.

SERVPRO Saves Exeter Residences from Extensive Water Damage with a Rapid Response

5/15/2019 (Permalink)

Forgot the Running Water in Your Exeter Home's Sink? Try Calling SERVPRO to Limit the Damage

An Overflowing Sink Can Leave Your Exeter Home in Critical Need of Water Removal Services  

Having a sink overflowing into your bathroom is never a good thing and can lead to your needing to call professional water removal services. In the case of your home, your faucet broke, and water has been non-stop flowing from the tap. As your sink overflows, water can spill into your bathroom and then it can make its way out into the hallway from underneath the door. Water moves fast, so it is essential for you to be quick as well.

Calling for the help of professional Exeter water removal services, as soon as you find the problem, can help reduce the overall damage that your home experiences. Furthermore, immediately shutting off the water in your house can help ensure that your sink stops the spillage from continuing.

When you call SERVPRO, we always make sure to arrive at your home as soon as we possibly can. We understand that time is critical for your home and that situations like this can cause any homeowner anxiety. We always arrive promptly, so you no longer have to worry. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.
When SERVPRO arrives, we can immediately begin to assess the problem and devise a plan to get the water out as quickly as possible. Our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) techs can begin to extract the water using wet/dry vacuums or other suitable portable devices. SERVPRO always comes equipped with advanced technology that has been designed to remove the problem swiftly.
Once the standing water has been removed, SERVPRO can use thermal imaging technology to search for pockets of water. After finding a couple between the surrounding walls, we can drill tiny holes and push air-blasting tubes inside. Blasting the inside of the walls with dry air, while using devices like dehumidifiers outside, ensures that all sides of the wall are being addressed. It helps minimize the possibility of mold growth and helps get your home up to the appropriate moisture levels for your region.
When water suddenly impacts your home and needs to be removed, always act fact. Get in touch with SERVPRO of The Seacoast by calling (603) 433-4300. Night or day, we're just a phone call away.

Wecome to our town, just click right here.

Should Fixing Flood Damage in Portsmouth Take 60 Steps?

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

Flood damage can accumulate quickly. Don't wait for things to subside, contact SERVPRO today.

Get Prompt Flood Damage Restoration for Your Portsmouth Home

The risk of flooding is increasing worldwide because of climate change, especially in low-lying and coastal areas. Climate change also plays a role in rising seas and extreme weather events like heavy rain. Flood water can severely damage your home, leading to heavy financial losses.

When the flood waters recede, your home may have mud, silt, and hazardous materials like pesticides, sharp debris, and microorganisms. Therefore, you need prompt flood damage restoration for your Portsmouth home. Quick remediation prevents additional damage to water-soaked structures and contents. You can trust the professionals at SERVPRO to restore your home to its former condition. We respond to calls quickly and work fast to dry out the structure and contents. We handle any water damage emergency.

We use advanced equipment like pumps and wet/dry vacuums to extract as much water as possible from a structure. We spend enough time extracting the water so that drying can take place much faster. Porous materials like drywall and most kinds of flooring absorb water, and it may not be apparent. This water does not have a way to exit your property can continue spreading to the walls, ceilings and beneath the flooring. It can damage several rooms because of the interconnected walls. After some time, the walls can warp or swell subtly, and their integrity can decrease. Walls or ceilings may collapse and hardwood flooring can buckle, requiring replacement.

Our SERVPRO technicians can remove water from porous materials through proper drying and dehumidification. To dry rooms faster, our technicians heat them to 60 to 90 degrees since hot air holds more moisture. We then use dehumidifiers to remove the evaporated moisture from the air. We also use air movers to move the air in the affected rooms. Air movement is critical for drying. The air in water-damaged rooms slows evaporation because it is usually humid and damp. We blow the damp air out and bring in the warm, dry air to expedite drying. Our technicians also use tools like moisture meters to measure moisture levels. We can adequately dry the affected areas.

When there is flooding in your home, SERVPRO of The Seacoast is nearby and ready to assist you to dry it out. Contact us 24/7 at (603) 433-4300 for restoration services. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

Click here for more information about the city of Portsmouth.

Our Professionals Can Restore Your Exeter Apartment Building To Pre-Damage Condition After A Water Damage Incident

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

Contact us today at (603) 433-4300 for restoration services.

Tips For Handling Commercial Water Damage In An Exeter Apartment Building

An apartment building can sustain water damage because of burst pipes. The water can ruin flooring, walls, ceilings and the possessions of your tenants. Water in an apartment building can also force multiple tenants into hotels if it pools in the adjoining apartments.

Water can also have a safety impact on the apartment building if it enters electrical fittings and a health impact if mold grows. Commercial water damage repair for your Exeter apartment building requires a knowledgeable and experienced company to be confident that your tenants are comfortable and safe. The SERVPRO team has experience with water damage restoration of any size and is ready to assist you in restoring your apartment building.

Dealing with water loss is stressful, especially when the comfort of other people depends on how you deal with it. Our technicians know that the well-being of your tenants is important to you. Some tenants may be impatient or put out of their dwelling until we can repair the damage. We can remove the water and dry your building quickly to minimize the inconvenience to you and your tenants.

Our SERVPRO technicians also know that apart from the initial structural damage from the water loss itself, it is likely for more permanent structural damage to occur if water enters the structure of the building. It can jeopardize the integrity of the foundation and materials. Cosmetic damage like yellowing may also cause stains and reduce the market value of an apartment building. We can clean up the water quickly to prevent this from happening.

We have state-of-the-art equipment like truck-mounted vacuum units and pumps that remove water efficiently. We also have dehumidification and air moving equipment that enables us to dry the affected areas thoroughly. Air movers create airflow across carpeting, pads, and furniture to speed up the evaporation of moisture. Our technicians can also use hygrometers and moisture detectors to monitor the drying process to ensure proper moisture removal in your apartment building. We can also use infrared cameras to find moisture that may not be apparent behind ceilings and walls.

When there is water damage in your apartment building, SERVPRO of The Seacoast is ready to assist you to extract the water and dry the affected units. Contact us today at (603) 433-4300 for restoration services.

Click here for more about Exeter.

We Use State-Of-The-Art Equipment To Restore Your Portsmouth Home

4/9/2019 (Permalink)

We restored this Portsmouth house from soot and smoke damage in every room of the house with our expertise and equipment.

Discover How to Remove Fire Damage Odor from Your Portsmouth Home Effectively

Stubborn smoke odor is one of the detrimental consequences of fire damage. It can linger in your house for a lengthy period, compromising the air you breathe. If your home has a smoke odor, you should take steps to eliminate it effectively and quickly. Removing the smoke scent is challenging for the tiny smoke particles stick to all household surfaces and get embedded into porous materials like fabrics, carpeting, furniture, books and even paint. Removing the scent requires specialized cleaning equipment.

It is advisable to hire a fire restoration company like SERVPRO to remove fire damage odor from your Portsmouth home. Our experts can assess the situation and select the most appropriate remediation method while ensuring safety. We use state-of-the-art equipment like ozone generators to eradicate smoke smells. These machines generate ozone, which consists of three oxygen atoms. Ozone reacts with odor-causing molecules to oxidize residues and eliminate the scents.

Ozone can harm living things because of the way it combines with water. It may cause nausea and headaches among other health issues. SERVPRO technicians remove all living things from the area before setting up an ozone generator and sealing the rooms to prevent dissipation. After the deodorization process, ozone returns to the normal oxygen molecule quickly, without leaving residues. We also use high-velocity fans to ventilate the area until the smell of ozone is gone.

When it is not safe to use an ozone generator, our technicians use hydroxyl generators. These generators use ultraviolet light to produce hydroxyl, which is useful for removing fire damage odors. Hydroxyl generators do not affect the health of plants, pets, and humans. We can also seal porous surfaces that have absorbed smoke such as unfinished, raw wood. At times, odor remains in confined areas after the deodorization process is complete. In such a situation, our technicians can ventilate the confined space, place an activated unit in it overnight or thermal-fog the whole structure if necessary. Our goal is to deal with the fire damage odor to make your home smell “Like it never even happened.”

If your home has fire damage odor, SERVPRO of The Seacoast can assist you in eliminating it. We have years of experience in dealing with smoke odors. Contact us any time at (603) 433-4300 for fire restoration services in Portsmouth, Exeter, and Hampton.

Click here for more information on the summer programs we offer in Portsmouth.

What to Do Before Flood Damage in Hampton

3/22/2019 (Permalink)

Taking steps to prepare for a flood can help to minimize the damage, SERVPRO can take care of the post-flood cleanup.

Steps to Take Before Flood Damage to Keep You and Your Family Safe

Flood damage is a frightening prospect for any homeowner. You do not know what to expect. Naturally, you hope to stay safe, but it is better to know what to do than to be caught short when a disaster happens. That is why SERVPRO recommends all Hampton homeowners get familiar with the following steps to take when you know a flood is coming.

Although flash floods sometimes occur, in many cases, there is a warning of flooding. Local news and weather stations frequently predict lousy weather or flood damage, so the local community in Hampton knows what to expect. Here are some steps to take as soon as you hear a flood is on the way.

Prepare to evacuate if necessary. Fill your car with gas. Put together an emergency kit with flashlights, nonperishable food, clean bottled water, money, first aid items, and three days’ dose of any medications you and your family take. Locate your nearest evacuation shelter and plan your route there.

If you have time, the American Red Cross recommends filling plastic bottles with clean water for drinking and filling tubs and sinks with water for flushing the toilet or washing clothes.

Many people do not realize that fire is a risk during a flood – a compromised propane tank can cause a blaze. Turn off all propane tanks. Floods can also damage electrical items in your home. SERVPRO recommends unplugging all electrical items and moving them to a high point in your home if you can.

Move all valuables to the highest point in your home that is practical. It is a good idea to keep all essential documents in a watertight box so that they stay safe in the event of flooding.

Stay tuned to local radio or TV at all times if possible, to keep up to date with the latest developments and any emergency instructions.

SERVPRO is on hand to help with post-flood cleanup. We extract water from your home and focus on drying it out so you can return to your life “Like it never even happened.”

For help with flood damage in Portsmouth, Hampton, Exeter, Greenland and surrounding areas, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 today.

Visit https://hamptonnh.gov/ for more information about Hampton.

Limiting Mold Damage in Exeter

3/22/2019 (Permalink)

Mold can spread quickly through a home if the conditions are right. Should you see or smell mold, contact SERVPRO for an investigation of the cause.

SERVPRO Technicians Remediate Mold Infestations and Help Prevent Any Recurrences

Mold spores are equal opportunity damage causing agents, affecting homes old and new in Exeter. Understanding the life cycle of the more than 100,000 strains of mold that may co-exist with you is crucial to your quest to stop the spores from becoming active and growing colonies. We educate and remediate, striving to keep your home free of activated and multiplying mold. 
Your home has all the components necessary for mold damage in Exeter present at all times. Although this statement may seem defeatist and disturbing, it is true. Mold spores float on air currents with your other household dust and settle on surfaces throughout your home. As long as they remain dry, the presence of all these spores is of little concern. Only when they absorb excess moisture and begin to grow and produce more spores is there an issue. Our remediation specialists manage these growing concerns and work with you to stop the cycle. 
The State of New Hampshire requires any company promising to help residents with mold outbreaks to be certified by a third party. SERVPRO owners and technicians hold certifications from the IICRC in Mold Mitigation, Understanding Mold in the Restoration Industry, and the crew members we send to your home are all Applied Microbial Remediation Specialists. We follow the EPA protocols of containment, removal, off-site disposal, and sanitation to rid your home of currently growing colonies. 
More importantly, we spend the time necessary to locate the source of moisture that feeds mold spores initially, creating the probability of repeated infestations. SERVPRO knows the key to mold elimination over the long term is moisture elimination. Sometimes it is an obvious water issue like a roof leak, ice dam, or plumbing fail. Other times the cause is more subtle -- a few tablespoons of the dog’s water spilled in the mudroom daily that causes the subfloor to mildew, overly high humidity in a sick baby’s nursery, a dirty drip tray under the refrigerator. Until we find the water or moisture, we have not completed our mold remediation successfully. 
Once the mold is gone, we also help clean up the staining or peeling of paint, or other reminders that mold used to live here. SERVPRO pledges to return your home to pre loss condition, down to a fresh paint job or a thorough deodorization of any lingering musty smells. 
SERVPRO of The Seacoast is your partner in remediating mold. Call our 24-hour number, (603) 433-4300, for assistance whenever you discover a mold problem and want certified and caring technicians to assist. 

For more information regarding Exeter, click here

Understanding the Deodorization Process After Flood Damage to Your Hampton Home

3/22/2019 (Permalink)

After facing a flooding event, contacting SERVPRO is your best bet towards total remediation including any lingering odors. Call right away.

SERVPRO Professionals First Dry Out Your Flooded Home and Then Tackle Remaining Issues Including Odor

Even after the floodwater is cleaned and residual moisture is taken care of following flood damage, the odor can linger on for quite some time. The flood water from heavy rains and storms is often filthy and can cause your home to reek if it is not appropriately mitigated. 

Professional restoration experts use a variety of techniques and strategies to combat the odor problems after flood damage to your Hampton home. Whether the odors are real or imaginary, SERVPRO technicians can eliminate them using some of the best deodorizing equipment on the market. Here is some of the equipment that is used in the deodorization process following a flood. 

Ventilation box fans 
One of the most critical factors that cause odors after a flood is moisture content in the air. If the air has a high relative humidity, the door vapors can dissolve in the moisture and reach the nose making them more noticeable. As a result, drying the air can reduce the perception of odors to a great deal. Ventilation box fans achieve this by drying the contents and helping to ventilate the rooms after application of deodorant. 

Pressure sprayer/ Electric sprayer 
Technicians often use pump-up or electric sprayers to dispense deodorizing compounds and masking agents at a pressure of around 50 psi. This equipment allows the deodorizing agent to be sprayed directly onto the surface being deodorized. 

Portable ozone machine 
An ozone machine generates a form of highly reactive oxygen called ozone, that can neutralize many odor-causing molecules in the air. Chemically speaking, ozone reacts with the odor-causing molecule and oxidizes them. It is a great technique to eliminate the toughest of odors after a flood, but it can be used only in case of a move-out. All people, pets, and plants need to be evacuated from the premises before SERVPRO technicians can use this technique. 

Air scrubbers 
Air scrubbers can remove many airborne odor-causing particles and gasses from the air. The device works by drawing in the air through a series of HEPA filters trapping the odor-causing particles. The filters can eliminate particles as small as 0.3 microns in size with an efficiency of 99.97%. 

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 today to schedule a free consultation regarding your restoration needs. 

Click here for more information about the city of Hampton. 

SERVPRO Can Handle Any Size Fire Damage in Your Greenland Home

3/11/2019 (Permalink)

Small kitchen fire but don't want to handle the clean up alone? Call SERVPRO for any size fire damage restoration needs.

Small Scale Fire Damage Leaves Big Odor Problem in Greenland Home

Fires that do not do much in the way of actual fire damage may seem like something a homeowner could take care of on their own, but they should not. The reason has nothing to do with the water cleanup, but rather the smoke and soot that permeated porous materials and left an odor and a residue that cannot be just wiped away.
When SERVPRO tackles the odor left behind from fire damage in a Greenland home, we first determine if there is any residual moisture left in building materials or possessions and ensure the area is thoroughly dried using our specialized techniques. Then our certified technicians access how much the odor has spread and implement measures to contain the smell and particles from any further spreading by setting up containment around the area.
SERVPRO Odor Control Technicians are specialists in eliminating offensive odors and have many resources to attacking stubborn scents left behind by a fire. Our technicians perform a complete wipedown of affected areas using professional grade cleaners with both wet and dry sponges as determined by the type of residue. We often use HEPA filtered air scrubbers with an additional activated charcoal filter can capture odor-causing particles as small as 0.3microns.
If the smell left behind proves stubborn, thermal fogging a very effective method we utilize to eliminate unpleasant scents. The thermal fogger delivers a solvent-based deodorizer that is heated and the dry fog acts in the same manner as smoke from a fire. The vaporized solution permeates and neutralizes foul odors in porous items and building materials leaving no trace of smoke odors.
Foul odors do not have to be a reminder of fire damage in your home. Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 and talk to one of our certified technicians. We are available 24/7 to come to your house and eliminate unpleasant odors leaving your home without a trace of smoke odor "Like it never even happened."

Click here for more about Greenland.

If You Have Water Damage Issues In Your Exeter Home, Call The Crew At SERVPRO For Assistance!

3/7/2019 (Permalink)

When you need water cleanup, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300.

When You Need Water Cleanup In Exeter

Even on the most beautiful, sunny spring morning water damage can happen. A burst pipe in your basement does not need to ruin the gorgeous weather or your family heirlooms. Do you know where the shutoff valve is for your home in case an emergency strikes? Time is of the essence when water is running. SERVPRO can send technicians to turn off the water or to stop a minor leak, though we are not plumbers. We can use our advanced equipment to remove the water fast. Our water cleanup technicians are uniquely qualified and up to date on the latest techniques.

When you need water removal in your Exeter home right away, We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster. The project manager will assess your needs and can even help you determine whether you need temporary housing. Regardless of how deep the water, we can extract it all. SERVPRO's IICRC certified technicians can locate any hidden moisture pockets to help mitigate future damages. We can restore your subflooring and check the walls for mold. We can even deodorize in case it wasn't "just" water in the burst pipe.

Every basement is a little bit unique. SERVPRO can send over everything you need to get your basement back to its preloss condition. Don't rent a shop vac and haul buckets full of standing water up the stairs. We have liability insurance and all our specialists participate in ongoing education in IICRC industry standards. Let us handle it.

Our crew is a leader in the industry, and we are ready when disaster strikes because we have been around since 1967. We can assess what to save and what needs to be removed, though the final decisions rest with you and your adjuster. Excellent restoration can help save your money and your valuables. We even work to keep your claims costs low while still giving you excellent service. Our top goal is always to make it “Like it never even happened” and put property owners back in control of their homes. We can assist with the paperwork so you can focus on your family.

We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help you get your life back. When you need water cleanup, call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more about Exeter.

Are You Prepared for Snowmelt Flooding in Exeter?

2/26/2019 (Permalink)

Spring rains and snowmelt are a recipe for flooding.

Snowmelt Can Cause Flood Damage in Your Exeter Home

As the winter comes to an end and spring blooms, melting snow can cause flood damage in your home if your city has sustained a heavy winter. Positioned at the bottom of a hill or a slope, the chances of flood damage for your home grow significantly, as gravity dictates that the water would flow downward. Most homes in these situations have defenses for this, such as sump pumps laid in their basement to redirect snowmelt-waters away from the house. However, sometimes, defense mechanisms can fail.  

Calling for help as soon as you find the flood damage in your Exeter basement is best. Unfortunately, the flood damage in your home did come from a sump pump failure, causing puddles of water to form around the drain. In severe cases, it can flood the entire floor of your home. The reason why it is essential to call for aid, as soon as you can, is because leaving water-based damage for any length of time can lead to future problems developing in your home. Furthermore, allowing more damages to develop only makes the problem more expensive to solve. Dealing with it quickly not only ensures the best price but also increases the chances of smooth remediation.  

SERVPRO Franchise professionals understand how stressful finding flood damage inside of your home can be. As a result, we always make an effort of arriving at the earliest time possible after we get your call. Once we arrive, our SERVPRO techs can get to work right away and use advanced technology to solve the issue.  

To remove the standing water, SERVPRO Franchise professionals can use a combination of portable pumps, even submersible if the water is significant in volume, wet/dry vacuums, and extractors. All of these devices are designed to get the water out of your house as soon as possible. Depending on the location and situation, SERVPRO can either redirect the water away from your house or remove it via truck. Once the water is gone, we can focus on using drying equipment to ensure that your home is at the proper moisture level that it should be, relative to the climate of your location.  

If snowmelt causes flood damage in your home, always get help right away. Speak with SERVPRO of The Seacoast by phoning (603) 433-4300. 24/7, we are open and ready to get the job done.  

Daniel Chester French, who sculpted the figure of Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial, was born in Exeter. Read more here

Did Water Damage Leave an Unpleasant Odor in Your Exeter Home?

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage can cause odors. Call SERVPRO Franchise professionals to deodorize your home.

WHY SERVPRO’s Water Removal Techniques Can Make a Difference in Your Exeter Home  

If you have been asking yourself WHY SERVPRO should be your preferred water removal service provider, then read on. After a water damage incident, one thing that we check for is the odor. To neutralize the unpleasant odors, our technicians adopt various tactics. Firstly, we determine the cause of the odor. As water comes into contact with organic materials, rotting may take place and lead to the formation of the odors. At the same time, the odor can emanate from wet materials that are not thoroughly dry. Our services certainly come in handy in eliminating odor in your Exeter property. 

To deal with the odor problem, our SERVPRO technicians in Exeter start by determining the source of the odor. In most cases, the smell usually emanates from multiple sources; thus we employ different methods in the deodorization process. To perform the job satisfactorily, we have the latest technical equipment and a vast wealth of knowledge on how to deal with such situations. 

When removing the unpleasant smell from water damage, our SERVPRO technicians understand that one type of deodorization agent cannot fight all types of odor. For that reason, we use different types of deodorants to eliminate the different types of odor. Depending on the situation we are dealing with, we may decide to use thermal foggers or ULV foggers to dispense the deodorants. 

There are different types of deodorants that our technicians use. They include masking agents that cover the smell with a pleasant smell. We can also use filtration and absorption agents which combine with the odor particles causing them to fall on surfaces that we later on clean. After deodorization, we can apply disinfectants to inhibit the growth of mold. 

SERVPRO of The Seacoast has a track record in eliminating bad smells from both commercial and residential properties. Be sure to reach us at (603) 433-4300 to benefit from our proven services.

Exeter was first settled in 1638 as Squamscott.  Click here to read more.

Important Facts To Prevent A Mold Infestation From Taking Over Your Home In Exeter

2/13/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of The Seacoast wants to help homeowners protect their property from invasive microbes that cause mold damage.

Facts That Can Help You Prevent Mold Damage From Harming Your Exeter Home

Some microbes can easily cause costly harm inside your house in Exeter. SERVPRO wants to help you prevent this from happening by giving you some information about mold and mildew that helps to keep these microorganisms under control.

Once your property in Exeter suffers from mold damage, you might be surprised at how effortlessly it can spread from one region to another location. Here are some facts about microbes that can shed some light on these prolific but tiny living things that we share our homes with, no matter where we live.

First, complete eradication of mold and mildew is not possible. No matter how much we try, nor which equipment types we use, mold and mildew, and their spores continue as a presence in almost every inch of the planet. As tiny as they are, the weakest air currents and deposited elsewhere. They travel on clothing, pets, food, books, bags, and anything else that goes from one place to another.

Second, it is not their absence that protects your home from mold damage, but the elimination of excess humidity. Elevated amounts of water vapor in the air give microbes the necessary changes in their environment to gain access to cellulose. Without moisture, microbes cease to grow. SERVPRO uses special tools to measure the amount of moisture your home's structure contains and also how much water vapor the air holds. Part of our work involves reducing these so mold cannot return after we finish remediating your home.

Third, after an incident involving a water loss, you only have 24 to 48 hours before mold and mildew begin forming in visible patches. Containing the water and drying the affected area prevents this growth from occurring. This is why we use not only air movers to dry out saturated interiors, but also air scrubbers. Trapping microbes coming into the area can significantly reduce the amount of mold and mildew we see later.

Household bleach contains substantial amounts of water, and microbes get a drink from its contents. When used on porous materials like drywall, only the water molecules are small enough to pass through the pores of the drywall coverings. The bleach's molecules are too large to do this and remain on the surface. Bleach cannot penetrate to kill microbes hidden in a wall. Now provided with fresh water, microbes unexpectedly but quickly proliferate.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast wants to help homeowners protect their property from invasive microbes that cause mold damage. When you find mold damage more massive than the size of a twin mattress, you need experts like those at SERVPRO. Call us at (603) 433-4300 any time, day or night, year-round.

Click here for more about Exeter.

Has Water Damage Left an Unpleasant Odor in Your Exeter Home?

2/6/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage can leave unpleasant odors.

WHY SERVPRO’s Water Removal Techniques Can Make a Difference in Your Exeter Home

If you have been asking yourself WHY SERVPRO should be your preferred water removal service provider, then read on. After a water damage incident, one thing that we check for is the odor. To neutralize the unpleasant odors, our technicians adopt various tactics. First, we determine the cause of the odor. As water comes into contact with organic materials, rotting may take place and lead to the formation of the odors. At the same time, the odor can emanate from wet materials that are not thoroughly dry. Our services certainly come in handy in eliminating odor in your Exeter property.  

To deal with the odor problem after water damage in Exeter, our SERVPRO Franchise professionals start by determining the source of the odor. In most cases, the smell usually emanates from multiple sources; thus we employ different methods in the deodorization process. To perform the job satisfactorily, we have the latest technical equipment and a vast wealth of knowledge on how to deal with such situations.  

When removing the unpleasant smell, our SERVPRO Franchise professionals understand that one type of deodorization agent cannot fight all types of water damage odor. For that reason, we use different types of deodorants to eliminate the different types of odor. Depending on the situation we are dealing with, we may decide to use thermal foggers or ULV foggers to dispense the deodorants.  

There are different types of deodorants that our technicians use. They include masking agents that cover the smell with a pleasant smell. We can also use filtration and absorption agents which combine with the odor particles causing them to fall on surfaces that we later on clean. After deodorization, we can apply disinfectants to inhibit the growth of mold.  

SERVPRO of The Seacoast has a track record in eliminating bad smells from both commercial and residential properties. Be sure to reach us at (603) 433-4300 to benefit from our proven services.

Read about Exeter here.

How Secondary Fire Damages affect your Portsmouth Home

2/4/2019 (Permalink)

It is important to quickly begin mitigation after a fire to minimize secondary damages.

Secondary Damages After a Fire in Your Portsmouth Home

As damaging as a fire can be to your Portsmouth home, there are also secondary effects that a homeowner has to be concerned about as well. From the time that firefighting efforts begin to put out the structure fire, many provisions get taken to quell the flames as quickly as possible. These might include man-made access points into vital areas of your property, water damage effects, or even mold growth after several days of persistent moisture and dampness.

While often the fire damage effects that impact your Portsmouth home can be challenging enough to overcome, professional restoration technicians also have to contend with these additional effects present after widespread damages have occurred. Our SERVPRO team can offer comprehensive restoration solutions beginning with the initial inspection of the full scope of the damage and work to get done and continues through reconstruction and final restoration efforts.

Initially, our professionals work to mitigate loss on your property by removing at-risk items from the damaged areas of the property. These get taken to a safe location nearby for concentrated cleaning efforts, deodorization, and drying by our SERVPRO contents department. This step occurs while debris removal and demolition occurs within your home, overseen by our licensed contractors that ultimately reconstruct these removed portions of your property.

To combat secondary effects like water damage from firefighting efforts, we can work to dry out damaged areas of the property that can get preserved with the use of our air movers and LGR or desiccant dehumidifiers. For access holes cut into the exterior of the home to allow firefighting in ideal locations, our contractor can offer emergency board up services and eventually rebuild these portions before restoration work begins.

After a fire, it can be difficult for homeowners to know how to proceed with restoring their homes to their original conditions. You can count on our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team to respond quickly with the expertise to take care of your property from inspection through reconstruction and restoration. Give us a call anytime at (603) 433-4300.

Read about the city of Portsmouth here.

What Can You Do About WATER DAMAGE in Hampton Right Now? Call SERVPRO!

1/24/2019 (Permalink)

Getting a quick response to your water damage emergency is crucial to help prevent mold from setting in. Contact SERVPRO right away.

Where to Turn for Water Removal in Your Home in Hampton

It is surprising how quickly water can seep into your furniture, saturate your carpet and completely permeate your floors. What may start as a small entry of water into your home can quickly cause great damage and leave you with an urgent need to come up with a water removal plan immediately! When time is of the essence, it is extremely important that you reach out to experts who know what and how to return your home to its pristine condition.

When you need water removal services for your Hampton home, you will do well in calling our SERVPRO team and allowing our Green Fleet to apply its expertise to save your home. Our specially trained technicians will arrive with water removal equipment ranging from high-powered pumps to more manual options so we may remove standing water as well as smaller accumulations in nooks and crevices.

Throughout this process, our team is constantly monitoring the levels of moisture in your home, always with the goal of obtaining a reading that is appropriate for your structure and belongings. The principles of psychrometry, which allow us to understand how materials, temperature, air and humidity interact, guide our technicians through their steps as they remove excessive moisture and begin drying your home and its contents.

Although the process may seem long, it is important to be thorough and at SERVPRO we monitor our progress continuously. Once we enter the drying phase, we utilize air movers, dehumidifiers and other appropriate equipment to help us not only remove unnecessary moisture, but also salvage as many of your belongings as possible. We also enlist the help of air scrubbers to minimize dust and other air-borne bacteria. It is our attention to detail that gives you peace of mind in knowing that we are doing everything we can to make your home look like nothing ever happened.

At SERVPRO of the Seacoast we are equipped to respond to your emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our highly trained technicians are promptly dispatched to begin the water removal process as soon as possible while protecting your home’s structural integrity and your belongings. All you need to do is make the first call – reach out to us at (603) 433-4300 and let us be your advocate.

Click here for more about Hampton.

Our Crew Can Help Restore Your Mold Damaged Home In Exeter

12/21/2018 (Permalink)

Mold remediation is a quality way to protect your home from continued damages.

What To Expect From Mold Remediation In Your Exeter Home

The less that Exeter homeowners know about services like disaster recovery or mold removal for their home, the less likely they become to actively seek it out when they need it. Often homeowners do not have the time to waste when their home has gotten affected by mold growth, as this situation does not get better on its own. Instead of scouring the internet for information about what you can expect from mold remediation services hired to restore your property, you can learn what you can expect from our team when they arrive at your address.

Recovering mold damage in your Exeter property is not something that can happen overnight, and often these processes take a few days at minimum to complete. These factors depend on the severity and spread of the damage, whether areas of your home must get removed and later replaced, and how our contents department determines the risks associated with the individual items and belongings in the affected areas of your home. These same factors play a part in determining the cost of the remediation.

While inspections are the first step in the remediation process, as they help to determine parameters for the work to get done, they also help a homeowner to determine if the estimated cost of restoration is worth getting their insurance company involved. Our professionals set up containment of the affected areas of your property and remove any contents, belongings, items, and removable materials from the area to prevent further damages. These removed items get stored in a safe area once they have gotten cleaned, disinfected, and deodorized by our SERVPRO professionals.

Whether through the removal of the material or the removal of the organism with our advanced techniques like soda blasting and sanding, we work to eliminate the presence of the mold colonies in our containment area. Along with this step, we seek to locate the source of the moisture that allowed the mold growth to occur and dry up this damage entirely to prevent recurrences.

Mold remediation is a quality way to protect your home from continued damages. Give our SERVPRO of The Seacoast remediation specialists a call today at (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more about Exeter.

SERVPRO Will Rescue Important Files When Water Damage Strikes in Exeter

12/10/2018 (Permalink)

Confidential paper work destroyed by water damage.

Quick Extraction to Save The Contents of Your Exeter Clinic

With a medical facility servicing the Exeter residents, you have many obligations to the patients and the staff to protect their information and records if disaster strikes. While many of the modern facilities have upgraded to using a digital format for record-keeping, most clinics and medical buildings predate this change and have a storage area with many hard copies of patient records and other sensitive data. When a water loss incident occurs somewhere in the facility, these stored items might be a top priority to protect and remove from harm’s way as efficiently as possible.

What you need in this situation is a professional restoration team that can offer fast water extraction for your Exeter facility, but also can remove these sensitive documents from the area to protect them from the present water damage. If they have already become affected by the water loss incident, our SERVPRO professionals have strategies and equipment to safely dry these documents to return them to your building once the restoration has completed.

Ideally, our SERVPRO professionals would strive to reach the emergency in your building promptly enough to remove these stored records from the area before the water damage could affect them. Our experienced technicians can take these boxes to a nearby facility for storage and safekeeping until the moisture and dampness throughout the property have gotten eliminated and it is safe to return them without the threat of effects like mold growth occurring.

When the documents and records have gotten affected by water damage, we have strategies that can help to preserve the information and the physical copy of the document itself. Freeze drying equipment flash dries these documents inside of a vacuum, which can protect the ink on the pages and keep them from smearing or becoming illegible.

While you cannot always prevent unforeseen circumstances like water loss incidents, protecting the sensitive information of your patients is a critical endeavor. Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team can respond quickly to your emergency with the tools and experience to help. Give us a call at (603) 433-4300.

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Have Odors in Your Greenland Home from Flood Damage? SERVPRO is Your Solution

12/7/2018 (Permalink)

The team at SERVPRO of The Seacoast can get rid of smelly odors "Like it never even happened."

Mitigating Flood Damage to Control Odors in Your Greenland Home

Water of any type can create odors inside your Greenland home. These odors can increase in strength as the water becomes dirtier. Floodwaters and sewage might occur in a small, localized area in your home but create foul odors that you can detect anywhere you go inside your house.

SERVPRO Odor Control Technicians (OCT) help homeowners in Greenland make their homes smell nice again after a flood damage disaster. Flooding can create extremely difficult odors, and even after successful mitigation and restoration, these heavy scents can continue to permeate your home's structure. Microorganisms, organic matter, pollutants, and soils from the flooding event can cause these odors, as well as chemical reactions that take place between the water and the substances in your property.

Many times, homeowners wish for our SERVPRO technicians to use ozone to eliminate the odors caused by flood damage that affected their property. We have a better option. Hydroxyl gas is equally effective and has added benefits that make using it safe to use in damp areas. Expert guidance recommends against using ozone in damp areas, among other situations.

Ozone can cause permanent color changes to damp fabrics and carpets, and it can also harm plants, pets, and people who occupy affected areas during treatment. Hydroxyl is less damaging than ozone. It can eliminate odors in damp conditions without causing changes to color, is safe enough for regular activities to take place, and produces excellent elimination of odors. The sole drawback is that it requires additional time to work, whereas ozone works more rapidly. However, this tradeoff becomes negligible when taking into consideration the fact that work does not need to stop at all while we use hydroxyl generators. Choosing ozone requires everyone to vacate the area, including those performing mitigation work.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of The Seacoast can help your family after a disaster tries to ruin your home. Odor control is a crucial aspect of flood control mitigation. Call us at (603) 433-4300, so we can perform the work needed to make your house feel like home again.

For more on the city of Greenland, click here

The Biggest Problems With Water Damage in Greenland Homes

11/28/2018 (Permalink)

Pipes can break or continuously leak water into your cabinets. Should your kitchen have water damage, call team SERVPRO for services.

The Right Equipment to Overcome Water Damage in Greenland Homes

From faulty appliances to plumbing leaks, there are many potential sources for damage to your Greenland home. While seemingly minor incidents might appear as situations a homeowner could restore and clean up on their own; this is often inaccurate. Within a few moments of exposure to water, construction materials like flooring, cabinetry, and walls all begin to absorb the water and adversely react. Overcoming these effects takes advanced technology and highly trained technicians responding to the situation as promptly as possible.

Water damage in your Greenland home can happen almost anywhere in the house, but recovering this situation follows a concise timeline. Our SERVPRO professionals remain available to our customers 24-hours a day, even on the holidays, to ensure that we can contest these conditions as they happen on your property. This response is vital in helping to prevent secondary effects from occurring such as mold growth.

Our water restoration specialists obtain their IICRC certifications through extensive training and hands-on education to become top responders in the field. We encourage all of these employees to continue honing their craft through available in-house and e-learning educational opportunities. This added information can help each of our technicians to be knowledgeable in the most efficient and effective approaches to restoring your home and mitigating loss upon our arrival.

The advanced technology that we use benefits our customers by offering fast drying approaches that penetrate materials like flooring and drywall. Our high-powered air movers force moisture out of materials to get collected by our industrial-strength dehumidification equipment. Thermal imagery cameras can help our SERVPRO team on-site to determine where concentrated drying efforts are necessary by identifying present moisture pockets in inaccessible areas.

Restoring water damages within your home is nothing that a homeowner should leave to chance. Our SERVPRO of The Sea Coast rapid response team has the advanced equipment and extensive training to protect your home and restore the damage it has sustained. Give us a call today at (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more about Greenland.

How Space Heaters Can Spark a Blaze in Your Greenland Home

11/13/2018 (Permalink)

Portable heaters, like this one, can cause fire damage to your home. Inspect your heaters before using them!

When a Space Heater Causes a Fire in Your Greenland Home

Keeping your family warm in Greenland over the winter helps ward off colds and the flu, but also costs money. Keeping smaller areas warm becomes very cost-effective. To do this, the use of space heaters often come into play. Older ones do not have the same safety features that manufacturers now add to almost all newer models.  

Using an older space heater significantly increases the risk of your Greenland home sustaining fire damage. Even without tipping over, such heaters can contain minor flaws that make them unnecessarily dangerous. If your home catches fire, SERVPRO is always ready to mitigate fire damage and make everything “Like it never even happened” for you and your family.  

Fires caused by heaters generally affect the floor in the area and any nearby furnishings. When we arrive, we check the area to ensure that any support beams in the floor do not have any extensive charring. We work closely with insurance agents on this type of situation, so you know that everything possible is done to restore the integrity of your home. Deep charring can significantly weaken the wood and cause floors to sag. This curving of the floor can create problem areas on the floor's surface.  

We remove burned materials and items from the area and clean away the soot that continually produces a smoldering scent. Additional deodorization may help eliminate heavier odors and keep the air fresh smelling. Once topical soot no longer covers surfaces, we can tent the area and deodorize it with hydroxyl gas. This produces a permanent effect, as it causes a permanent change in the chemical composition of the particles that produce undesired odors.  

Our employees have earned various IICRC certificates and understand the best methods of restoring a home after a disaster. Different components of a home can suffer damage in different ways, and we continually train to keep our skills honed and up-to-date. We mitigate damage to carpeting, tile, linoleum, and wood floors, walls and ceilings, personal belongings, and also household furnishings. Fire damage affects all of these in specific ways, and each requires different mitigation methods.  

SERVPRO of The Seacoast wants to help your family enjoy winter in your Exeter or Hampton home. If fire damage occurs, call us at (603) 433-4300, so we can help you regain control of your home and your life.

Greenland was almost named Canary.  Click here to read more about Greenland.

Our Experts Can Help You Restore Your Flood Damaged Furniture In Hampton

11/5/2018 (Permalink)

We can extract the water, clean the dirt, dry the structure, and perform necessary repairs.

Commercial Restoration Services In Hampton To Salvage Your Furniture

Commercial flood damage restoration services are meant to help a business to return to its normal operations after the disaster. To get your business to pre-damage condition, you need to act quickly and minimize further damage, get the dirt removed from the building and have the damaged areas repaired. We are going to look at how we can help you restore the furniture of your Hampton business after the unfortunate water event.

When our SERVPRO technicians arrive at your Hampton business to perform commercial flood damage restoration, we have to find out if the property is safe to re-enter. We also have to evaluate the damage and record everything since your insurance provider may need a report before making any compensation. When restoring your furniture, we must inspect to find out what is restorable and what is unrestorable. Sometimes, it is not the water that causes all the damage; excess humidity can also cause some degree of destruction.

Where possible, we can move the furniture to a dry location to enhance the drying process. If the furniture cannot be moved because of its weight or any reason, we place a wood block or aluminum foil under the legs. By doing that, we prevent contact with the wet carpets. If upholstered furniture was wholly submerged in the water, its fabric coverings may form favorable conditions for mold growth and become hard to salvage. They can be saved if it was a slight flood, so, we separate colored items from the upholstery fabrics to limit chances of color bleeding.

Our SERVPRO technicians hose off the dirt and mud from furniture before drying can take place. Drying the wooden items under the direct sun is not a good idea since wood is likely to warp. To speed up the drying process, we can disassemble drawers, doors, and back panels. In case they are stuck, we wait for the wood to dry and shrink before taking them off.

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast when you need to return your business to its normal operations after facing any size disaster. We can extract the water, clean the dirt, dry the structure, and perform necessary repairs. To get an immediate response from an industry leader, call (603) 433-4300.

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The Real Truth Behind Water Damage in Your Hampton Attic

10/28/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage in your attic can quickly cause structural issues and a mold infestation. Contact SERVPRO to investigate the cause and remediate.

Options for Restoring a Water Damaged Attic in your Hampton Home or Business

Water damage in the attic area may lead to mold growth, wood rot and structural damage. Professional help can stop the leaks from a ruptured sprinkler or plumbing lines and put in place measures to prevent potential future recurrence. When we are restoring your attic, we start by inspecting the entire roof construction and determine whether the roofing has been affected in any way. The inspection allows us to know whether it is necessary to repair or replace some of the structural items in your Hampton home.
Accessing an attic is one of the challenges that our SERVPRO technicians face when performing water damage restoration in Hampton. Though some are easy to access, some have less space, which means we can only carry limited equipment to the site. The moisture may make plaster and sheetrock to start sagging. To increase accessibility and reduce the drying time, we have to remove any damaged sheetrock. If there is wet fiberglass insulation above the wet sheetrock, saving and drying it may be possible.
We use large insulation vacuums to remove and restore the insulation. When working on smaller sites, we may decide to do bagging. The process of removing the sheetrock and insulation may generate much dust. To prevent possible spread to other parts of the building, we have to contain the attic area. We can achieve that by putting the site under negative pressure. In all our work, we always communicate with the adjuster and the client.
If the moisture is coming from a broken water heater or humidifiers, we can check whether it is possible to repair the appliances or recommend a replacement. We can use dehumidifiers to lower the humidity in the area and introduce air space heaters to help dry the site. By performing deodorization, we can address the odor problem if rotting had already taken place.
SERVPRO of The Seacoast has skilled technicians and uses specialized equipment to do the job the right way the first time. If you need emergency services when you face water, fire, storm, and mold damage, call (603) 433-4300 to enable us to make it "Like it never even happened."
Click here for more about Hampton.

Become Familiar With SERVPRO's Proven Storm Damage Remediation Process in Hampton

10/14/2018 (Permalink)

If your home suffers from flooding after a storm, get to safety and then quickly contact SERVPRO to dry out your flooded property.

What Hampton Homeowners Should Expect From Flood Damage Clean-up

The walls, roofs, ceiling, and foundation protect Hampton homeowners from floods. Problem is these structures can give in when you least expect it. In that case, you now have to deal with flood damage. The good news is that by taking the right steps immediately, you can avert further damage to your home. Here is what to expect from flood damage clean up.
Inspection of your home
Flood damage in your Hampton home can promote mold growth and structural problems. To prevent this, contact SERVPRO flood mitigation experts. As trained technicians, the first step we take is to inspect your home. Afterward, we use hygrometers and moisture detectors to measure moisture content and damage to your floors, ceiling, walls, and baseboards. To find hidden water behind ceilings and walls, we use infrared cameras.

Water extraction
Using advanced water removal equipment that includes gas powered pumps and truck mounted units, we remove any standing water from your home. Simply put, we remove hundreds or even thousands of gallons of standing water from all rooms. By doing this, we help to fast-track the drying time and prevent secondary damage. The time taken to remove water depends on the total amount of standing water and the size of your rooms.

Monitoring and drying
The drying process begins after the removal of the standing water. In this phase, SERVPRO IICRC certified and flood damage specialists are going to dry your home. High-speed air movers and dehumidifiers circulate airflow in your home and fast-track the drying process. During the drying stage, monitoring and documentation are done. This involves checking the dehumidifier’s intake, humidity levels, and output temperatures.

Once drying is complete, we remove the water extraction and drying equipment. We also clean your furniture, clothing and other belongings before moving your stuff back in your home. Now, your home is safe to use.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast is a leader in flood damage and mitigation and we help families overcome the devastating setbacks caused by floods. To restore your home back to its pre-flooded state, call our 24/7 emergency line at (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more information on the city of Hampton.

Our Professional Guide To Smoke And Fire Damage Restoration In Hampton

10/2/2018 (Permalink)

Fires can be frightening for homeowners.

We Cover Smoke And Fire Damage Restoration In Hampton

Fires can be frightening for homeowners. Plus, they can cause structural damage to your home and may destroy many of your belongings and furniture. Luckily, you can find experienced professionals close by that are here to help. You can trust us to work fast and to have the right tools and equipment to restore your home when possible.

Smoke residues can also be a factor when there is a fire in your home. Our fire damage restoration in Hampton can help prevent further damages to your property and may save many of your personal belongings. It is a good idea to get in touch with us right away. Waiting to contact us may result in higher restoration costs and could lead to widespread damage to your home. Our IICRC certified technicians can first inspect the structure for problems and then make minor repairs. If necessary, you may need to call a contractor for large-scale damages.

After the inspection, our crew may employ several methods to remove soot, dirt and smoke residues from the affected areas. The techniques our techs utilize may include dry cleaning, wet cleaning, and agitation. To clean walls, floors, and ceilings, our team may use industrial cleansers to remove soot and smoke residues. Also, air scrubbers, fans, and thermal foggers may be put in place to reduce strong smoke odors from the structure. Plus, the crew may use ozone machines to clean the atmosphere inside the home. These devices help neutralize and reduce lingering smoke odors by pushing odors from the structure and pulling in clean air.

The degree of damages varies and may require a variety of techniques to complete the job. Our technicians are well experienced and can restore your property when possible. You can trust our techs to respond quickly and to make it look like “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of The Seacoast fire damage restoration services can return your property to its preloss condition when possible. We are available 24/7 so give us a call at (603) 433-4300 at any time.

Click here for more about Hampton.

Adequate Disaster Preparation Can Diminish Opportunistic Mold Damage In Your Greenland Residence

9/18/2018 (Permalink)

Microbes need water to thrive, and when unwelcome incidents involving water happen.

Mold Damage Preparation

Preparing for disasters this month means many families, schools, agencies, and others across the USA are practicing the skills needed to prevent loss of life, injuries, and unnecessary property damage. Greenland residents are encouraged to develop emergency response plans with their families, as well as at work and school.

Many disasters that occur in the Greenland area involve water which, when left unmitigated for too long, can create situations that increase the chances of mold damage. Microbes need water to thrive, and when unwelcome incidents involving water happen, these microbes waste little time becoming a problem for homeowners.

SERVPRO technicians certified by the IICRC in Applied Microbial Remediation (AMRT) know the most effective techniques to mitigate microbial infestations rapidly. Our skilled employees ensure that the containment of infested areas within your home lasts for the duration of the job, protecting uncontaminated areas from possible soiling and infestation. Because moisture in the house can allow other colonies to develop while we concentrate on visibly affected areas, we use air scrubbers that remove spores that might already exist in your residence's air.

Removing that excess moisture, particularly after a disaster that brought water into your property, also must happen. Directly responding to every aspect of mold damage stemming from a previous disaster means more thorough remediation of the mold damage and effective measures to prevent reinfestation. Complete restoration of your residence's normal humidity levels and the elimination of excess microbial particles helps get things back to normal, just “Like it never even happened.”

Preparing for possible disasters beforehand can help protect your home in the first place, however, and when water never poses a problem, microbes can never begin growing out of control to cause excessive mold damage later. While September is National Preparedness Month, protecting your property should take place continuously. Obtaining materials to help you do this from the Red Cross can facilitate the task of developing plans and collecting needed information.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast desires to help families in all types of disasters, including those that cause mold damage. Call us at (603) 433-4300 for more information about how we can help you protect your home.

Click here for more about Greenland.

A Leaky Roof Could Cause Water Damage To Your Hampton Pub

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage is never something that is attractive to business.

A Leaky Roof Could Cause Water Damage

Water damage is never something that is attractive to business. When the stagnant water has caused an unsightly stain on your ceiling, and even dripped through onto customers, your reputation is bound to be impacted. To avoid losing customers, and to reduce the chances of further property damage, it is wise to contact a professional for help as soon as you can.

The quicker that capable technicians can respond to the water damage inside of your Hampton pub, the more likely a successful restoration can occur. Ignoring the problem could lead to mold damage in the structure of the attic space above your pub. Continuing to ignore the problem could lead to rot and potential violations of municipal safety codes. Addressing the problem swiftly can save you further expenses in the long run and improve the reputation of your business.

When you reach out to SERVPRO, our technicians always go the extra mile to arrive at your business as soon as possible. Our experts aim to work around your schedule and keep out of sight and mind. If you would prefer our technicians to work through the night, we can do so. We always strive to be as unobtrusive as possible to your business and foot traffic.

To handle the water damage inside of your pub, our technicians can remove the stained paneling from your ceiling. We can set up advanced technology designed to improve airflow through your attic space, such as ventilation fans, dehumidifiers, and air movers. Using all of these specialized tools in conjunction creates an environment that fosters evaporation. Drawing out the water can bring the moisture levels of your pub back down to an acceptable amount and prevent further damage from occurring.

Furthermore, here at SERVPRO, we strive to be as helpful as possible and can put you in contact with a contractor who can fix the leaky patch of your roof.

If your business suffers water damage, never wait to contact help. Get in touch with SERVPRO of The Seacoast by dialing (603) 433-4300. It doesn't matter the time or day; our experts are available to help you.

Click here for more about Hampton.

Preventing Water Damage Over the Winter in Your Hampton Residence

9/2/2018 (Permalink)

Prepare Your Hampton Home for Winter Cold and Ice--SERVPRO Says Prevent Water Damage

Preparation for Prevention Is Sounder than Water Damage Cleanup and Restoration Later

While summer weather still keeps us warm in Hampton, it may seem too early to consider the effects of winter weather on our homes, but it is better to prepare now than wait. There are several different ways that winter weather might cause problems for homeowners. Taking care that your roof and gutters are in good shape now can prevent some of the worst effects you might otherwise experience.

The roof of your Hampton home helps ensure that water damage does not become a problem for you. Keeping it in good shape can mean you never experience the costly problems that can otherwise develop in your home. Your gutters can help keep problems from forming, from your roof all the way to the foundation.
Insulation and other materials under your shingles also need to function properly and stay in excellent shape to protect your home. A small leak in a roof can cause the insulation to compress and prevent less heat from escaping your home. This added heat in the attic can lead to ice dams forming on your roof's edge during the winter, which later creates even more problems with water entering your home through the roof. Stains on walls and ceilings as well as the destruction of drywall can soon happen.
When gutters twist or come loose, their capability to direct water correctly becomes a problem. Gutters that become blocked can create mini-waterfalls along the side of your house. Downspouts can cause water to puddle around your foundation, as well. Seepage into the basement can follow, adding to your woes.
Solving these problems now, while the weather remains warm for another month or two, can prevent water damage from harming your residence. If you already notice these problems from previous winters, SERVPRO strongly recommends that remediation now is better than water damage later, so get things fixed.
Water stains marring your walls can look “Like it never even happened” after our


test to ensure walls retain no excess moisture and then apply a suitable primer, followed by your choice of paint. Damaged sections can give way to new drywall, resulting in a perfect room again. Protecting your property from water damage also serves to protect it from microbial infestation and musty odors.
SERVPRO of The Seacoast has the professional team you need to help you clean up and mitigate water damage and its effects, no matter the cause. Contact us at (603) 433-4300.

Here is the beach cam

Drying The Wall Cavities Of Your Hampton Property After A Flood Damage Experience

8/29/2018 (Permalink)

Flood damage is weather-related and results from flooding or storms after it rains heavily.

Drying Your Wall Cavities After A Flood

Flood damage is weather-related and results from flooding or storms after it rains heavily. Such incidents can be severe or mild and the longer your contents remain exposed to the wetness, chances of mold developing increase - something that leads to more damage. On top of the damage, odors challenges may result, and there is a need to work with professional restorers. We are looking at the procedures we use to dry the wall cavities of our Hampton property after such an experience.

Moisture gets trapped within the wall cavity of your Hampton home when a flood damage event takes place. It is essential to remove the trapped moisture to prevent secondary damage. In most cases, it is a challenge to dry wet walls since they usually have different finishing on their surfaces, which means our SERVPRO technicians have to choose an appropriate technique depending on the situation at hand. For instance, we may decide to use an air mover to blow dry air along the surface when we are dealing with walls with flat paint and a single layer of wallboard.

If the walls have multiple layers of wallboard or have vinyl wallpaper coverings, our SERVPRO technicians may consider drilling holes to enhance the flow of air into the cavities. Increasing the air flow into the small spaces speeds up drying since the rate of evaporation also increases. If necessary, we may warm wall surfaces using direct heat and introduce dehumidifiers at the site.

Some situations may force our SERVPRO technicians to remove the base of the baseboards and then drill holes into the wall around the floor level. When we do that, we may mark the base's top using a pencil. It helps us to avoid extensive repairs by only replacing the base, and we usually cover the holes using baseboards. If we are dealing with extensive moisture damage, we may decide to remove all wet insulation and wet wallboard.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast is a restoration industry leader that offers cleaning services, water, fire, mold, and storm damage restoration. Call us at (603) 433-4300 to benefit from our 24-hour emergency service.

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Mold Damage Should Never Stress You When As A Resident Of Hampton

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

A successful mold damage remediation process is normally determined by the remediation plan that restorers put in place.

Mold Damage In Your Home

A successful mold damage remediation process is normally determined by the remediation plan that restorers put in place. It all starts when restoration technicians assess the degree of the mold problem and the damaged items. We outline the procedures to use to fix the moisture problem and the suitable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to use when returning your Hampton property to its earlier state. Different situations demand different remediation plans due to the varying complexity and level of contamination.

When dealing with mold damage incidents in Hampton, our SERVPRO technicians turn off all HVAC systems in the structure. We do this to prevent spreading the mold spore to clean areas. In cases where we trace some contamination near its intake system, we follow the EPA standards to clean the air ducts. We can also replace the contaminated filters at the end of the remediation process.

While in some situations it can be easy to identify mold growth, it is not always the case. Sometimes it can grow in hidden areas such as at the backside of wallpapers, drywall, in utility tunnels, in pipe chases, and inside the ductwork. Our SERVPRO technicians observe caution when investigating mold damage in hidden areas. For instance, if we disturb the mold that is growing beneath wallpapers can lead to the unwanted release of spores and possibly further damage.

Mold cleanup is part of the remediation process, and the method we use depends on the surfaces and items that we are cleaning. If we have to collect water from carpets, floors and other hard surfaces, then we can decide to use wet vacuuming. We do not use this method when cleaning porous contents. Scrubbing and wiping is also an option when removing mold damage from non-porous or hard surfaces. We use a disinfectant during this process to prevent a possible re-occurrence.

At SERVPRO of The Seacoast is an industry leader in fire, storm, mold, and water damage restoration. Call SERVPRO at (603) 433-4300 when you need experienced restoration technicians to return your property to its preloss state.

Click here for more about Hampton.

Controlling the Odors Fire Damage Leaves Behind in Greenland Residences

8/1/2018 (Permalink)

Greenland Area Homes Get Fire & Smoke Cleanup and Restoration Swiftly When SERVPRO Arrives

Greenland Fire & Smoke Odor Removal Are Cornerstone's of a SERVPRO Service

Odor-causing particles from the fire's smoke quickly end up in locations far from the fire's location. Because these areas do not contain fire damage, we do not need to remove anything from your Greenland area home. However, hidden particles continue producing the smoky scent of the fire. SERVPRO has the technicians and the equipment to rid your home of this odor permanently.
If your Greenland area home sustains fire damage, we can help you with all of your fire and smoke restoration needs, including odor elimination. Sprays and air fresheners only mask the smell without eliminating its cause. No matter where smoke particles hide, they disintegrate and break down, ending up in the air again. When you breathe them in, you smell them as smoke and burnt materials. Smoke is full of partially burned minuscule pieces of the things from within your home, and some of these may have carcinogenic properties. Smelling a smoky odor can become more than a minor inconvenience.
SERVPRO employees become certified by the IICRC in several different areas of restoration technology. Using this knowledge, our technicians use odor-neutralizing methods to remove these particles' ability to enter back into your home's air currents. Keeping them out of the air your family breathes keeps them from noticing these malodorous particles.
To remove hidden odor-producing smoke particles, we can implement thermal fogging. This method causes the physical bonding between chemical agents and unwanted particles from the fire. The powerful jets of steam penetrate into the same locations the hot smoke went during the blaze. Bonding occurs quickly, providing our customers with the permanent elimination of problematic odors. This technique must be used cautiously to prevent the deterioration of vinyl, plastics, and rubber materials.
If used immediately after a fire, air scrubbers can make the air healthier for your family by significantly reducing the amount of soot in the air before it ends up deposited on surfaces or inhaled. While this does not eliminate all of the soot, it can make things safer for more sensitive individuals, especially if they need to retrieve belongings. HEPA filters work well in conjunction with odor-eating activated charcoal filters. We work hard to improve the IAQ indoor air quality for our customers.
SERVPRO of The Seacoast can help you control odors caused by fire damage and other disasters. We serve Exeter and Hampton, ensuring that the families in our communities live in homes that pose no risk to the health of the occupants. Contact us at (603) 433-4300, our emergency service line for this and any other kind of disaster.

Regarding burnt permits, click here

What You Can Do When You Find Mold Damage in Your Hampton Home After a Vacation

7/19/2018 (Permalink)

No matter the scope of the mold damage, our team will be able to remediate the area "Like it never even happened."

What to Expect When Mold Damage Strikes Your Hampton Home

You are always bound to forget something when packing for your vacation, but forgetting to close a bedroom window can lead to mold damage. Being away for two weeks while it rains off and on allows for water to breach your home. It can continuously soak your belongings and the structure of your house, which gives mold spores ample moisture to feed off of and expand. Fortunately, there are professionals close to you who can help.

When you find mold damage in your Hampton home, it is essential to call for remediation services as quickly as possible, as mold causes health effects. Additionally, mold also leaves behind a musty smell and has the power to rot organic materials. For health safety reasons, when you find mold, you should allow professionals and remediate it for you.

When SERVPRO arrives at your home, we can swiftly inspect the mold damage and then identify a remediation strategy. The first step to containing the problem is to set up plastic sheeting so the spores cannot spread while the colony is being removed. SERVPRO can block vents and any doorways to contain the problem.

Afterward, we can use tools such as air scrubbers to purify the air of foul odors and airborne mold spores while we work on removing the mold colonies from your bedroom. To remove mold from nonporous surfaces, SERVPRO can use disinfectant and scrub them away. However, when mold grows into porous surfaces, that is not enough. The drywall has to be removed, but SERVPRO can help you find a contractor who can fill the gaps left behind.

To help ensure that mold does not regrow, we can use dehumidifiers to get the moisture levels in your bedroom at an acceptable rate. Afterward, we can spray antifungal agents to help further ensure there is no regrowth.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

Should an accident cause mold damage in your home, do not hesitate. Dial (603) 433-4300 to reach out to SERVPRO of The Seacoast. No matter the time, we are always ready to help you.

For more on Hampton, click here

Any Commercial Water Damage Jobsite in Hampton Could Contain Structural Hazards

7/14/2018 (Permalink)

Your construction company office needs to be hazard free for you to be able to safely meet with potential and current clients. Call SERVPRO.

SERVPRO Technicians Arrive on the Damage Scene Quickly to Help Prevent Any Secondary Damages From Forming

Having your construction company's office located on the first floor of a multi-level office complex in the center of Hampton has its advantages and potential risks. The advantages include easy access to the ground level making it easier to move large items in and out. One major setback to being on the bottom floor has to do with the law of gravity. Any problems that take place on floors above you can potentially negatively affect your office as well. If a water leak takes place on any of the floors above your level, the moisture will be pulled down the building by gravity. When water pours into your office from above, several problems can take place.
Any time excessive moisture gets into a structure, it can create various safety hazards to exist inside the building. The first step in dealing with every commercial water damage job in Hampton is to inspect the area for the presence of safety hazards. For example, water coming from the ceiling can cause light fixtures to fill up and short out. Water conducts electricity, so if electrical wiring or light fixtures get wet, it can be dangerous.
Despite the electrical hazards, water can also cause structural components to fall apart and create risks. When certain materials get saturated, they lose their structural integrity. Materials that make up your ceiling such as drywall can break and fall creating safety hazards for your employees. Wet drywall can also fall into gas pipes and create a leak. If any of these conditions exist inside your place of business, we block off the area to foot traffic.
If the water coming from offices above yours collects on top of your drywall ceiling, our SERVPRO technicians drill drain holes into the material to let the moisture leak out, hopefully preventing saturation. However, other problems resulting from water that make your structure dangerous are not mitigated as easily. Moisture can cause particle board subfloors to weaken creating falling hazards. Broken glass and other debris created by the water leaking and coming downstairs can also present hazards for our SERVPRO team and your employees.
Before beginning any work, our SERVPRO professionals repair any hazards or block off the area until the problem gets fixed. We strive to ensure the safety of your workplace throughout the entire restoration process. If you ever see safety hazards inside your office after a water leak, call SERVPRO of The Sea Coast at (603) 433-4300 any time.

Click here for more information on Hampton.

Storm Damage To Your Hampton Home Can Permit Flooding

7/5/2018 (Permalink)

There are many different types of severe weather systems that can cause damage to your Hampton home.

Storm Damage To Your Home Can Permit Flooding

There are many different types of severe weather systems that can cause damage to your Hampton home. Depending on the time of year, systems can roll in from the Atlantic, or sweep up or down across the northwest with an unmatched intensity. While flooding situations from rising water levels or oversaturated ground can continually be a threat through the rainier seasons, the kind of damage they can do to the inside of your home is often ushered in with physical damage to your roof and siding.

Damage to your roof and siding often occurs as a result of high winds and torrential rainfall combined. Hail and falling trees or other tall fixtures on your property can also attribute to damage significant enough to allow water to enter your house unabated. The resulting flood damage to your Hampton residence requires a rapid response from experienced professionals for both water removal and structural restoration.

Fortunately, our SERVPRO professionals have specific training in all manners of flood damage and how best to restore these effects. One of the initial steps in our process is to eliminate the possibility of the damage getting worse. This assurance gets accomplished by sealing up the penetration points by boarding them up, tarping over them, or with the application of hydraulic cement.

Removal of the water is the heart of flood restoration, and our SERVPRO professionals work quickly to eliminate all of the pooling water in the affected areas of your home. With portable sump pumps, wet-vacs with extraction wands, and even high volume pump trucks, our technicians fixate our efforts on preparing the area for the drying to come.

Drying is another critical component, and this is also accomplished in a multitude of ways. From air movers and dehumidifiers working on open areas to specialized equipment to eliminate moisture in wall cavities, above ceilings, and in the flooring material, thoroughly drying the area is essential to a successful restoration job.

While no homeowner gets fully prepared for witnessing flood damage affecting their home, having a professional restoration team that can respond quickly can make all of the difference. Our SERVPRO of The Seacoast technicians is available 24/7 by calling (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more about Hampton.

Water Removal In Hampton Includes Restoring Paper Documents

6/20/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage Restoration for Books and Documents in Hampton Needed? Call SERVPRO

Difficult Water Damage Restoration to Documents May Be Successful

Water flowing into the home can damage carpeting, wall sand flooring. It can also affect valuable documents and books. Calling professionals to dry your important papers such as insurance, birth certificates, and mortgage documents is recommended. They are well trained and skilled and use proper techniques to dry documents in your home, whenever possible.

SERVPRO water removal in Hampton includes restoring and drying documents and electronics when possible. Techs work with homeowners to speed up the process and to determine the best method for drying wet and damaged items. Consulting with property owners is essential because making quick decisions helps minimize the degree of damage to documents. Technicians can prevent further damage to items, but whatever existing damage is present cannot generally be restored. However, contacting professionals may help save vital documents from total loss.
Water-damaged books and paper documents will have some degree of damage, which makes it impossible to restore items to their preloss condition. Our restoration process focuses on eliminating additional damage to materials as well as returning them to the best state possible. SERVPRO uses five methods for document drying, air-drying, dehumidification, freezer drying, vacuum freeze-drying and vacuum thermal-drying. Before we select the right method to use, we consider the value of the documents and the level of damage. Lyophilization may be offered as a method to attempt to salvage papers and photographs and books.
We also take into account if the water is clean, gray or black and the length of exposure of the documents to moisture. When clean water is the source and if we find paper items within 48 hours, we freeze or dry them. Freezing documents prevents further damage and gives us time to determine the correct drying procedure to use. We keep a complete list of items we remove from the home and encourage homeowners to be there during the inventory and pack-out phase so they can to inform our techs as to which pieces they want us to attempt to restore. Document restoring can be expensive and time-consuming. We explain the cost of each drying method so homeowners can decide if they wish to proceed.
Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 if you need water removal restoration services for paper documents. We are available 24/7.

Click for info on this town.

Expert Restoration Of Retail Water Damage In Historic Hampton

6/8/2018 (Permalink)

The team at SERVPRO is ready to roll to your water damaged building.

When water damage affects your business, call SERVPRO for restoration

Nearly four hundred years after the township’s charter, Hampton remains a vibrant community and beachside destination. Local retailers, restaurants, lodging, and other enterprises depend on both local and visitor traffic daily. Downtime connected to water loss affects business sustainability. Working with an established restoration company eases concerns about permanent damage to the property and business relationships.

Our town is a one-of-a-kind, as is your business situated in a historical Hampton building. Water damage is a challenge wherever it strikes, but when the structural components and contents of affected premises carry the weight of more than a century of tradition everyone stands to lose. Our highly-qualified technicians employ up-to-date methods, equipment, and products to ensure continuity in the community as we restore your business investment.

The water damage in a commercial building can have an immediate cause like broken plumbing, and then reveal longer-term issues found when SERVPRO project managers complete an in-depth assessment. We begin removing water with pumps or industrial-strength wand extractors. As those tasks get underway, our team takes moisture readings of structural elements and scans for hidden recesses that contain water. The data noted helps us determine drying goals and also helps locates spaces where we need to release the water and expose the dampness behind walls, under floors, or above ceilings.

Once the now visible water exits your business's spaces, SERVPRO stages air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers to regulate moisture. Our crew members use their combines experience and knowledge of typical moisture levels of a broad range of building materials and contents to guide the progress. A balance of temperature, ambient humidity, and air movement comes together to normalize any excess moisture found in your business. We revisit decisions about the spacing and operation intensity of the drying equipment and make our best effort to contain our work so that your business can remain open for commerce or customer services to some degree during restoration.

If the current crisis and vestiges of past water damage remain even partially unresolved, you risk progressive deterioration of supporting structures, fixtures, and decor. Unabated water harm also threatens your commercial property with the possibility of microbial growth, including dry rot of the heirloom floors and woodwork that lend such charm to your retail or other space.

The team at SERVPRO of The Seacoast has years of experience in dealing with water damage in a business setting -- both current and the footprints of former unmitigated water issues. To improve the chance of a successful outcome, contact us at (603) 433-4300 immediately upon discovery of water losses.

Click here to see more about the Town of Hampton, NH

Misconceptions About Mold Growth In Your Exeter Home

5/30/2018 (Permalink)

For mold spores to thrive, they only require persistent moisture or dampness as well as warmer temperatures.

Misconceptions About Mold Growth

Many Exeter homeowners do not fully understand mold spores and their behavior, so in turn, they also do not fully understand the ease with which these spores can seat and colonize in a home. While better appreciating the risks to your home, you can better prepare against potential risks, but there are some circumstances like fungal growth that can strike and grow unnoticed for some time if traffic through the area is not high.

Mistakenly, many homeowners have thought that the presence of mold could get attributed to the cleanliness of a home, but this is not the case. For mold spores (which naturally occur in the environment indoors and outside of your house) to thrive, they only require persistent moisture or dampness as well as warmer temperatures. With these rudimentary conditions that many houses already meet throughout multiple time periods of the year, your Exeter home remains at risk for developing mold damage.

Fortunately, our SERVPRO technicians work to keep the situation contained as much as possible from the moment that we arrive at your home. While the initial inspection is a critical element all on its own, preventing the spread of active spores to new areas of your property is a high priority. Our equipment can do much of this job on its own, though air circulation appliances like a heater or AC unit must get shut down for the remediation process.

The SERVPRO professionals assigned to your homework to remove the present mold colonies quickly, but simultaneously seek out the cause of the damage. Preventing this dampness and moisture is paramount to keeping mold from growing a short period after removal again. This process could improve small repairs to areas of your home. For more substantial fixes and reconstruction efforts, you must seek out the expertise of a residential contractor.

It might not be simple to eliminate mold from your life, but with our SERVPRO of The Seacoast team of remediation specialists, you no longer have to suffer its presence. Call SERVPRO anytime at (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more about Exeter.

After Fire Damage Scathes Your Greenland Home's Garage, Restoring It Protects Your Property

5/18/2018 (Permalink)

We have the training, experience, and equipment to restore the fire damage done to your home and garage.

SERVPRO is The Answer When it Comes to Greenland Fire Damage Restoration 

Many things can catch fire or start one around your home in Greenland. The same situation exists in your garage. The addition of cans of oil, motor fluids, and other flammable liquids adds to the severity often experienced in a fire.

Blazes affecting residences in Greenland often cause extensive fire damage. The structural damage can include lapses in security. Door locks made of plastic components can easily melt during the fire. Glass windows often break. Because the doors and windows are keeping intruders out, as well as providing protection from heat, cold, rain, and pests, no longer function like they should, your property's security disappears.

Restoring your property can take time. SERVPRO's team covers fire damaged homes, garages, and sheds with heavy-duty tarps to keep the rain out, but this does little to protect against other invasive entities. We can install temporary fencing to keep intruders at bay, as well as discuss installing new locks on your doors. Because drying out your property from the firefighters' hoses must also happen, boarding up your windows might become counterproductive. We can discuss options with you, such as storing your more valuable items at our secure, off-site facilities.

Placing your belongings in a secure area can keep them protected, plus provide us the space needed during restorative work. Materials and equipment both take up space, so freeing up space lets us work more efficiently. In short, this can mean we finish faster and with better results. Once we complete the work and do the final walk-through with you, we can then return your property to you so you can place it back in your garage.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of The Seacoast serves Exeter, Portsmouth, and Hampton, also, when disasters involving fire damage affects those in our community. Call us at our local number, (603) 433-4300, for professional restoration experts. We can help make things "Like it never even happened" once again, especially where it matters most.

For more on Greenland, click here

Overflowing Tub Can Cause Water Damage In Your Exeter Home

5/9/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage from a Bathtub in Exeter? Don't Paws, Call SERVPRO for Cleanup and Removal

SERVPRO Can Mitigate Damage with Rapid Water Removal

An overflowing bathtub is a common cause of water damage in many Exeter homes. If this happens to you, calling a professional to handle the job is advised. We are highly skilled and trained and have the expertise to correct the problem properly. Typically, one of the main issues to cope with when a tub overflows is damaged flooring. If it is not handled promptly and if the right methods are not applied, floor tile can become permanently damaged, which can be extremely expensive to replace.
SERVPRO technicians arrive at your Exeter residence for water removal within a few hours after you give us a call. You can expect our crew to have the necessary equipment and to be well prepared to secure and restore the water damaged areas in your home. First, the excess water on the bathroom floor is extracted by specialized vacuums and pumps, if needed.
Secondly, the technicians check the subflooring for moisture. Generally, floor tiles are waterproof, but water can seep in and around grout lines or fixture seals. Our technicians can dry the subfloor from underneath to preserve the tiles and to ensure dryness. However, if this is not possible, the technicians may have to remove the tiles. Trapped moisture can cause flooring to buckle or warp and can cause mold to develop, which is why our technicians dry the tile and subflooring completely.
Our SERVPRO team can place industrial-grade axial fans and air movers in the right position to cover all angles in the affected area and to pull the moisture from the flooring and subflooring. In addition to drying the floor and subflooring, our technicians check the affected ceiling for any signs of water damage.
The ceiling below the tub and walls are also part of the cleaning and restoration process in your home. The technician uses specialized equipment to dry the ceiling and walls. You can trust us to remove all moisture from the ceiling so that the ceiling does not sag. When we are done, you can trust your bathroom to be restored and your ceiling, walls, and floor to be structurally sound. When needed, we can puncture weep holes into the ceiling material to release water if the volume is that large. Typically, this results in a partial, controlled demolition to remove the non-salvageable ceiling panels.
You can reach our SERVPRO of The Seacoast branch at (603) 433-4300. Contact us right away if you experience any type of water damage issue in your home such as an overflowing bathtub.

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Appliance Caused Flood Damage In Hampton

4/6/2018 (Permalink)

Don't wait until it's too late to restore your laundry room from flood damage! Call the pros at SERVPRO of The Seacoast!

Appliance Malfunction in Hampton Homes Can Result in Flood Damage

Sometimes when it gets freezing outside in Hampton, pipes freeze and break. Cold weather also possibly effects appliances. In some properties, the washer and dryer are in the garage or a laundry room that is not insulated as well as the rest of your home. When the temperature outside drops below freezing water inside a washing machine or a joint at the valve sometimes breaks allowing water to affect the area.

Water filling into your laundry room is a problem that requires quick mitigation so that mold growth does not occur. SERVPRO's flood damage experts in Hampton have experience in dealing with appliance-caused issues. First, the washing machine gets turned off and fixed so that water does not continue to leak out of it.

Next, all of the appliances in the room including the washing machine either get moved or placed onto foam blocks. Then, extraction occurs as we use our equipment to vacuum up any water in the area. If the water is deep, a sump pump gets used to suck up the standing water. Other times, we use either a truck-mounted or portable extractor with a specialized tool to extract water from furniture or flooring.

After we pull all of the moisture out of the floor and contents, we begin the structural drying phase. SERVPRO's restoration technicians first use their sensors and meters to see where moisture is present in the laundry room. Then, we set up air movers and dehumidifiers to dry out any water present within a 48-hour period to inhibit any mold growth.

After our technicians are comfortable with the humidity and moisture levels inside your laundry room, we complete a final cleaning and deodorization phase. We make sure any affected materials that possibly cause foul odors get removed. We use multiple chemicals and methods whenever we attempt to remove any pungent smells.

Our technicians have a plethora of chemicals that fight smells in many different ways. Some chemicals absorb odor-causing particles while others mask them with better-smelling aromas. For professional assistance with deodorization of your home, call SERVPRO of at 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

For more on Hampton, click here.

Understanding the Factors Affecting Restoration of Your Hampton Home After Flood Damage

3/31/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding can be overwhelming to you and your family. Have SERVPRO on speed dial to arrive quickly after a storm and begin the drying process.

Team SERVPRO Has Drying Out Your Home After a Storm Down to a Science

Flood damage due to heavy rains, storms or any other natural cause can have a devastating impact on your Hampton home. The floodwater can enter your home and damage the aesthetics, even the structural integrity.

SERVPRO professionals can help you restore your flood-damaged Hampton home in no time. However, the success rate and the time required for the restoration depends on several factors. Our IICRC certified technicians use a multifaceted approach to eliminate the water and the residual moisture and prevent any significant damage to your home. Here are a few factors that affect the restorability of your home after a flood damage incidence.

The amount of flood water involved
One of the first factors dictating the restorability is the amount of water involved. Understandably, the more water involved, the more time it is going to take to remove it. It is crucial to remove the stagnant water from the property, but it is equally important to eliminate the excess residual moisture as well. SERVPRO professionals use state-of-the-art equipment to eliminate this moisture and prevent any secondary damage after a flood.

The standing water is removed using equipment called extractors. They are available in multiple sizes from truck-mounted to hand-held. The extractors pump out the liquid water in no time, but they can not eliminate the residual moisture from the air; that job is done by the dehumidifiers.

The dehumidifiers are equipment that can remove excess water vapor from the air. SERVPRO technicians use this equipment to dry the air and prevent secondary damage such as mold growth.

The humidity and temperature
Both the humidity and the temperature play a crucial role in the drying process. A combination of high temperature and a low humidity works the best for efficient drying. The ideal temperature to promote faster drying and hence faster restoration is around 70 to 80 degrees. The ideal humidity, on the other hand, is below 40%.
If both the temperature and humidity conditions are met, drying occurs at a faster rate and restoration takes less time.

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast at (603) 433-4300 today to schedule an appointment with one of our restoration experts.
Click here for more about Hampton. 

Watch Out For Avoidable Mistakes When You Face Mold Damage In Exeter

3/20/2018 (Permalink)

Mold spores cannot thrive without the presence of water in your Exeter property.

Mold Damage In Your Home

The buildup of indoor moisture from high relative humidity, plumbing, and roof leaks may lead to mold damage. When the relative humidity is kept low, chances for condensation to take place reduce, and that means there are no appropriate conditions for fungi to grow. Mold spores cannot thrive without the presence of water in your Exeter property.

It is necessary to take precautionary measure when dealing with mold damage in Exeter because it can cause health effects. Our SERVPRO technicians assess the level of contamination and choose the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the job. When the area is extensively contaminated, we prefer a half-mask respirator, full body suits, and chemical resistant gloves. For light levels of contamination, an N95 respirator can be good enough.

We are careful not to spread the contaminant to clean areas, and if we have to disturb the mold when cleaning the site, we make sure containment procedures are already in place. Containment also helps limit mold exposure to the occupants and our SERVPRO team. If the area we are working on is small, we practice limited containment. Otherwise, we do full containment when the place is more than 100 square feet.

After disturbing the mold, spores and dust might settle on porous and non-porous surfaces. When that happens, we do damp wiping and HEPA vacuuming to do the removal. We first determine the airflow direction and clean areas towards that path, and the cleaning process starts from the structure's top towards its bottom.

When drying the items and rooms, our SERVPRO technicians some methods such as using air movers may be necessary if we believe they might spread the spores. We first remove any wet objects from the area to speed up the rate of evaporation and after that setup dehumidifiers to lower the humidity. Since dehumidifiers do not have much airflow, it is not a concern to use them at this stage.

At SERVPRO of The Seacoast, We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster whether it strikes your home or business property. Call us at (603) 433-4300 when you need to be served by a proven industry leader.

For more about the city of Exeter click here.

Commercial Flood Damage Cleanup In Your Hampton Bookstore

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

Heavy rains in Hampton can wreak havoc on your Hampton bookstore.

Commercial Flood Damage Cleanup

Heavy rains in Hampton can wreak havoc on your Hampton bookstore. Not only do water and books not mix, but floodwaters getting into your structure can cause damage to the building itself and cause you to have to shut your doors for a time while you clean up. You cannot always avoid these things from happening, but you can at least prepare for such a disaster by storing things such as important documents in sealable plastic bins up and away from the floor.

If you experience commercial flood damage inside your Hampton business, you need the assistance of professionals with the cleanup and repairs. SERVPRO are the ones you should call. Our crews disinfect, clean and dry out your building using the latest in technology and tools. Training, high-powered equipment, and experience make us the company to trust with your valuable merchandise and the integrity of your building.

We use truck-mounted pumps to extract any standing water, and place fans and dehumidifiers to dry your property quickly to prevent additional damage like mold growth. Moisture meters are also used to keep track of the moisture content in your structure to ensure that we get the levels back down to normal. After all the moisture is removed, we can start any restoration of merchandise, plus demolition, and reconstruction of your building if it is needed.

Dehumidifiers, heat, and fans are used in the drying process and get all the moisture out of your structure. We monitor these devices daily and move them around to ensure the fastest drying time. The combination of air and heat movement helps us get any moisture out of the walls and floors as well. Our dehumidifiers remove the moisture from your building.

SERVPRO of the Seacoast work efficiently and quickly so that you can open the doors of your bookstore again and not lose much business in Exeter, Greenland, or Portsmouth. We understand that a disaster like this is very stressful, so we work to relieve that stress as much as possible when you call us at (603) 433-4300.

Click here for more about Hampton.

Water Removal and Cleanup From a Leaking Refrigerator/Freezer in Your Exeter Home

1/2/2018 (Permalink)

Leaks from Fridges or Tubs Means SERVPRO Restores an Exeter Water Damaged Home

SERVPRO Utilizes Many Types of Sensors to Restore Standard Moisture Levels

A leaking refrigerator/freezer in your Exeter home can happen for a few different reasons. If the defrost drain freezes, the water overflows the drain trough and drips down to the bottom compartment, eventually leaking onto the floor. The water tank assembly can also begin leaking. These leaks can be difficult to find, but a leaking tank requires replacement. Also, if you have a water dispenser and ice maker, the inlet valve can become loose or cracked, allowing water to leak.
If your refrigerator/freezer has started leaking in your Exeter home, especially if it has gone unnoticed for a while, you need water removal services. SERVPRO has all the right tools for this, and all our staff has been specially trained and certified as well. We can have the water removed from your home and dry again in a timely fashion to prevent further damage.
When your home has suffered water damage, our goal is to return all the affected materials to their normal levels of moisture content. We use moisture meters to find the actual moisture content of different materials to help us determine if your structure is dry. Penetrating moisture meters have probes to test inside wall cavities and underneath flooring. Penetrating meters also test separate layers. Non-penetrating meters have sensors which make readings when they are placed on the surface of materials.

SERVPRO technicians must use the moisture meters properly. We ensure that the meter we are using is set to the surface we are testing. A moisture meter set for drywall, for example, does not accurately read moisture content in wood materials. The relative scale is used to determine readings for non-wood materials and the wood scale to determine readings for wood. If possible, we can establish a baseline of moisture content from material from an unaffected area of the structure.
We also use thermo-hygrometers to measure both the relative humidity and temperature. We let the meter adapt to air conditions in the room before taking the reading, then in conjunction with a psychrometric calculator or chart to figure out the specific humidity. Readings of air for four areas are used including the areas unaffected, the areas affected by moisture, outside the home, and the exhaust being processed through the dehumidifier into the affected area.
SERVPRO of The Seacoast has the tools to ensure that your home is thoroughly dry again after cleaning up the damage. Doing so ensures your home in Exeter, Hampton, or Portsmouth does not suffer from additional damage such as mold growth, so give us a call when you need us at (603) 433-4300.

Data on this NH town here.

When Heating Your Home Creates Smoke And Fire Damage In Hampton

12/15/2017 (Permalink)

Heating a home is essential to keeping its interior warm, but doing so can also create hazards.

Smoke And Fire Damage In Your Home

During the winter in Hampton, homeowners heavily rely on their furnace to keep their home warm. Many older homes still have working fireplaces, which many residents use to keep specific rooms warmer and more inviting for themselves and guests.

Either kind of heating source can create smoke and fire damage in your Hampton home. Furnaces experience puff back when they begin to fail, due to misfiring and incorrect timing of their internal mechanisms, while fireplaces can emit smoke and ashes when materials fail to burn hot enough. Creosote can accumulate in chimneys, forming another dangerous fire hazard in the home.

Heating a home is essential to keeping its interior warm, but doing so can also create hazards. Furnaces that misfire can start fires inside their heating ducts, just like chimneys can catch on fire when buildup along their interior walls ignites.

SERVPRO assists many families to live in safer homes, free of smoke residue caused by fire damage from poorly functioning furnaces and partially blocked fireplaces. We already remove smoke and soot buildup as a crucial part of our fire damage restoration services. However, removing soot and smoke residue caused by incomplete burning of materials in the fireplace is a more difficult task than removing soot caused by wood-based fires.

Many families place precious photos and other memorabilia on or near their fireplace mantles. These items can soon become covered with a dense layer of fine ash and soot. We can efficiently clean away this grimy layer, protecting your belongings' finishes from further deterioration and increased etching. We can give other surfaces in the area a clean, fresh look, as well, with a thorough cleaning that removes any buildup.

After you have replaced the furnace, we can make your home fresh again by removing the deposits left behind on walls and ceilings. The area around the furnace and heat vents on walls receive the majority of residue from such problematic furnaces.

As buildup from fireplaces and malfunctioning furnaces accumulates on surfaces in your home, the particles in the residue begin to deteriorate. As this natural process proceeds, these loosened particles can affect occupants' sense of smell and possibly aggravate pre-existing respiratory ailments.

SERVPRO of The Seacoast wants to work with you in making your home free of smoke and fire damage. We use the right tools with hard-working cleaning agents that make such work quick and efficient. Our 24-hour service is always available to our customers by calling (603) 433-4300 any day of the year.

Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hampton,_New_Hampshire for more about Hampton.

How to Handle Water Removal in Hampton Like a Pro

11/6/2017 (Permalink)

Hampton Water Removal with Squeegees and Pumps, Just Call SERVPRO

Simple, Call the Pros from SERVPRO for Cleanup and Water Extraction

A waterlogged property, whether from a busted pipe or flooding, is a total nightmare. Knowing what to do in case it ever happens, is critical to limiting damage to your property, here in Hampton. The first thing to do in such a case is, of course, water removal. If the water is not extracted promptly and efficiently, it can wreak havoc on your home and belongings.

As water removal is such a crucial step in damage control, you should only trust professionals with years of experience in the field. Thankfully, here at SERVPRO, we have a team of experts who can help you in water removal from your Hampton property to limit damage and start the restoration. Our technicians are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to get rid of the water as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What can you do?
Although our team of water restoration experts can get things to preloss condition for you in no time, there are a few things that you can do to limit the damage. Assuming a SERVPRO team of experts is already on their way, here are a few things that you can do in the meanwhile.

- The first things to do is to find the source of flooding and cut the water at its source. Turn off the main water supply to your property
- Unplug your devices if it is safe to do so
- Make sure that you have a place for the restoration crew to keep your moved furniture
- It can be tempting to turn on heat or fan in an attempt to dry the carpet but avoid doing it. Turning fans or heat can do more damage than good
- Never use a home vacuum pump or a similar device to remove water by yourself. Staying safe is your priority.

What happens next?
As soon as we receive a call from you, we can dispatch a team of water restoration experts to your property. Upon arrival, they can assess the situation, extent of damage and devise a plan. Water removal and restoration is a multi-step process that can take some significant amount of time. The process begins with extracting free-standing water and moisture from carpets, upholstery, and padding with extraction equipment.
We only use professional grade dehumidifying equipment, and our experts strive hard to get the humidity under control as soon as possible. SERVPRO experts also try to minimize secondary damage and mold growth as a result of the water intrusion.

Water removal is a tricky process that should be done by qualified professionals. At SERVPRO, you get to see first-hand, that expert service from talented and experienced professionals.

Call SERVPRO of The Seacoast today at (603) 433 4300 to speak to a representative about getting your property back in order after a water damage.

Read at the Lane Memorial Library.

Cold, Wet Weather Increases Chances of Mold Damage to Historic Houses in Hampton

10/15/2017 (Permalink)

When you suspect the mold in your attic is making its way down to other living spaces, it's time to contact SERVPRO for their thorough remediation.

SERVPRO Finds and Fixes the Source of the Mold in Your Home

Attics in the cold winter weather seem to stand still in time, but any microorganisms inside remain active. Ice dams and snow accumulation can work against Hampton homeowners when shingles develop weak areas. Microbes that receive even small amounts of water from melting snow trapped overhead by ice buildup can become highly active. The cold only inhibits their growth slightly.

To help protect Hampton properties from extensive mold damage, SERVPRO technicians apply a unique anti-microbial agent, Concrobium, to at-risk surfaces. Concrobium is safe around children and pets, but deadly to microorganisms.  

The microorganisms already present when an application takes place become encapsulated. As it dries, any microorganisms covered slowly become crushed, rendering them inert. Other microorganisms, including spores, that travel to the treated area later cannot obtain the moisture necessary to grow because of the chemical composition of the anti-microbial agent.

Even in somewhat small areas, we can protect against the effects of mold damage. We can apply Concrobium in a spray, as a fine mist, instead of painting it onto walls. Because it contains no bleach or other strong-smelling chemicals, residual odors do not cause problems like other chemicals might.

When mold affects an attic, the problem might seem as if it should not spread to other areas of the home, but vents can permit this to happen. Furnace activity causes slight air currents inside your attic, and these can lift up loose spores.  

Whenever spores become airborne inside your living space, they can colonize any other areas of your home where moisture accumulates. Windowsills often gather a great deal of moisture from condensation. Windows which receive little natural sunlight often experience much more mold activity than windows facing East or West. Other places where infestations can grow quite rapidly include in and around unwashed laundry, under sinks, and inside closets with damp outerwear.   

SERVPRO of The Seacoast is always ready to help property owners fight microbial infestations by removing mold damage and helping provide the protection needed to prevent future problems. Contact us at our local number, (603) 433-4300, for our 24-hour, 7-days a week service.

For more information regarding Hampton, click here

Full-Service Solutions To Mold Damage Found In Your Portsmouth Area Home

9/13/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Usually Requires Professional Help for Remediation--Rely on SERVPRO

Remediation Is More Complicated Than Wiping Up a Mold Stain

Mold reproduces by devouring organic materials used to construct your home. They prefer dark, damp, humid areas and create small, lightweight seeds, called spores. These seeds travel through the air, gaining access to portions of your Portsmouth home through open airways, or by catching a ride on your shoes or even a household pet.  

Mold spores can usually survive for a very long time, even before settling on an acceptable surface. However, after finding an adequate site, molds rapidly develop into large contaminated areas within 24 to 48-hours, continually spreading throughout your Portsmouth area home, causing mold damage as the growth process continues.   

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests that any homeowner experiencing mold growth should seek professional help removing any standing water or wet materials found on your property, as they serve as breeding grounds for many microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, and mold. Whether you experience a freshwater flood, sewage back-up, roof leaks, or plumbing issues, mold and mildew can develop soon after.

A qualified mold remediation specialist, like those offered at SERVPRO, can provide you with the professional services you need to remedy the problem and even give you tips that help prevent mold growth in the future. It takes a keen eye and advanced equipment to combat mold found on your property, especially on larger areas where there may also be hidden dangers that exist. SERVPRO’s mold remediation specialists use physical methods to remove contaminated materials, following strict guidelines to contain the affected area, preventing further spread and limiting exposure to clean sections of your home. We pay close attention to furniture, upholstery items, bedding, and toys, using advanced cleaning and disinfection techniques to restore contents if at all possible.
SERVPRO technicians may inspect every section of your home to determine how far the contamination has spread, eliminating potential problems one at a time before installing new materials that make your home look like new again.

Contact SERVPRO of The Seacoast for full-service solutions throughout the Portsmouth and Exeter areas, we are here to help. Dial (603) 433-4300 for fast, efficient services.

More information on the New England town here.

Homeowners: Tips to Prevent Frozen Pipes in Below-Freezing Weather

12/12/2016 (Permalink)

 As the weather dips into colder temperatures, it is crucial to protect your home’s water pipes against freezing. Untreated pipes in your basement and crawlspaces can be an expensive and scary scenario for any homeowner.

Why Frozen Pipes Are a Problem

Water expands as it freezes. This expansion puts extreme pressure on whatever is containing it, including metal or plastic pipes. Pipes that freeze most frequently are those that are exposed to severe cold, like outdoor water faucets, swimming pool supply lines, water sprinkler lines, and water supply pipes in unheated interior areas like basements and crawl spaces, attics, garages, or kitchen cabinets. Also, pipes that run against exterior walls that have little or no insulation are also subject to freezing.

A 1/8-inch crack in a pipe can leak up to 250 gallons of water a day, causing flooding, serious structural damage, and the immediate potential for mold.

In the U.S., frozen pipes cause significant damage every year, but they often can be prevented. Taking a few simple steps, even now, may save you a lot of aggravation and expense.


There are three common causes of frozen pipes:

1. Quick drops in temperature
2. Poor insulation
3. Thermostats set too low

Luckily, there are a number of preventative steps you can take to keep your pipes from freezing:

  • Check the insulation of pipes in your home’s crawl spaces and attic. Exposed pipes are most susceptible to freezing.
  • Heat tape or thermostatically controlled heat cables can be used to wrap pipes. Be sure to use products approved by an independent testing organization, such as Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and only for the use intended (exterior or interior). Closely follow all manufacturers’ installation and operation instructions.
  • Seal leaks that allow cold air inside near where pipes are located. Look for air leaks around electrical wiring, dryer vents, and pipes, and use caulk or insulation to keep the cold out. With severe cold, even a tiny opening can let in enough cold air to cause a pipe to freeze.
  • Use an indoor valve to shut off and drain water from pipes leading to outside faucets. This reduces the chance of freezing in the short span of pipe just inside the house.
  • A trickle of hot and cold water might be all it takes to keep your pipes from freezing. Let warm water drip overnight, preferably from a faucet on an outside wall.
  • Keep your thermostat set at the same temperature during both day and night. You might be in the habit of turning down the heat when you’re asleep, but further drops in the temperature – more common overnight – could catch you off guard and freeze your pipes.
  • Open cabinet doors to allow heat to get to uninsulated pipes under sinks and appliances near exterior walls.

If Your Pipes Do Freeze ...

  • If you turn on your faucets and nothing comes out, leave the faucets turned on and call a plumber.
  • If your house or basement is flooding, turn off the water valve and call 1-800-SERVPRO.
  • Do not touch or use electrical appliances in areas of standing water due to electrocution concerns.
  • Never try to thaw a pipe with a torch or other open flame because it could cause a fire hazard. Every year, many building fires are caused by people trying to thaw frozen pipes. All open flames in homes present a serious fire danger, as well as a severe risk of exposure to lethal carbon monoxide.
  • You may be able to thaw a frozen pipe with the warm air from a hair dryer. Start by warming the pipe as close to the faucet as possible, working toward the coldest section of pipe.
  • Again, if your water pipes have already burst, turn off the water at the main shutoff valve in the house; leave the water faucets turned on and call 1-800-SERVPRO. Make sure everyone in your family knows where the water shutoff valve is and how to open and close it. Likely places for the water turn-off valve include internal pipes running against exterior walls or where water service enters a home through the foundation.
  • If you will be going away during cold weather, leave the heat set to a temperature no lower than 55°F.


9 Positive Effects of Giving to Charity

12/9/2016 (Permalink)

You might be surprised to learn that, ultimately, it might be you who reaps some of the best rewards of your donation. Here are nine positive effects of giving to charity.

1. Experience More Pleasure
In research conducted by the National Institutes of Health2, participants who chose to donate a portion of $100 they were provided enjoyed activated pleasure centers in the brain. Although this experiment was controlled and scientific, it did show that donating money simply makes you feel better, which is something we can all benefit from.

2. Help Others in Need
We don't live in a perfect world, and there's never going to be a perfect time to give—but there are always people out there in need of help.

3. Get a Tax Deduction
If you give to an IRS-approved charity, you can write off donations on your tax return. Donating your cash is a great way to reduce the amount of money you send off to Uncle Sam, and for a good cause, to boot.

4. Bring More Meaning to Your Life
When you donate money to charity, you create opportunities to meet new people who believe in the same causes that inspire you. That, and making a real impact on those causes, can infuse your everyday life with more meaning. 

5. Promote Generosity in Your Children
When your kids see you donating money, they're much more likely to adopt a giving mindset as they grow up. 

6. Motivate Friends and Family
When you let your friends and family know of your charitable donations, they may find themselves more motivated to undertake their own efforts to give.

7. Realize that Every Little Bit Helps
You don't need $10,000 to make a difference in someone's life. In developing countries, even just a few US dollars could result in a week's worth of meals for a starving child, much-needed medical attention, and even improved schooling. 

8. Improve Personal Money Management
If you set a scheduled $100 donation each month for a particular charity, that can motivate you to be more attentive to your own finances in an effort to ensure you don't default or fall behind in your monthly donations. Anything that gets you to pay closer attention to your bank account is a good thing—especially when it helps those in need.

9. Give, If You Can't Volunteer
This might not necessarily be a positive effect of charitable giving, but if you're too busy to volunteer or otherwise donate your time, giving money is the perfect workaround. Never think that you can't improve someone's life or the world itself if your personal or professional schedule won't allow the time. Writing out a check is a simple way to show you're willing to help others in any way you can.

Do you know of any other positive effects of donating money to charity?

Fire Restoration - Fire & Smoke Damage

12/1/2016 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in the basement of a local Church. The Church is a historical building built approximately 120 yrs ago & is home to 2,500 parishioners.

Fire and smoke damage to your home or business can be a huge and unexpected bump in the road.  SERVPRO has over 40 years of experience in the fire and smoke restoration business.  At SERVPRO, our disaster restoration experts will be there to help you clean up and restore your home or business to its pre-loss condition.  Our certified team offers customers professional restoration expertise while providing the highest level of integrity, quality and service, including but not limited to the following:

  • Work directly with your insurance company and assist you in the claims process
  • Deal directly with professional dry cleaners to get your clothing back to you quickly
  • Smoke and odor removal, sanitation and air purification
  • Structural cleaning with environmentally friendly methods
  • Cleaning and storage of personal belongings
  • Climate controlled storage
  • Complete Demolition
  • Thermal Fogging and Ozoning on site or in our cleaning facility

Fire spreads a variety of chemicals and soot, depending on the source of the fire.  This creates challenges in cleaning and decontamination, which can be hindered if not done properly.  In addition, smoke can be caustic in nature resulting in the necessity for prompt removal to minimize damage to fabrics, ferrous metals, electronic devices, chrome and painted surfaces.  Our Disaster Restoration Experts are ready to respond 24 hours a day to start the cleaning and restoration process to help minimize the damage.

Our project managers will support you throughout the entire restoration process, informing you every step of the way.  Property damage by fire, smoke and especially water must be treated promptly and efficiently to ensure the best results and prevent further damage.  We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year including holidays for any emergency. At SERVPRO, our IICRC certified team will make sure your loss situation is handled correctly and professionally to minimize discomfort, inconvenience and unnecessary additional costs. We specialize in insurance claims and we'll even bill the insurance company directly so you have one less thing to worry about.

We know a home or business disaster such as a fire is a traumatic event.  No one expects a fire to happen to them, and therefore they frequently are unprepared for what they must do to help return their lives back to normal.  Our goal is to help you regain control to make your damage "Like it never even happened."


11/28/2016 (Permalink)

"Growing facial hair is fun. Helping out my fellow man by growing a flawless moustache is as good as it gets." -Tyson Bostrom

Since the beginning of the month, we have been contemplating the spirit of Movember whose origins are to raise awareness for men’s health issues. If you are interested, you can donate directly on the Movember.com website.

To a lesser and more entertaining extent, we thought this would be an excellent chance to show you the efforts of our fantastic Project Manager, Tyson. He believes strongly that cancer awareness and research is important for all cancers, and is quite excited to embarrass himself this month in the hopes of raising a few dollars. This is Tyson’s fourth year in a row participating in Movember.

If you would like to make a donation via Tyson’s page, visit https://us.movember.com/donate/payment/member_id/8610093/.

We would like to thank all who have already donated -- every penny makes a difference!      

Thank you!

11/22/2016 (Permalink)

It’s Thanksgiving week, and you’re probably looking forward to spend the weekend feasting with family and friends!

But before we get to the weekend, we want to spend some time saying ‘thank you’ to all those who’ve helped make our business what it is. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be so happy and successful doing what we love!

On that note, we’d like to give out a huge thank you to all of our customers for using our services, giving us feedback – both positive and negative, helping us build a better company and staying with us while we do.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Hurricane Matthew

11/21/2016 (Permalink)

Two feet of water filled the downstairs of this apartment during Hurricane Matthew.

Our crews are finally coming home in time for Thanksgiving! They have been helping clean up in North Carolina after the mess Hurricane Matthew left behind.  This picture shows damage in an apartment building before we performed services. 

SERVPRO has the best Storm Team in the country, equipped to mobilize wherever disaster strikes. Our franchise is proud to play a part in helping people all over the nation in need of assistance.


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